[F]Ship Tier Realignment Causing Major Balancing Bugs



Since the latest patch, there’s a lot of problems caused by the new tier layout, namely bonus payout, slot layouts, among other things. These new changes have also taken away some of the benefits of having two of the same level and type of ship, such as having two T1 level 3 Empire Interceptors, like how I had previously. With the new changes, this benefit is lost.


If these changes are to be permanent, I have a list of bugs that need to be worked out, especially since it makes some of the ships completely inferior. To start, I’ll cover income bonuses since they are all over the place currently:



  • Dvergr Knight only has a 15% income boost, while the level should have a 45% boost.

  • Hercules Arrow only has a 15% income boost, while the level should have a 45% boost.

  • Iron Harpy only has a 15% income boost, while the level should have a 45% boost.

  • Steel Harpy only has a 22% income boost, while the level should have a 65% boost.



  • Swift-M only has a 15% income boost, while the level should have a 45% boost.

  • Lynx Mk II only has a 15% income boost, while the level should have a 45% boost.

  • Raptor Mk II only has a 15% income boost, while the level should have a 45% boost.

  • Swift Mk 3 only has a 27% income boost, while the level should have a 80% boost.



  • Dagger AE only has a 15% income boost, while the level should have a 45% boost.

  • Zealot AE only has a 15% income boost, while the level should have a 45% boost.

  • Daggar Type V only has a 22% income boost, while the level should have a 65% boost.

  • Neuron Zealot only has a 22% income boost, while the level should have a 65% boost.



  • Deimos, Fox, Machete (Fighters) for Level 4

  • Dwarf (Interceptor), Alligator-C (Frigate), Machete AE (Fighter) for Level 5

  • Everything else for Level 6


In addition to these reward bonus issues (they definitely should not be nerfed; it’s hard enough to make money as it is!), there are multiple balancing issues. Mainly, Level 4, 5, and 6 ships are vastly different from one another, and makes for a very unbalanced start to a tier. I’m not sure what’s intended with the changes, but at the very least, the Reward Bonuses should be standardized.
