[F]Ships lvl bonus stats

Just recon that some premium ships are lvl up but doesnt obtaining any statistic bonuses after ding. I’m not sure it should be like that because they are premium but if so it is totally pointles to keep them in long term…

Just recon that some premium ships are lvl up but doesnt obtaining any statistic bonuses after ding. I’m not sure it should be like that because they are premium but if so it is totally pointles to keep them in long term…

When you Lv up a ship only 2 stats increase. With the next Lv the other 2 stats increase and so on.

IMO, I think that each level should give + 2% Of base stats.with a max of level 5.

Also the way the ships are leveled should be changed.

eventually this game will get either 1) and economy and with it gold farmers or 2) lots of people and an economy. which means inflation. a really really good sink hole for this is making upgrades of ships be based on a cost rate.

for example

level 1 : 100k (+2% stats)

level 2: 250k (+4% stats)

level 3: 500k (+6% stats)

level 4: 100gs (+8% stats)

level 5: 250gs (+10% stats)

IMO, I think that each level should give + 2% Of base stats.with a max of level 5.

Also the way the ships are leveled should be changed.

eventually this game will get either 1) and economy and with it gold farmers or 2) lots of people and an economy. which means inflation. a really really good sink hole for this is making upgrades of ships be based on a cost rate.

for example

level 1 : 100k (+2% stats)

level 2: 250k (+4% stats)

level 3: 500k (+6% stats)

level 4: 100gs (+8% stats)

level 5: 250gs (+10% stats)

gold only upgrades are never a good idea since they give the “pay to win” concept wich deters a big portion of the gaming comunity to play the game.

what can be done is

level 1 : 100k or 10g (+2% stats)

level 2: 250k or 25g(+4% stats)

level 3: 500k or 50(+6% stats)

level 4: 1000k or 100g (+8% stats)

level 5: 2500k or 250g (+10% stats)

there is another option wich is the one i like the most that consist of giving free stats when gaining lvs that can be spended to upgrade the ship say:

each lv up gives 3 stats to spend into the folowing stats

hull integrity: each point increase hull hp by “x”

hull armor: increase armor by “x”

nanobots: give hull regen by “x”

lighter alloys: decrease hp by a small amout but increase speed

shield enhacment: increase shield hp by “x”

shield density: increase shield defence by “x”

deflector shield: chance to deflect and receive no dmg from an incoming attack formula should be based on both deflector shield stat and armor vs current attack type.

pierce: each point reduce enemy shield and hull armor vs our weapons

enhaced weapons systems: decrease energy regen but increase weapon overheat time and dispersion penalty when shooting.

and probably many more, this will give ships a big boost in term of customisations, creating lots of options without the need of adding lots of new ships or weapons.