[F]Heavy frame rate issues

I like this patch very much but i’m having insane frame rate issues!

my frame rate continously jump from 100 to 5-6, being nearly unplayable :frowning:

Really got the ffeling that something weord suddenly make the fps falls down and i play

nearly all the time in a kind of flickering slow motion :frowning: Rarely it come back to normality but after

a while fps fall again

Anyone else having same problems? Playng in windows mode 1280x800

I didn’t change anything in graphic or game settings.

im having same issues if u are around otherplayers u get bad fps but if u are away from players u get max fps

im having same issues if u are around otherplayers u get bad fps but if u are away from players u get max fps

Big problem!

Found that even pressin t to lock on nearest target, makes fps immediately fall down till the target it’s locked :frowning:

i have also went through changing all settings in my game and nothing fixes it

its all fixed with the patch

so the issue is fixed for all of you guys?

Yaes m8 just checked now and it’s workin great for me too :slight_smile:

But playeds just one to try :slight_smile:

/fixed and closed.

If the issues appears again, please make a new post.