[F]Devs, we need to hear from you, for the Mac crash!!

Dear Devs.


I have seen so many ppl having crashing issue with the game on Mac since the latest patch, and I am too.


But I havent seen you reply any of those bug reports in forum ( maybe you did, truly sorry if that).


You know we love the game and we are waiting, cuz we cant play !! No need even to say these days there are free gold standards.


Please tell us something, whats the problem, and whether or not you are working on it, how long we need to wait maybe.  Just tell us something!


I def know its not easy to make a perfect game, I understand there would be bugs, but you should not keep us Mac users waiting without any announcements for us.


in the end, Thanks a lot for bringing the great game to us, enjoyed it for couple of weeks.






the mac issue should be fixed on monday.

Great, thx a lot, and i like how fast you reply lol.


the mac issue should be fixed on monday.

Error, Why on monday if I may ask? I mean, will we get a whole 2-3 days of gold standards just like our windows counterparts? I mean, it would only be fair. To fix the problem on monday after the standards are already done, is just plainly discriminatory. Of course we realize that, like Star=Conflict said, perfect games are hard to make. But that doesn’t mean that only Windows players should get free standards and Mac players get diddly squat.

I would say that at the least us OSX users should probably get some sort of sympathy gift its not every weekend there is free gold standards,

we are glad to wait for the update, but please take into account of what us people have missed that the Microsoft users have gotten 

I would say that at the least us OSX users should probably get some sort of sympathy gift its not every weekend there is free gold standards,

we are glad to wait for the update, but please take into account of what us people have missed that the Microsoft users have gotten 


Totally Agree with this. Have the same problem with the crashing and it would be kinda annoying to miss out on all those Gold Standards.

Agreed, Im not so concerned about the free credits as I am concerned about Licence time.  At this point its just wasting my hard earned money because I cant even get into the game to use it… A suggestion: If a licence is for 24 hours maybe make it for 24 hours of gameplay instead of real-world time?  That way, as I’m sure bugs will pop up from time to time, you dont have an army of people ranting about wasting their money (like this guy). According to another post this issue will be fixed by Monday.  Any feedback from the Devs about reimbursing (or not) for wasted licence time would be appreciated 

Totally Agree with this. Have the same problem with the crashing and it would be kinda annoying to miss out on all those Gold Standards.

thanks for agreeing it is glad to see this many people not only using macs with this game but coming forward and saying when stuff is wrong.

I dont want any kind reward or gift. I just want to play the game on native mac instead of boot camp or wine on this weekends.

I haven’t even had a chance to play the actual game so I don’t really care at this time for Gold Standards, weekend rewards, or whatever. But this is the exact same problem I had with Champions of Regnum, another free-to-play MMORPG on Steam. Startup works fine, selecting a character/faction works, I get to see models and such, but the instant I actually enter the game it crashes. A very strange coincidence.

The mac issue will be fixed soon.

Please use this thread:
[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/19028-omac-game-crashes/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19028-omac-game-crashes/)