[F]Flying green cube

Yes you red it well!

That’s waht i’ve seen…


I think I saw a blue one yesterday :slight_smile: Perhaps a nice easter egg event. It’s a bug with the ship models.

Could you please upload the logs?

I think I saw a blue one yesterday :slight_smile: Perhaps a nice easter egg event. It’s a bug with the ship models.

Could you please upload the logs?

Sure m8 just explaine me how to do, coz i got no idea lol



The game logs should be located under My Documents/My Games/Star Conflict/Logs

But only the logs from the session where this happened.

The game logs should be located under My Documents/My Games/Star Conflict/Logs

But only the logs from the session where this happened.

SEnt m8, check your PM :wink:

SEnt m8, check your PM :wink:

You can also just post it in this thread if you wish, that way other people (like me) can look over the logs and speculate as to what the issue is.

But obviously, this is a texture or model problem. The block you see is the texture error (or model error). I will check if I see these things as well (it could mean it is the game itself) but if nobody else sees them (error mentioned he saw them… so) then it could simply be your graphics hardware.

Are you using a laptop? What kind of graphics card do you have.

You can also just post it in this thread if you wish, that way other people (like me) can look over the logs and speculate as to what the issue is.

But obviously, this is a texture or model problem. The block you see is the texture error (or model error). I will check if I see these things as well (it could mean it is the game itself) but if nobody else sees them (error mentioned he saw them… so) then it could simply be your graphics hardware.

Are you using a laptop? What kind of graphics card do you have.

That’s the frist time i saw it…

I got an old athlon 4200+ x2 @3200 mhz and a 4890 toxic (1gb ram) :wink:

game runs perfectly at high details lol

That’s the frist time i saw it…

I got an old athlon 4200+ x2 @3200 mhz and a 4890 toxic (1gb ram) :wink:

game runs perfectly at high details lol

Well I haven’t tested the game yet but when I do I will get back to you, though that hardware does sound somewhat old to be honest - so it could be a hardware issue if Error has similar hardware to yours.

I will see if I see anything when I play.

My Hardware is different from that:) I’m pretty sure that it’s just a little grafic bug which should be fix in the next patches.

core i 5 3450 @ 3,10 ghz and a ati 7770 with 1 gb ram…same issues

i guess the players activated some module which effects are missing…or it’s a error said a easter egg maybe a reference to tetris…

Okay got the same in hangar fiew directly after my inty reached lvl 3. LOL

After unequipping one piece the cube dissapeared. Added the game.log but since you cant upload .log files i addad it als .txt. Now have fun devs with this funny little bug. xD


[game.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=4338)

Okay got the same in hangar fiew directly after my inty reached lvl 3. LOL

After unequipping one piece the cube dissapeared. Added the game.log but since you cant upload .log files i addad it als .txt. Now have fun devs with this funny little bug. xD

Do you recall, by any chance, what the one piece you removed from your ship was? That might be related to what is causing the problem (Or it could have just been a fluke, like you take some equipment off and it updates the ship model or something and that is what removed the green square?).

Here are some snippets of warnings and errors(I am thinking it is your hardware, you need more ram or something):

"14:14:24.593 WARNING| frame 19731 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.168871)

14:14:25.953 WARNING| frame 19786 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.143966)

14:14:26.187 WARNING| Client: recive Entity sync notification #2 for entity with netId 108, but entity not exis(def ‘SpaceMissile_Cruise_T2_Mk1’)

14:14:40.937 WARNING| frame 20544 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.162879)

14:14:47.171 WARNING| frame 20894 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.136603)

14:15:57.218 WARNING| Client: recive Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 938, but entity not exis(def ‘SpellAuraEntity’)

(Repeats like this with varying things)

14:16:20.437 WARNING| Pixel shader parameter ‘CodeParam0_Float4’ not assigned to any of material constants in ‘dyn_glass’

14:16:20.859 WARNING| Pixel shader parameter ‘CodeParam0_Float4’ not assigned to any of material constants in ‘dyn_glass’

14:18:03.343 WARNING| Client: recive Entity sync notification #2 for entity with netId 2879, but entity not exis(def ‘SpaceMissile_Standart_T2_Mk1’)

14:24:41.062 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\windows\lootwnd.lua@254): UI.LootWnd:CanShowLoot()[ERROR]: lootAttemptsNum is 0

14:25:45.921 ERROR| Input model file ‘models\ships\race_2\s\r2_s_capacitor2.mdl’ missing

14:25:45.921 ERROR| Can’t read mesh file 'models\ships\race_2\s\r2_s_capacitor2’

14:25:54.890 | client: send ready message

14:25:55.109 ERROR| Input model file ‘models\ships\race_2\s\r2_s_capacitor2.mdl’ missing

14:25:55.109 ERROR| Can’t read mesh file 'models\ships\race_2\s\r2_s_capacitor2’

14:29:18.921 WARNING| Pixel shader parameter ‘CodeParam0_Float4’ not assigned to any of material constants in ‘dyn_glass’

14:47:37.234 ERROR| Input model file ‘models\ships\race_2\s\r2_s_capacitor2.mdl’ missing

14:47:37.234 ERROR| Can’t read mesh file ‘models\ships\race_2\s\r2_s_capacitor2’

14:47:37.234 ERROR| Model ‘models/ships/race_2/s/r2_s_capacitor2’ not found - using default model

14:52:06.531 WARNING| ^1UiResourceManager::GetResourceHandleByName - cannot find resource - empty resource name (resource type: “STRING”)

14:53:17.812 WARNING| frame 139088 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.100152)

14:53:23.625 WARNING| ^1UiEffect::LinkWnd(): cannot find object with name “fraction” in effect “shop_buy_main”

14:53:25.953 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 34.8 ms

16:21:19.578 WARNING| ^1UiResourceManager::GetResourceHandleByName - cannot find resource (resourceName: “PlasmaWeb_Faction1”, resourceType: “STRING”)

16:21:23.734 WARNING| ^1UiResourceManager::GetResourceHandleByName - cannot find resource (resourceName: “PlasmaWeb_Faction1”, resourceType: “STRING”)


That is the extent of the errors they just repeat.

I could guess that it is your hardware but that could be wrong, so I’ll let the devs look that stuff over because it could be problems within the game contents, perhaps a mis-spelled or corrupted file?

Removed T2 mk1 extended capaciator

Btw im having the max ram my system can take. Win XP SP3 and 4gb of ram. Using a ATI Radeon 4890 and craphic drivers are up to date.

Removed T2 mk1 extended capaciator

Yup, as you can see by the errors I listed in my post ~ That has something to do with the model, looks like we found the bug for the devs ~ It is that capacitor:

14:47:37.234 ERROR| Input model file ‘models\ships\race_2\s\r2_s_capacitor2.mdl’ missing

14:47:37.234 ERROR| Can’t read mesh file ‘models\ships\race_2\s\r2_s_capacitor2’

14:47:37.234 ERROR| Model ‘models/ships/race_2/s/r2_s_capacitor2’ not found - using default model

Hopefully that is what is causing the problem, anyway.

@ post below ~ sounds about right.

Indeend this is the problem. Im having it right now every time i log in and return from a battle. Also the same Error in the log files. But i guess its more a bug with the lvled ship since its generator has been increased and now the corrosponding file for it is missing or corrupted.

Actually this bug can also appear by the T1-2 Interceptor from jericho techs

There is a fix on the way with the next patch.

There is a fix on the way with the next patch.

Awesome, thanks for letting us know.

/Fixed and closed. If it appears again please contact me and I will reopen the topic.