[F]Can't connect!

Hi everyone, I’ve been playing Star Conflict on my pc for about a month. On my pc, I always used the option “use current steam account” to log in game, and I never had problems.
Two days ago I downloaded the game on the house’s other pc, and I connected and played. Now I’m trying to log in game,it asks for mail and password, I’m using the steam data, and it says password or mail are not correct. I retyped everything, there is no caps, I also logged in steam to see if my account was hacked, but nothing, I can’t log in game. Any idea? On the other pc, it gave me 3 different options to log in. Here, it only asks for mail adress and password.
The first pc has Win 8 os, the one I have problems with is Win 7.
Thanks for the help!

Adding: if I click the link to retrieve my password, it sends me to the Gaijin website, while I always used steam data to log in game.

Edit: I made a gaijin account to log and write here, but neither that is ok! I have no idea how to log in.

When you first made your account on your original computer and connected it to steam  (loading the game for the first time), it prompted you for an email and password to create a gaijin account, that is the information you have to find.

Thanks a lot man! So I have to find a mail sent to the mail I use on steam with information about the Gaijin account, right? But using it will it load the same things on both computers?

Edit: I really find no mail from Steam or Gaijin, I’m scared it was sent to spam and than automaticly deleted by my mail when I read it after some days… I only have the data about the account I use to write here, but I already tried it and it didn’t work

Edit n.2: I just changed and made a new Gaijin password, I tried to log in with it and I got the first starting screen when you have to chose the first faction.

Adding the screen of what I see when I log on pc 1 (on which I first downloaded Star Conflict)

Adding: when I start the game, it logs me on Steam before opening SC. On the second computer it doesn’t, but I checked and I’m always logged on Steam when I start SC.

Please someone help, I don’t want to think about having to restart everything if this pc has problems…

Was the game installed using steam, or through the standalone installer ?


If the game was installed using the standalone installer i don’t think steam will recognize it. You will probably have to uninstall the game and reinstall it using steam.



Was the game installed using steam, or through the standalone installer ?


If the game was installed using the standalone installer i don’t think steam will recognize it. You will probably have to uninstall the game and reinstall it using steam.



I’m not sure about that, thanks for the tip, I will try to uninstall the game, connect to Steam and download it from there and see how it goes!

I really hope it will work

If not, let us know and we will continue to help!



So, I deleted SC, went on steam and redownloaded it. Doing that I remembered that also the first time on the second pc I got it from Steam, but now to start it the first time I went on the game’s steam webpage, and it gave me the “use current steam account” option like the other time. But this time after the first try that option stayed and it now works!

Thanks a lot to everyone for the help! :slight_smile:

im having a similar problem, except this is the same computer. I no longer have the steam login option. I had it yesterday, but today its just gone

This is a glitch with steam overlay. You can try restarting steam, usually it helps.

At the moment this problem appears from time to time.