[F]Lost starting faction buff+daily login reward

As the title says, after a crash while i was playing, i restarted the game, when it told me that my steam login was invalid …

After a few tries i could get into the game then i got my daily login reward, but it was on the first day, while i already have gotten my 3rd day yesterday… weird in itselve…so it got reset, not that of a problem…

But i just got my new ship, so i researched it, and then i noticed, that my starting federation armor+shield buff was gone, on all ships… probably the earnings buff is gone too, the whole race choice alltogether i think …


Now you think im imagening it, now ive looked up a video on youtube about starconflict gameplay, and recalculated the hull and shield hp the guy in the video  had at level 1, and it seems he took federation, and he DID got the shield+hull HP buff, he had 2% more hull and shield on every ship than i had…

I would like to know if i need to contact support about it, and if other people having this problem too …

Talked to you in game about this, I am experiencing it also.


Not recieving my empire racial bonus.

Known issue. Will be fixed as soon as possible.

ah ok, good to know :smiley:


Ill wait for my support ticket then :smiley:


I was glad to know not only federaiont, or me had it, but all players :smiley: