[F]Negative credits

Hello sorry if this isn’t the right section see i started playing yesterday from my steam account and i don 't how this happened but i ended up with negativ galactic credits (-2) now i can t play or do anything any solutions ? 


this problem has been appearing more and more lately…

I believe you have to contact customer support in order to get it fixed for you.


do you remember which purchase caused this bug?

Could you provide your in game nick name?

It appears to be slenco from the picture above.

LOL @ the general chat in that screen shot


I am actually surprised its not a conversation about bacon

Hello do you remember which purchase caused this bug? Could you provide your in game nick name?

well i’m using steam and my steam name is S!lenc!o but in the game its slenco because it doesn’t support the ! i think

and the bug i dont remember the name actually since i m new XD sorry abt that but it s when you finish a battle and you get to  look for prizes or something like that and after you find one you gget to choose between 2 options 10% and 30% i was choosing the 30% option and i didnt know it cost me credits ! 

We have set your balance to 0 and everything should be working again.

i think i can provide some informations here: once you selected the 30% loot option you will NOT lose the gs immedeately, but only after picking up the loot.

if you spend gs meanwhile without knowing this your gs might drop below zero after picking up the loot. this can easyly happen with gold missiles+auto rebuy and then taking the loot.

We have set your balance to 0 and everything should be working again.


i think i can provide some informations here: once you selected the 30% loot option you will NOT lose the gs immedeately, but only after picking up the loot.

if you spend gs meanwhile without knowing this your gs might drop below zero after picking up the loot. this can easyly happen with gold missiles+auto rebuy and then taking the loot.

/topic moved.

I will try to reproduce this today.