[F]Map Changes while typing in chat

please disable the change of the map while typing the  letter M in chat.


I am fine if enabled while in combat but not in chat

I would like the possibility to choose which one you like in the options menu, because the new “plain” radar is really half-done and pretty bad to know exactly where your team-mates are, and is starting to piss me off the fact that I need to always change it at the start of a battle or whenever I write a word with the “M” letter.


You can change the key in key binds.  M is too far away for me.

You can change the key in key binds.  M is too far away for me.

Oh, good to know, i’ll completely unbind it the next time i log in since it’s almost useless xd

I’d rather use the tab map view to see the objects around in addition. Helps a lot with coordinating aproach directions when stealth planting for one.

If you have really high sensor range, the old 3d map was useless because everything near to you was so clustered you couldn’t make anything out.  If you have almost no sensor range like a zero synergy frigate the minimap helps since your 3d map shows nothing.


The 3d map was only good for average sensor ranges.

Yeah, I couldn’t find the keybind for it, and it honestly was so bad I lost the round because of it.