[F]Overdrive is broken

oh god. try it out before you comment on something you know nothing about :slight_smile:

oh god. try it out before you comment on something you know nothing about :slight_smile:


I fly Deimos 2, Phobos Aura and Desert Eagle.


I think I know how it works and how it is supposed to work and how it is working completely fine.


Just l2p.

It’s because the fighter attempts to pitch or yaw at its maximum rate even when this is unnecessary, which is high enough it overturns, and then attempts to correct, often overturning again, especially in a dogfight.


It wouldn’t be a problem if the game’s flight model wasn’t in the freelancer style. Whatever you do, get rid of the turn speed implant.

Thanks man. some advice that might actualy work. thanks for replying :slight_smile:


oh and Stigez. reported… troll

Thanks man. some advice that might actualy work. thanks for replying :slight_smile:


oh and Stigez. reported… troll


Did I win against you one time too many or what are you on about?


If your name is the same ingame then I farmed you quite a few times today aswell lol

It’s because the fighter attempts to pitch or yaw at its maximum rate even when this is unnecessary, which is high enough it overturns, and then attempts to correct, often overturning again, especially in a dogfight.


It wouldn’t be a problem if the game’s flight model wasn’t in the freelancer style. Whatever you do, get rid of the turn speed implant.


Thing is game’s flight model isn’t in the Freelancer style, except of the way UI is made (mouse pointer/attack markers). 


Either reduce your mouse sensitivity, or remap movement keys. If what you describe happens that means you don’t know how to control turn rate versus throttle output.

I’m aware what causes it, Oxia, I’m merely pointing out the fighter behaves erattically at maximum speed in a turning battle.


It’s just a disconnect for most players because empire fighters aren’t normally super-agile.

I’m aware what causes it, Oxia, I’m merely pointing out the fighter behaves erattically at maximum speed in a turning battle.


It’s just a disconnect for most players because empire fighters aren’t normally super-agile.


What I meant, basically,  was  that “whatever you do, get rid of the turn speed implant” is not really good advice. Actually for people who like to be more “twitchy” during a fight removing this implant is worst advice ever.


Better would be to teach people how to dogfight using their improved turn rate while also using throttle the way it should be used. 


I see it way too often - people who try to dogfight while using their afterburners all the time and instead of barrel rolls with speed reduction trying to strafe and turn only. Sure I can’t hit you,  but you are unable to hit me as well which isn’t working in your favour when I decide to activate my debuff modules.


Also - one very important thing when deciding to use any turn speed improvement: Main Menu → Settings —> Game: Auto Alignment [OFF]

That’s what makes every dogfight with improved turning rate most fracking confusing experience ever.

This issue is already known and reports go into the beta forum, not into general discussion.