[F]failed to find contract message

Sometimes i hit the fight-bottom, the searching windows opens and after some time there comes the message “Failed to find contract”. after that my ships are in battle, but without me as pilot. i have this message: “selected ships are currently in another battle”. someone has a clue why this happens?



     -  no repair costs, no message if the battle was won or lost

Can you fill this template? We need more infos related to this issue.


Charactername: -
What did you expect to see: -

What happened: -
What was your last action: -
Is the bug reproduceable, if yes please describe how to reproduce the bug: -
Please attach at least one screenshot or make a little video of the issue: -
Attach the game logs from the session to your post(Only the logs from the session where the bug occured. The logs are located on

My Documents/My Games/Star Conflict/logs):

For launcher related problems please also attach the .txt files located in your Gamefolder -> “.launcher_log”

What are your system specs: -

What internet connection do you have: -


Thanks for your help and don’t hit the asteroids :fed012:

Charactername: excalibur4
What did you expect to see: the launcher starts -> triangulation-> failure message


What happened: ships seem to going into battle, its the same like disconnect from a game

What was your last action: push the “fight buttom”

Is the bug reproduceable, if yes please describe how to reproduce the bug: yes it happens sometimes / dont know how to produce it

Please attach at least one screenshot or make a little video of the issue: Problem :ok i have a screenshot but i cant post it because of “security settings of my browser” if i want to paste , there comes always a window which says i shall confirm the operation with cmd/ctrl v. if i do this, nothing happens (google chrome / ie) / with url comes this message :You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.

Attach the game logs from the session to your post(Only the logs from the session where the bug occured. The logs are located on

My Documents/My Games/Star Conflict/logs):






12:54:25.710        | Combat:       Excalibur4 reward 4860 experience for victory

12:54:25.710        | Combat:       Excalibur4 reward 4725 reputation for victory

12:54:25.710        | Combat:       Excalibur4 reward 144027 credits for victory

12:54:25.734 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\public\uipublic.lua@592): ShowWinLoseWnd() winReason = 9 CONTROL_TARGET_SCORE_REACHED

12:54:30.712 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\windows\lootwnd.lua@1665): UI.Loot_ScanPointWnd:UpdatePos()[ERROR]: position of entity “LootPoint3” is out of screen

12:54:30.712 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\windows\lootwnd.lua@1665): UI.Loot_ScanPointWnd:UpdatePos()[ERROR]: position of entity “LootPoint9” is out of screen

12:54:30.712 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\windows\lootwnd.lua@1665): UI.Loot_ScanPointWnd:UpdatePos()[ERROR]: position of entity “LootPoint11” is out of screen

12:54:30.712 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\windows\lootwnd.lua@1665): UI.Loot_ScanPointWnd:UpdatePos()[ERROR]: position of entity “LootPoint5” is out of screen

12:54:30.712 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\windows\lootwnd.lua@1665): UI.Loot_ScanPointWnd:UpdatePos()[ERROR]: position of entity “LootPoint1” is out of screen

12:54:30.712 WARNING| script (ui\scripts\windows\lootwnd.lua@1665): UI.Loot_ScanPointWnd:UpdatePos()[ERROR]: position of entity “LootPoint8” is out of screen

12:54:33.061        | client: player 0 leave game

12:54:33.477        | client: player 7 leave game

12:54:33.570        | client: player 1 leave game

12:54:34.211        | client: player 4 leave game

12:54:34.283        | client: player 21 leave game

12:54:34.852        | client: player 13 leave game

12:54:35.015        | client: player 8 leave game

12:54:36.006        | client: player 22 leave game

12:54:37.031        | client: player 23 leave game

12:54:40.867        | client: player 5 leave game

12:54:42.219        | client: player 18 leave game

12:54:45.380        | client: player 14 leave game

12:54:45.450        | client: player 15 leave game

12:54:45.707        | client: player 12 leave game

12:54:46.197        | client: player 9 leave game

12:54:46.372        | client: player 11 leave game

12:54:48.227        | client: player 6 leave game

12:54:51.752        | client: player 16 leave game

12:54:53.424        | client: player 2 leave game

12:54:53.480        | client: player 3 leave game

12:54:53.803        | client: player 20 leave game

12:55:01.623        | client: player 19 leave game

12:55:04.893        | client: connection closed

12:55:04.893        | Network stats (bytes per second): avg pushed 636, max pushed 925, avg sent 1694, max sent 2298, avg received 5946, max received 10756

12:55:07.068        | ====== starting level: ‘levels\mainmenu\mainmenu’ Control ======

12:55:08.004        | ====== level started:  ‘levels\mainmenu\mainmenu’ success ======

12:55:08.153 WARNING| frame 176964 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.140034)

12:55:35.070        | MasterServerEndpoint: enter matchmaking queue with mmvalue 36

12:58:18.193 WARNING| MasterServerEndpoint: leave matchmaking queue ( but will join the game soon )

12:58:20.797 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 16.2 ms

12:58:49.380 WARNING| frame 189272 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.431518)

12:59:09.314 WARNING| frame 190359 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.466421)

12:59:34.072 WARNING| frame 191083 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.100906)

13:01:45.004 WARNING| frame 194928 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.103657)

13:08:03.166 WARNING| frame 206037 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.221028)

13:08:04.358 WARNING| frame 206068 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.170537)

13:09:45.148        | reset d3d device

13:09:45.677 WARNING| frame 209024 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.437777)

13:09:46.124 WARNING| frame 209025 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.355001)

13:09:46.140 WARNING| frame 209026 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.446647)

13:09:48.172 WARNING| frame 209117 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.442985)

13:12:49.415 WARNING| Re-requesting vessel information due to m_nextVesselsLockRecheck <= 0.0f (frameTimeReal = 0.034012)

13:12:49.877 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 19.9 ms

13:13:04.177 WARNING| frame 214874 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.218784)

13:16:06.007 WARNING| frame 220212 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.118908)


game net


For launcher related problems please also attach the .txt files located in your Gamefolder -> “.launcher_log”



BUILD TIMESTAMP:   Dec  6 2012 00:13:44

TIMER freq: ticks/usec=3 ticks/msec=3312


  0.00 [D]  Thread “Watchdog thread” started (auto delete is 1)

DELETE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_09_20_45_13__1740.txt, days passed 31 > 30

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_10_12_13_38__5072.txt : size so far 0 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_09_18_12_36__1872.txt : size so far 41610 of 52428800

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  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_08_15_59_38__3408.txt : size so far 101150 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_08_14_10_41__1612.txt : size so far 130340 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_08_13_25_04__3964.txt : size so far 197176 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_07_22_58_17__2124.txt : size so far 225864 of 52428800

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  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_07_15_05_50__3288.txt : size so far 682960 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_06_20_11_07__2792.txt : size so far 711880 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_05_21_17_28__2404.txt : size so far 741455 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_05_18_01_09__2752.txt : size so far 770664 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_04_22_34_40__3328.txt : size so far 800007 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_04_16_58_21__4180.txt : size so far 841173 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_04_15_56_11__4860.txt : size so far 871225 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_04_14_09_39__5056.txt : size so far 899814 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_19_45_28__3384.txt : size so far 929242 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_14_15_34__4672.txt : size so far 958765 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_14_15_31__4332.txt : size so far 988607 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_14_14_39__3492.txt : size so far 1017610 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_12_34_17__3400.txt : size so far 1058121 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_12_33_42__3884.txt : size so far 1110731 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_11_04_40__1132.txt : size so far 1141780 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_02_18_31_26__1464.txt : size so far 1171453 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_02_14_52_40__1780.txt : size so far 1199217 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_01_19_48_46__3900.txt : size so far 1331649 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_31_20_57_06__1632.txt : size so far 1360061 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_31_20_08_12__2628.txt : size so far 1387210 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_31_15_56_09__2644.txt : size so far 3234317 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_30_20_05_37__4908.txt : size so far 3262500 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_30_18_27_38__4268.txt : size so far 3290765 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_30_17_47_40__5080.txt : size so far 3318953 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_29_19_30_58__3484.txt : size so far 3349998 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_29_18_07_37__3960.txt : size so far 3377644 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_28_19_43_43__1216.txt : size so far 3407540 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_28_18_55_45__2848.txt : size so far 3436540 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_22_17_52__3520.txt : size so far 3466205 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_20_04_37__2992.txt : size so far 3496971 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_17_50_53__3896.txt : size so far 3525663 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_15_39_56__260.txt : size so far 3554149 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_13_35_41__3164.txt : size so far 3585215 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_13_35_26__3652.txt : size so far 3612060 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_11_23_14__3376.txt : size so far 3650772 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_26_23_04_43__2660.txt : size so far 3679037 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_26_14_55_36__2400.txt : size so far 3706923 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_26_11_56_00__2624.txt : size so far 3735695 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_25_23_33_51__1112.txt : size so far 3763421 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_25_19_02_40__3748.txt : size so far 3904321 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_24_20_02_45__3448.txt : size so far 3934064 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_24_17_39_20__2436.txt : size so far 4887542 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_23_20_16_55__4140.txt : size so far 4914835 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_23_18_09_43__2248.txt : size so far 4944514 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_22_20_06_39__2856.txt : size so far 4974775 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_22_20_06_14__4508.txt : size so far 5004205 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_21_19_43_57__1128.txt : size so far 5033961 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_21_18_35_51__3724.txt : size so far 5063946 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_20_19_05_25__3096.txt : size so far 5093362 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_20_15_20_14__4568.txt : size so far 5122314 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_20_14_19_02__3492.txt : size so far 5151495 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_20_10_40_32__3904.txt : size so far 5180819 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_19_23_22_07__444.txt : size so far 5209003 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_19_15_21_51__3844.txt : size so far 5259385 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_19_00_52_29__4488.txt : size so far 5288300 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_18_16_48_24__4228.txt : size so far 5427098 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_18_16_36_37__3368.txt : size so far 5451879 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_18_16_17_28__3044.txt : size so far 5547425 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_17_20_03_47__1928.txt : size so far 5576616 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_17_17_46_51__4772.txt : size so far 5605286 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_17_17_15_59__1528.txt : size so far 5633254 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_16_20_12_22__4880.txt : size so far 5670882 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_16_19_58_38__4996.txt : size so far 5698077 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_16_16_26_01__3524.txt : size so far 5738264 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_15_20_10_34__3428.txt : size so far 5777282 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_15_17_53_00__3648.txt : size so far 5804770 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_14_19_34_04__4068.txt : size so far 5853090 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_13_19_22_21__4568.txt : size so far 5881597 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_13_17_32_30__4076.txt : size so far 5919885 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_12_22_43_03__2324.txt : size so far 5946798 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_12_19_27_34__4900.txt : size so far 5973700 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_12_16_30_33__1176.txt : size so far 6011376 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_12_13_34_48__2896.txt : size so far 6037998 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_12_12_00_32__4052.txt : size so far 6064686 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_12_09_33_26__3316.txt : size so far 6090488 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_11_21_20_10__3564.txt : size so far 6141628 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_10_18_59_36__1300.txt : size so far 6168559 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_10_18_47_48__4332.txt : size so far 6213799 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_10_18_25_53__3868.txt : size so far 6327590 of 52428800

  0.08 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_10_18_08_52__536.txt : size so far 6446717 of 52428800

  0.09 [D]  Getting language from Software\Gaijin\StarConflict

  0.09 [D]  HKEY_CURRENT_USER: English

  0.18 [D]  Couldn’t resolve host ubuntu-vm0.targem.local; error #11001

  0.18 [D]  Ping to ubuntu-vm0.targem.local: 0

  0.18 [D]  Thread “http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/yuitem/http_seeds.php” started (auto delete is 1)

Sending request to http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/yuitem/http_seeds.phpThreadhttp://web.star-conflict.com/skin/skin_en.html” started (auto delete is 1)


Sending request to http://web.star-conflict.com/skin/skin_en.html

onInitComplete() done

  0.19 [D]  Thread “http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/launcher/version.php” started (auto delete is 1)

Sending request to http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/launcher/version.php

http://web.star-conflict.com/skin/skin_en.html loaded with HTTP status code 200 (0.343 seconds, 4679 bytes answer):


        <style>              .inner_body {                  background-image: url( http://web.star-conflict.com/skin/img/inner_body_en_075.jpg );                  position: absolute;                  top: 55px;                  left: 8px;                    width: 787px;                  height: 470px;                    overflow: hidden;                    padding: 0;                  margin: 0;                  margin-top: 0px;              }                .news {                  position: absolute;                  top: 158px;                  left: 20px;                    width: 270px;                  height: 360px;                    overflow: hidden;                    padding: 0;                  margin: 0;                  margin-top: 0px;              }              .news_header {                  font-size: 16px;                  font-family: arial;                  font-weight: bold;                  color: #ffffff;              }              .news_link {                  behavior: ext_href;  


Thread “http://web.star-conflict.com/skin/skin_en.html” done

Thread “http://web.star-conflict.com/skin/skin_en.html” has been automatically deleted

Thread “http://star-conflict.com/news-en.html” started (auto delete is 1)

Sending request to http://star-conflict.com/news-en.html

http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/yuitem/http_seeds.php loaded with HTTP status code 200 (0.374 seconds, 423 bytes answer):


http://seedfr2.yuplay.com/content/ http://seedfr3.yuplay.com/content/ http://seedrum.yuplay.com/content/ http://seedrus2.yuplay.com/content/ http://seeduk.yuplay.com/content/ http://seedus2.yuplay.com/content/ http://seedus3.yuplay.com/content/ http://seedrum2.yuplay.com/content/ http://771779835.r.cdn77.net/content/ http://seeduk2.yuplay.com/content/ http://seeduk3.yuplay.com/content/ http://seeduk4.yuplay.com/content/


Downloading state 0

  0.55 [D]  Thread “http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/yuitem/http_seeds.php” done

Thread “http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/yuitem/http_seeds.php” has been automatically deleted

http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/launcher/version.php loaded with HTTP status code 200 (0.374 seconds, 8 bytes answer):



Thread “http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/launcher/version.php” done

Thread “http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/launcher/version.php” has been automatically deleted

Thread “Periodic version check” started (auto delete is 1)

Thread “http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/yuitem/get_version.php” started (auto delete is 1)

Sending request to http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/yuitem/get_version.php

http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/yuitem/get_version.php loaded with HTTP status code 200 (0.296 seconds, 11 bytes answer):



C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_10_12_13_38__5072.txt : size so far 0 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_09_18_12_36__1872.txt : size so far 41610 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_09_15_02_00__3312.txt : size so far 71368 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_08_15_59_38__3408.txt : size so far 101150 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_08_14_10_41__1612.txt : size so far 130340 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_08_13_25_04__3964.txt : size so far 197176 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_07_22_58_17__2124.txt : size so far 225864 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_07_21_36_55__1656.txt : size so far 254636 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_07_20_04_37__744.txt : size so far 282864 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_07_16_03_53__1224.txt : size so far 458733 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_07_15_05_50__3288.txt : size so far 682960 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_06_20_11_07__2792.txt : size so far 711880 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_05_21_17_28__2404.txt : size so far 741455 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_05_18_01_09__2752.txt : size so far 770664 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_04_22_34_40__3328.txt : size so far 800007 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_04_16_58_21__4180.txt : size so far 841173 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_04_15_56_11__4860.txt : size so far 871225 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_04_14_09_39__5056.txt : size so far 899814 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_19_45_28__3384.txt : size so far 929242 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_14_15_34__4672.txt : size so far 958765 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_14_15_31__4332.txt : size so far 988607 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_14_14_39__3492.txt : size so far 1017610 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_12_34_17__3400.txt : size so far 1058121 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_12_33_42__3884.txt : size so far 1110731 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_03_11_04_40__1132.txt : size so far 1141780 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_02_18_31_26__1464.txt : size so far 1171453 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_02_14_52_40__1780.txt : size so far 1199217 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_02_01_19_48_46__3900.txt : size so far 1331649 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_31_20_57_06__1632.txt : size so far 1360061 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_31_20_08_12__2628.txt : size so far 1387210 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_31_15_56_09__2644.txt : size so far 3234317 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_30_20_05_37__4908.txt : size so far 3262500 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_30_18_27_38__4268.txt : size so far 3290765 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_30_17_47_40__5080.txt : size so far 3318953 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_29_19_30_58__3484.txt : size so far 3349998 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_29_18_07_37__3960.txt : size so far 3377644 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_28_19_43_43__1216.txt : size so far 3407540 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_28_18_55_45__2848.txt : size so far 3436540 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_22_17_52__3520.txt : size so far 3466205 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_20_04_37__2992.txt : size so far 3496971 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_17_50_53__3896.txt : size so far 3525663 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_15_39_56__260.txt : size so far 3554149 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_13_35_41__3164.txt : size so far 3585215 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_13_35_26__3652.txt : size so far 3612060 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_27_11_23_14__3376.txt : size so far 3650772 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_26_23_04_43__2660.txt : size so far 3679037 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_26_14_55_36__2400.txt : size so far 3706923 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_26_11_56_00__2624.txt : size so far 3735695 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_25_23_33_51__1112.txt : size so far 3763421 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_25_19_02_40__3748.txt : size so far 3904321 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_24_20_02_45__3448.txt : size so far 3934064 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_24_17_39_20__2436.txt : size so far 4887542 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_23_20_16_55__4140.txt : size so far 4914835 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_23_18_09_43__2248.txt : size so far 4944514 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_22_20_06_39__2856.txt : size so far 4974775 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_22_20_06_14__4508.txt : size so far 5004205 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_21_19_43_57__1128.txt : size so far 5033961 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_21_18_35_51__3724.txt : size so far 5063946 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_20_19_05_25__3096.txt : size so far 5093362 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_20_15_20_14__4568.txt : size so far 5122314 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_20_14_19_02__3492.txt : size so far 5151495 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_20_10_40_32__3904.txt : size so far 5180819 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_19_23_22_07__444.txt : size so far 5209003 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_19_15_21_51__3844.txt : size so far 5259385 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_19_00_52_29__4488.txt : size so far 5288300 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_18_16_48_24__4228.txt : size so far 5427098 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_18_16_36_37__3368.txt : size so far 5451879 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_18_16_17_28__3044.txt : size so far 5547425 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_17_20_03_47__1928.txt : size so far 5576616 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_17_17_46_51__4772.txt : size so far 5605286 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_17_17_15_59__1528.txt : size so far 5633254 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_16_20_12_22__4880.txt : size so far 5670882 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_16_19_58_38__4996.txt : size so far 5698077 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_16_16_26_01__3524.txt : size so far 5738264 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_15_20_10_34__3428.txt : size so far 5777282 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_15_17_53_00__3648.txt : size so far 5804770 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_14_19_34_04__4068.txt : size so far 5853090 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_13_19_22_21__4568.txt : size so far 5881597 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_13_17_32_30__4076.txt : size so far 5919885 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_12_22_43_03__2324.txt : size so far 5946798 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_12_19_27_34__4900.txt : size so far 5973700 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_12_16_30_33__1176.txt : size so far 6011376 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_12_13_34_48__2896.txt : size so far 6037998 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_12_12_00_32__4052.txt : size so far 6064686 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_12_09_33_26__3316.txt : size so far 6090488 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_11_21_20_10__3564.txt : size so far 6141628 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_10_18_59_36__1300.txt : size so far 6168559 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_10_18_47_48__4332.txt : size so far 6213799 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_10_18_25_53__3868.txt : size so far 6327590 of 52428800

  0.85 [D]  C:\Program Files (x86)\Star Conflict.launcher_log\2013_01_10_18_08_52__536.txt : size so far 6446717 of 52428800

  0.87 [D]  Thread “http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/yuitem/get_version.php” done

Thread “http://yupmaster.yuplay.com/yuitem/get_version.php” has been automatically deleted

Fast files check

  0.87 [D]  Thread “Fast files check” started (auto delete is 1)

Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.90 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.90 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.90 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.90 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.90 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.90 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.90 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.91 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.91 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.91 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.91 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.93 [D]  Squirrel CB duplicates eaten

  0.93 [D]  Files check done

  0.93 [D]  Fast check done

Thread “Fast files check” done

Thread “Fast files check” has been automatically deleted

http://star-conflict.com/news-en.html loaded with HTTP status code 200 (1.544 seconds, 1854 bytes answer):


<span class=“news_header”>News</span><br />  <br />  <a class=“news_link” title=“Open in new window” href=“http://star-conflict.com/en/news/86/current/” target="_blank" title=“Open in new window”>Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.5: Player profile!</a>  <br/>  <span class=“news_date”>February 7th, 2013</span><br />    <br /><a class=“news_link” title=“Open in new window” href=“http://star-conflict.com/en/news/85/current/” target="_blank" title=“Open in new window”>«Pilot Parade» contest</a>  <br/>  <span class=“news_date”>February 1st, 2013</span><br />    <br /><a class=“news_link” title=“Open in new window” href=“http://star-conflict.com/en/news/84/current/” target="_blank" title=“Open in new window”>Star Conflict is celebrating its first birthday!</a>  <br/>  <span class=“news_date”>February 1st, 2013</span><br />    <br /><a class=“news_link” title=“Open in new window” href=“http://star-conflict.com/en/news/83/current/” target="_blank" title=“Open in new window”>Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.4</a>  <br/>  <sp


Thread “http://star-conflict.com/news-en.html” done

Thread “http://star-conflict.com/news-en.html” has been automatically deleted

Shell execute “game.exe” -lang ENGLISH -nosteam

  2.95 [D]  Stop thread “Stats sender”

Thread “Stats sender” done

Script shut down

  3.57 [D]  Thread “Periodic version check” done

Thread “Periodic version check” has been automatically deleted

Stop thread “Watchdog thread”

Thread “Watchdog thread” done


What are your system specs: windows 7home premium 64 bit sp1, AMD raedon hd 7700, intel core i3 2130 3,4 Ghz, 8 gb ram, giby ga-h77-d3h 

What internet connection do you have: dsl 6000


many thanks for the help!!!

The bug should be fixed now, if not please report back.