[F] Insta Bomb Pickup

1 When I am in the “strong” (fighter commander) and I drop my mine field while picking up the bomb I can sometimes insta grab it without having to wait the whole time it takes to pick up the bomb.



UPDATE. 6/7/2013 5:06am



We have seen a interceptor not only insta GRAB a bomb, but insta PLANT a bomb.
More info on this at very bottom of OP.


2 This is not just a bug but an exploit I have found and seen other craft types do in different ways, as a fast interceptor can pick up the bomb as he pass’s by while another person (like me) whose waiting to pick it up is left going “wtf”.

3 If I play 4 detonations matches I should see it once or twice, cant use a screen shot for a timed event…Ill try and duplicate it on fraps in a practice match

4 This may have been covered and fixed, but sometimes I can start capturing the bomb, and when I use a secondary weapon or activation ability (most notably the AOE mines MK2) it just picks the bomb up on the spot skipping the timer.

5 Ive seen frigs do it accidentally (much to the horror of the pilot who then gets blown to pieces) though never with space mines. No clue how the ints do it as I have tried with a 'spirit" to no avail, but when it happens the ship is often on the bomb less then a second. This and it seems to come and go (the same pilot may do it a few times in a match but next time I see them they can’t insta grab.

6 Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
Manufacture: Sager
Model: notebook
Processor Intel Core i7-2860qm CPU @2.50 GHz 2.50GHz
System Type 64 Bit

Ram 12 GB

Graphics Cards
AMD Radeon HD 6900M Sries
AMD Radeon HD 6900M Sries

Hard Drives
HD1 250GB solid State Drive
HD2 750GB
HD3 750GB

If you need more ask : /

7 going to try and use fraps to catch this glitch.






8 Log files NOW UP



BlackFold and CensoredByAdmin are witness to this as well.


Goshaopasen is the name of the guy using a Interceptor that not only Insta grabbed a bomb, he also insta PLANTED a bomb. Check out his ship config, the answer is in there some place.


Somehow activating some abilities activate the “bomb is grabbed/planted” code

[ChollBombPickupExploit.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6062)

Please follow the report guide.

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/19744-how-to-report-bugs/#entry201933](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19744-how-to-report-bugs/#entry201933)

I have seen this myself

Last night I was the only guy within distance to get the bomb

an interceptor flys in, I almost have the bomb, maybe one or two ticks left

and then he has the bomb and Im left confused

Please follow the report guide.

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/19744-how-to-report-bugs/#entry201933](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19744-how-to-report-bugs/#entry201933)

 Since editing doesn’t show as a new post… He updated the initial post with the requested information.

We need a video, cannot reproduce in-house.

We havent been able to do it, only see it happening unfortunately. Even Error witnessed it in a match I flew with him… Dude just flys by at full speed and picks up the bomb without stopping or anything.

We see this regularly as well :confused:

Did some still notice this issue during detonation matches?

I saw it yesterday

It’s happened to me a few time on both ends of the issue.  


I’ve warped in with my engi at the beginning of the match with the intention of doing a fly by and dropping a minefield on the bomb.  I’ll be maybe 2 ticks into the capture process when I drop the mines and already pulling away and Bam! I have the bomb.  This has happened to me maybe 3-4 times…enough now that I no longer try to minefield the bomb prior to the first pickup because of accidental pickups.  Also it’s not just a matter of being in range of the bomb for too long… bomb capture range is 500m more or less so I try to stay outside of that range for as long as possible.


I’ve also been on the receiving end of this where I’ll have maybe 2 ticks until I capture the bomb and some enemy ship swoops in from out of the blue and instacaps it.


I’ve never seen an insta plant though in all my games.


This isn’t an issue that happens every game…but enough to be an issue.  I have a strong suspicion it’s a glitch related to active module or missile use that interrupts/interferes with the capture process script.

Dunno how the darn thing works exactly but there’s been a few times where I felt I should’ve gotten the emp first but didn’t.


Here’s the latest one:


2 engineers flying close to each other side by side vs Kine in Interceptor. One of the engineers has the bomb. I took it down to < 15% hulls on approach and killed it off at less than 1,000m. I would orbit the location until the timer appears and about 3-4 bars up, the other engineer picks it up ? This was in T2.

Can someone of you try to upload the log files from such an insta pick?
They are located in:
My Documents/My Games/Star Conflict/logs.

It’s happened to me a few time on both ends of the issue.  


I’ve warped in with my engi at the beginning of the match with the intention of doing a fly by and dropping a minefield on the bomb.  I’ll be maybe 2 ticks into the capture process when I drop the mines and already pulling away and Bam! I have the bomb.  This has happened to me maybe 3-4 times…enough now that I no longer try to minefield the bomb prior to the first pickup because of accidental pickups.  Also it’s not just a matter of being in range of the bomb for too long… bomb capture range is 500m more or less so I try to stay outside of that range for as long as possible.


I’ve also been on the receiving end of this where I’ll have maybe 2 ticks until I capture the bomb and some enemy ship swoops in from out of the blue and instacaps it.


I’ve never seen an insta plant though in all my games.


This isn’t an issue that happens every game…but enough to be an issue.  I have a strong suspicion it’s a glitch related to active module or missile use that interrupts/interferes with the capture process script.


What kind of minelayer was used by insta pick up?

What kind of Ship have you used?

What kind of modules where used?

What kind of buffs you had in the moment you got the bomb?


It could be a issue related to Implants. What kind of implants are you using when the insta pickup happend?

It’s been so long since I’ve gotten anywhere near a bomb as a frigate.  The examples I gave were from around 1-2 months ago using mk1 minefields.  I’ll just give you my loadout for that ship I guess.


Ship:  Hydra 2

Mk1 Minefields


Active Mods:  Mk3 Warp Gate, Mk3 Nanodrone Cloud, Mk3 Mass Shield Gen


I would assume since every time this has happened to me has been when trying to mine the initial bomb spawn at the beginning of the game I had at the very least Aegis buff as well.


I fail to see how implants would cause this issue but I’ll play along:  Jericho 1, Fed 2, Jericho 3, Fed 4, Empire 5, Fed 6.

If it’s still happening, try unregulated detonation matches.  The bots ignore the bomb, so you can maybe test what’s causing it.  Perhaps if you and others were warping in, the warp speed affects the pickup speed.

Will try to reproduce