if you have 5k shields, (as the shield tank) you should be hitting for more then 250 on it. this 3000-4000 damage a second, is not going to work.

2000-3000 a second when you have 10k? dead in 3 seconds, and most fights take 10-15 seconds to shake someone.

this is unstable we need a hot fix to nerf all damage to max of 500 a hit.

the amount of damage being out put is just resulting in 2-3 shots, if not 1 shot.

the damage vastly needs to be nerfed, down to 150 max dmg on weapons.

also the passive shield regen needs a nerf as well.



if you have 5k shields, (as the shield tank) you should be hitting for more then 250 on it. this 3000-4000 damage a second, is not going to work.

2000-3000 a second when you have 10k? dead in 3 seconds, and most fights take 10-15 seconds to shake someone.

this is unstable we need a hot fix to nerf all damage to max of 500 a hit.

way to many thing to consider before asuming this

first is the technology gap, one never knows if the guy fighting in the other side has the full tech researched and as a result far more powerfull pasives activated on him

second thing is the type of damage, as far as my knowledge goes emp dmg does more dmg to shield while piercing does more dmg to hull, problem here is mods that change your dmg type thgat guy could have a mod that change his dmg type to emp to blast your shield and then back to thermal to blast your hull.

third thing is your ressistance, i am currently running a jerico fighter will full anti thermal armor mods. desintegrators and guided torpedos barely take 1/5 of my shield on direct hits while piercing or emp weapons trash me in seconds

if anything what they need to do is remove the change dmg type mods, no point going full anti thermal if the enemy can change from thermal to emp by pressing a button. a buff to defensive modules would be olso welcome aside from jerico fighters with full anti “x” type, ships are indeed going down to fast.

skill tree issues will resolved soon, with the upcoming patch.

as for the rest of the passives, this will take time to balance etc and so forth, i personally have the opinion that each ship should have its own unique respective passives, that way specific ships are suited for specific purposes. this helps make the game less “gets get the highest tier ship” and more of “lets get a mix of all types of ships that fix different roles” there by changing the game from a power house game, and making it into strategy and tactics.