[F]Locking target bug

Wel i supose it should be a bug.

During fight each time i switch weapon mods this makes always i loose my target and then i got to lock on it again…

This is a very annoying bug during dogfighting :frowning:

Could anybody elese check this please?


i dont have such a bug, yesterday i was changing ammo mods without losing target. what kind of weapon do you use and what mods exactly ? maybe its a problem only with this one you are using

Thanx Goijirta,


Using assalt plasma and switching from to “booster circuit” to “needle system” and viceversa always makes me loose the target and then got to lock it again. “Auto lock on Target” is set on “only if no other target is lock”

im using rails and everything is ok for now

Can you try to turn of auto lock target?

a little updates,

i had it yesterday but only once.

I tried it for couple of times and it did not happen for me.

If it happens again could you add the game logs which are located on My Documents/My Games/Star Conflict/logs ?

…the game logs which are located on My Documents/My Games/Star Conflict/logs ?

…which is only true if you used a standard install location (which I assume is the minority of beat testers?)

…which is only true if you used a standard install location (which I assume is the minority of beat testers?)

It should create this folder no matter where you install the game,

but I will recheck it.

not playing in xstmas time, i’ll do some more test as soon as i can :slight_smile: