[F]Cloaked bomb picking

The player GreenGore was on my map with the bomb going towards the point.  Then he completely disappeared from my map but the scoreboard still said he had the bomb and said he was alive.  about 20 seconds later he scored.  This is a major glitch that needs to be fixed!  I don’t know if he was intentionally cheating or if he was lagging out or what.  but I have seen this happen multiple times in other scenario’s and I just assume they cloaked but if he cloaked he would have dropped the bomb so he didn’t cloak.  something awful happened and it possibly cost us the game!

If no one is in range of him to see him he will disappear from the map…

You likely lost visual of the ship. If your ship cannot see the other ship, you will lose visual on it (same concept as World of Tanks). This is likely what happened.

Actually there might be something to look into… 


I had similar situation at least three times today. Twice during planting and once when some dude was grabbing the bomb. I’m 100% positive that it wasn’t LoS thing - I was chasing all three in less that 2k distance. Three different games, 1st time I just thought it might be ping issue (~150) but interceptor dude who grabbed the bomb in front of me literally warped/skipped good 500-800m away with no target box nor bomb icon visible - and it was a game in which I had ping ~40. All three suspects were flying Empire interceptors. T2 games, Arcade.


I can think of three possibilities:


  1. There was added new EMP bomb animation, am I right? And new icons, yes? And reduced ceptor max speed? All three changes could create potential issue/bug with grabbing/planting situation, right?


  1. It’s not observer’s latency but the guy who is planting/grabbing the bomb - hard to resolve issue, but huge potential exploit for dudes who actually manipulate latency to achieve it.


  1. There is certain exploit with use of either microwarp or Phase Modulator (and honestly, with time they spent invisible (4s-5s) it reminded me a lot how Phase Modulator works) and should be investigated and fixed.

No this is a bug, If the player begins the plant sequence then cloaks, he will disappear and cloak without dropping the bomb, and reappear after the bomb has been planted, the same happens witht he green shield emergency passive item, and any other Lock disabling item.


YOU MUST BE PLANTING THE BOMB for this to work however, as other wise you will drop the bomb.




FYI, This is an Exploit.


Whether the devs will fix it or not… Who knows. i hope they do because it’s… BULLL SHITTTT>

Cloak drops the bomb, emergency barrier drops the bomb… Where is exploit? More evidence please: logs, video etc.

Cloak drops the bomb, emergency barrier drops the bomb… Where is exploit? More evidence please: logs, video etc.


If its that repeatable and you REALLY want the davs to know how bad it really is. then make a video. 


as they say from minecraft.


Logs. or it didn’t happen.

If its that repeatable and you REALLY want the davs to know how bad it really is. then make a video. 


as they say from minecraft.


Logs. or it didn’t happen.


happened yesterday to us.

yes being abused happened yesterday 100% no probable about it.

3 frigs at point just saw off a intreceptor, I checked the surrounding area on the minimap all clear.Then boom bomb planted noise and a fighter flicked into visibility very quickly and then back out immediately after planting. Point blew and game over.


Nooooo i dont have logs.

But why would I lie about a bug report!

sorry i didnt have fraps running but dont really have the disc space to run every battle.

There is indeed something to investigate, because I tried what airsuicide talked about (actually from another topic), and it did NOT work for me, using the Ricasso (T2 Jericho Interceptor) with the Military (wasn’t called that back then) Phase modulator. It dropped the bomb. And I saw roughly the same thing happen to an enemy Federation Fighter with the emergency shield, he dropped it right on the beacon, but didn’t plant it.


Either it’s specific to a ship, maybe module combination, or something else is in play here. But in the 0.7.9 version (haven’t tried since the new version), I couldn’t make it work.

No this is a bug, If the player begins the plant sequence then cloaks, he will disappear and cloak without dropping the bomb, and reappear after the bomb has been planted, the same happens witht he green shield emergency passive item, and any other Lock disabling item.


YOU MUST BE PLANTING THE BOMB for this to work however, as other wise you will drop the bomb.




FYI, This is an Exploit.


Whether the devs will fix it or not… Who knows. i hope they do because it’s… BULLL SHITTTT>

So you are back. Sad to see that, also sad to see you are still making things up.


Since I do - as opposed to you - fly interceptors, i know both actions you describe will drop the bomb.


FYI: Airsuicide is one of those guys, who spawn, enter sniping scope and don’t leave till either the game ends or his mum tells him its time for his pyjamas.

I use this tactic all the time, def not a bug.

I use this tactic all the time, def not a bug.

Then I would call it not working as intended. 

That really depends. The thread title said “ship disappeared from map”. 

This is actually very easy, you just have to move out of the sensor-range of all enemy ships, then you are virtually invisible.


I’ve planted many a bomb by coming at the beacons from unexpected angles “out of nowhere”. 


However i thought this thread is about going invisible while in sensor range… if its not… then ignore my other posts.

Actually this is another thing. I would suggest someone with a bomb should always be visible.

Kinda like the captain in recon always being visible.

I use this tactic all the time I grab bomb then fly through my team and make sure they kill off all pursuers, then I fly either up or down about 150k then fly across the map and dive bomb the stations. It’s a wonderful strategy that intimately involves the sensor range mechanic, if you want to catch us use mods and implants to increase your sensor range and you’ll pick us up on radar.
Making us visible when we have the bomb will only make it so all the fatboats don’t have to move and can camp the stations and throw out their OP Pulsars. If us interceptors have to sacrifice our builds just to survive a pulsar then everyone else should have to adjust their builds to just to pick us up at longer ranges or keep in mind that we could be out there IMHO, we’ve already been speed capped,

And stealth and e-shield definitely drops the bomb, you guys are just too late to stop us before hand.

Previously abilities like cloaking and micro-warp caused you to drop the bomb - since the patch this doesn’t appear to be the case. Is this a bug or <<working as intended>>?

This is still happening: the interceptor cloak does not drop the bomb. Is this intended, a bug, or an oversight?

I was going to start a new topic, but will simply add to this. It is a bug and the people stating that it isn’t are clearly using it to their own ends. If my fighter is not allowed to fly at full speed while carrying a bomb, then an interceptor should not be able to fly straight to our beacon undetected, even as some team members anticipate its arrival. This game mode is officially broken until the devs address it.

This is plainly unbearable.