[F]Problème connection jeu / I can not log into the game

Salut / Hello

Voilà j’ai installé et re installer le jeu plusieurs fois mais rien n’y fait au moment de rentrer mon login et pass il me dit :

The Procedure is not available : Cannot connect to the server.

Here I have installed and re installed the game several times but nothing happens when I enter login and pass it to me said:

The Procedure is not available : Cannot connect to the server.

Svp quelqu’un pourrait m’aider car la je ne trouve pas de solution.

Please someone could help me because I can not find how to solve the problem.

Are you connecting via Wlan or Lan?

If you use Wlan could you try to switch over to Lan?

Je suis connecté a internet via le réseau lan directement connecté à ma box.

I am connected to internet via lan network connected directly to my box.

Je précise que je joue a d’autre jeu et que je n’est aucun problème de connection j’ai aussi couper mon pare-feu, mon anti-virus.

Le jeu ce lance j’arrive au menu log and pass mais une fois que je rentre mais log il ne veut pas me laisser acceder au jeu.

Note that I had to play another game and I is no problem of connection I also cut my firewall, my anti-virus.

The game starts I get this log and pass the menu but once I get home log but it will not let me get to Thurs

Another member had the same problem, but for him he was using an udated Wlan driver so could you try to update your driver ?

Salut, moi quand je veut jouer au jeu et que je mets mes identifiant il y est écrit " The server connection was lost. Reason: You have entered incorrect information alors que je mets mon Mdp d’origine ou celui que j’ai choisi il y a rien a faire connection impossible. En bas a gauche il y a “Extended patch notes are available on the Closed beta-test forum.”

Pour se connecter au jeu il faut mettre l’adresse e-mail ou son nom de compte?

Use the email as a login, Hener.

Pour le jeu ou le site?

Probleme résolu pour moi MERCI!!

I get the same issue with “The Procedure is not available : Cannot connect to the server.” Instantly after you hit log in it pops this dialog up. It doesn’t even try to connect. All my lan drivers are updated and i even upgraded my router firmware. Doesn’t change anything. Tried it with firewall and with no antivirus or firewall same effect.