[F] Mouse movement locked to X Axis

could someone please tell me if this bug will fix or will I go on like a long time for two weeks playing well and not just the game I pay 80 dollars and it would be fair to at least comment on will be solved when I have looks static in the middle and never under

someone I could say as I upload the zip file here that already compressed but not as uploading meeting beforehand is appreciated


Now since the last patch 8.1 update #2 the bug expanded.

Before the last patch my mouse movement was locked only on the x-axis.



Since the last patch the mouse movement is also locked on the y-axis



[DxDiag.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=5995)

[game.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=5996)

[user_config.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=5997)

devs are working on it but we still need more hardware details!!!


we need DX Diag Files from all who have this problem!

Here is My dx Diag before latest patch my aim was locked both x and y (which wasn’t too bad in my opinion), but now it is only locked to the x axis so I can’t aim up or down.



[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6042)

Here’s my DxDiag too.


I can only aim on the X axis.
Put my drivers up to date, deleted my profile to no avail, changed the controle to expert then back to base. Nothing worked.


The problem really stuck after the patch for me too.
Strange thing was the morning, everything was fine, then in the afternoon, the bug appeared.


I’ve got it a few times before the patch too, but changing controls to base > expert > base was enough to stop it.

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6043)

Here’s my DxDiag too.


I can only aim on the X axis. Same as well all the ohters here.


Is  like the same all the ohter Videos ond the reportet her 

get my loggs in the mail hope you can fix it fast thx.



[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6046)

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6047)

[user_bindings.xml](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6048)

[user_config.xml](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6049)

Got the problem as well.


Uploaded my DxDiag as well

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6061)

We need a DX Diag File from all who have this issue.

Hey i seem to be having this issue aswell, it did go away then last update triggered it again i think. Any news on a fix??? Here’s My DxDiag.

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6064)

I as well am having this problem.

I installed Adaware, Avast antivirus, Spybot Search and Destroy, A-squared anti-malware, and Smart Defrag.

When I restarted after installing the above programs the vertical axis bug hit, so it is possible that it is linked to one of these programs.


Hope it gets resolved soon.  I’ll try uninstalling or reversing the actions of key programs to try and see if I can track down the issue.  I will say this: There is no button or command that toggles the vertical axis as being locked, so if anyone is going to look for it you should know it does not exist.

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6073)

Then this is rather related to programms who can alter game files or scan the game while running.


Can you give us some feedback as fast as possible?

Then this is rather related to programms who can alter game files or scan the game while running.


Can you give us some feedback as fast as possible?

I checked and I have Avast myself, which suggests that that may be the issue, I posted my Dxdiag here: (along with several logs)

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/19741-rmouse-aim-locked-to-x-axis/?p=201517](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19741-rmouse-aim-locked-to-x-axis/?p=201517)

But I checked with avast disabled and found that it didn’t affect the bug in any regard, still it may be worth consulting with avast to get them to help you narrow down the issue.

Which is kinda annoying, i’ve not been able to play in a little over a month because of this.



Ich hoffe ich habs richtig verstanden.



On my sytem running Avaste to and allways Microsoft Security Essentiasls

and  allways Sonnday  the Recovery tool from Mirosoft.



Hope it helping you. Playing 10 days wiht aming only on X-Axies …

I uninstalled Lavasoft’s Ad-aware free and tried a game: problem persisted

I uninstalled Advanced System Care Free and tried a game: problem persisted.

I uninstalled Avast! Anti-virus, and restarted due to it requiring restart: Problem RESOLVED.


I will update after reinstalling A. S. C. -free and Ad-A Free, and finally Avast! A-V.


To all who are having this problem the problem was resolved after uninstalling Avast! Anti-Virus.  You can try permanently disabling it to see if that resolves the issue.  If you can try this and let me know if that is a fix then do so.  Otherwise I will test that myself during my testing.

Issue replicated.

Ad-aware personal and Advanced System Care are both compatible with Star Conflict.


Avast! Anti-virus is not compatible with Star Conflict.  I tested it with it just installed at the vertical was locked to the camera.  I then disabled all of the shields in Avast! and tried again, and the result was the same as before; Camera locked to vertical.


If someone is having this problem and is using Avast! Anti-Virus then they need to uninstall Avast! to resolve the issue as it conflicts with the game.


Incompatibility issue: Avast! Anti-virus locks the mouse in Star Conflict.

I’ve found an issue. I was looking for the program in my firewall setting to make sure it was on the list and I cannot find the program. I’ve had issues with installs too. The steam version game client is named Star Conflict where as the version downloadd throught the public torrent is named “game”. I don’tknow if this is an issue, but I have the x-axis bug as well so I’m not able to play until it is fixed. I also origionally downloaded the game through steam but I updated through the star conflict launcher. I do not know if this caused an issue but a full re-install did not help. I too use Avast. I’m not relally ready to have my computer unprotected in order to play a game, however.

Issue replicated.

Ad-aware personal and Advanced System Care are both compatible with Star Conflict.


Avast! Anti-virus is not compatible with Star Conflict.  I tested it with it just installed at the vertical was locked to the camera.  I then disabled all of the shields in Avast! and tried again, and the result was the same as before; Camera locked to vertical.


If someone is having this problem and is using Avast! Anti-Virus then they need to uninstall Avast! to resolve the issue as it conflicts with the game.


Incompatibility issue: Avast! Anti-virus locks the mouse in Star Conflict.



Okay, then we need to compare settings, because im am using Avast too. No issues at all.

I use Avast too.

I’m trying to change antivirus now, to see if it solves the problem.

I just switch from Avast to Eset.
Problem solved.




Ich hab avaste gelöscht (erased) ( mit  avast tool ) und ein neuen antiviren scanner rauf gemacht nun geht  die maus wieder normal.


Hatte wohl damit zu tun das man Star Conflickt  über Steam und auch über den Spiele eignen Verknüpfung Starten / anmelden kann und Avaste aber nur für einen von beiden eine freigabe gibt.


Problem gelöst / Problem solved.



mfg Mellot