[F]Cannot Guide the Guided Torpedo

Charactername: - Vona
What did you expect to see: - The ability to guide the Frigate’s Guided Torpedo with my Mouse.

What happened: - The Torpedo just always goes Straight and I cannot move it even 1 cm.
What was your last action: - Flying around like normal,fighting. But no matter what, cannot guide the torpedo. (restarted game)
Is the bug reproduceable, if yes please describe how to reproduce the bug: - Buy the Frigate, start match, shoot Guided Torpedo ability.
Please attach at least one screenshot or make a little video of the issue: -
Attach the game logs from the session to your post(Only the logs from the session where the bug occured. The logs are located on

My Documents/My Games/Star Conflict/logs):

What are your system specs: -



Simple Description.  Everything works fine., But when I bought the templar, I was expecting to be able to guide the Guided torpedo, but when it goes into the camera mode on the missle, it might be acting like its still controlling the ship and not the missle.


Any fixes?

Please upload the logs of a session where you try to control the guided torpedo.

Example video of exact problem I am having. (Note, this was someone else who posted this video who is also having the problem.)





I still cannot, nor ever have been able to control the guided torpedo with my mouse. My mouse drivers are up to date, I tried another mouse while nothing else has been plugged into any of the usb ports.  I tried all the in-game settings like expert mode, ect and nothing will let me control the guided torpedo.


Note: … Expert mode does not even let me control the aiming on the ship at all. I must use basic mode to fly around and shoot. Just cant control the Guied Torpedo after I shoot it. (I also reinstalled the game and even tried the one on Steam)




— Date: 2013-05-11 (Sat May 2013)

22:52:14.517        | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22:52:14.517        | //
22:52:14.517        | // Build: StarConflict (Apr 25 2013 15:08:56)
22:52:14.517        | //
22:52:14.517        | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22:52:14.517        |
22:52:14.535        | Failed to initialize Steam. Probably Steam client is not running.
22:52:14.536        | Preloaded 1 SStrings
22:52:14.967        | Number of audio devices: 1
22:52:14.967        | Audio device 0: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
22:52:14.968        |     Speaker mode: STEREO
22:52:14.969        | Speaker mode: STEREO
22:52:26.604        | Entity Defs hash 60FDDDB2. calculated in 1.82 sec
22:52:27.738        | BnRandCaller succeeded
22:52:32.616        | ====== starting level: ‘levels/mainmenu/mainmenu’  ======
22:52:35.959        | MasterServer_RequestServerStatus
22:52:35.970        | MasterServer_RequestServerVersion
22:52:35.970        | MasterServer_RequestNewsFeed
22:52:35.970        | MasterServer_RequestServerAddresess
22:52:36.042        | ====== level started:  ‘levels/mainmenu/mainmenu’ success ======
22:52:36.504 WARNING| frame 276 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.217103)
22:52:36.535 WARNING| frame 277 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.362963)
22:52:36.688        | MasterServer_OnServerStatus: status code 0, server status 1
22:52:36.689        | MasterServer_OnServerVersion: status code 0, version, my version is
22:52:36.689        | MasterServer_OnServerAddresess: status code 0
22:52:36.725        | MasterServer_OnNewsFeed: status code 0
22:52:53.232        | MasterServerEndpoint: connecting to load balancer at [0]…
22:52:53.407        | MasterServerEndpoint: connected to load balancer, awaiting shard address…
22:52:53.559        | Applying LB cvars…
22:52:53.559        | MasterServerEndpoint: received shard address ( )
22:52:53.559        | MasterServerEndpoint: received chat server address ( )
22:52:53.559        | Disconnecting from load balancer
22:52:53.748        | MasterServerEndpoint: connected to shard, awaiting auth request…
22:52:54.690        | MasterServerEndpoint: Successfully login to masterServer, uid 0005DE02
22:52:54.916        | StoreSvc: received store hash, its a18a21ec
22:52:54.937        | StoreSvc: loading store cache
22:52:54.940        | StoreSvc: cache signature matches, loading the store from cache
22:52:54.940        | Game store size : 270.05273 Kb
22:52:54.950        | StoreSvc: loading base store took 10.2 ms, but there is a patch probs…
22:52:54.957 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 6.3 ms
22:52:55.140        | Store patch size : 0.00781 Kb
22:52:55.140        | StoreSvc: proceeding to special values loading…
22:52:55.237        | Profile ‘Josh’ saved successfully in ‘c:\users\josh\documents\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl’
22:52:55.318 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 138.4 ms
22:52:55.653 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 27.6 ms
22:52:55.815        | Profile ‘Josh’ saved successfully in ‘c:\users\josh\documents\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl’
22:52:55.869 WARNING| frame 776 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.146718)
22:52:56.017 WARNING| frame 777 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.544506)
22:52:56.039 WARNING| frame 778 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.146514)
22:52:56.883 WARNING| frame 791 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.122299)
22:53:16.746        | Profile ‘Josh’ saved successfully in ‘c:\users\josh\documents\my games\starconflict\profiles\0001.prfl’
22:53:16.814 WARNING| frame 1131 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.125635)
22:53:17.127 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 144.4 ms
22:53:17.158 WARNING| frame 1136 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.155946)
22:53:18.563        | MasterServerEndpoint: enter matchmaking queue with mmvalue 25
22:54:49.465 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 18.2 ms
22:54:49.693 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 10.2 ms
22:54:50.764 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 1021.2 ms
22:54:50.789 WARNING| frame 2711 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (1.032104)
22:54:51.029 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 11.2 ms
22:54:58.210 WARNING| MasterServerEndpoint: leave matchmaking queue ( but will join the game soon )
22:55:04.222 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 56.9 ms
22:55:05.854        | MasterServerSession: connect to dedicated server, session 1522434, at addr|35015
22:55:05.883        | client: start connecting to|35015…
22:55:06.087        | client: connected to|35015, setting up session…
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 0 (Thisigia, 000271CE) status 6
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 1 (MrTwiddlez, 0001D8A4) status 6
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 2 (Gnome3, 000453E9) status 6
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 3 (BoostHungry, 00062A2B) status 6
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 4 (izzman, 00044BE0) status 2
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 5 (JJade, 0005C094) status 6
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 6 (hammerforge, 0001FF0F) status 6
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 7 (dognuttz, 000406E2) status 6
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 8 (Ireek, 00040B28) status 2
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 9 (gogobat, 00040AAA) status 6
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 10 (Skumfyst, 0005AD02) status 6
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 11 (Vorna, 0005DE02) status 1
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 12 (WhiteWolf10, 00014577) status 6
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 13 (LodeStone, 0003692C) status 6
22:55:06.321        | client: ADD_PLAYER 14 (GoldFox1, 0004B1C8) status 6
22:55:06.322        | client: ADD_PLAYER 15 (tragidy, 0006049F) status 6
22:55:06.322        | client: ADD_PLAYER 16 (jordabomb, 000554D7) status 6
22:55:06.322        | client: ADD_PLAYER 17 (Hhidra, 0005F3E3) status 6
22:55:06.322        | client: ADD_PLAYER 18 (Disly, 00004246) status 6
22:55:06.322        | client: ADD_PLAYER 19 (BudTime2, 00008155) status 6
22:55:06.322        | client: ADD_PLAYER 20 (Deviner, 0001E3B7) status 6
22:55:06.322        | client: ADD_PLAYER 21 (Wombat9, 00038125) status 6
22:55:06.322        | client: server assigned id 11
22:55:06.322        | client: got level load message ‘levels\area2\s8256_thar_threshold’
22:55:09.487        | ====== starting level: ‘levels\area2\s8256_thar_threshold’ KingOfTheHill client ======
22:55:21.108        | client: send ready message
22:55:21.220        | client: ADD_PLAYER 0 (Thisigia, 000271CE) status 4
22:55:21.220        | client: ADD_PLAYER 1 (MrTwiddlez, 0001D8A4) status 4
22:55:21.220        | client: ADD_PLAYER 2 (Gnome3, 000453E9) status 4
22:55:21.220        | client: ADD_PLAYER 3 (BoostHungry, 00062A2B) status 4
22:55:21.220        | client: ADD_PLAYER 4 (izzman, 00044BE0) status 4
22:55:21.220        | client: ADD_PLAYER 5 (JJade, 0005C094) status 2
22:55:21.221        | client: ADD_PLAYER 6 (hammerforge, 0001FF0F) status 4
22:55:21.221        | client: ADD_PLAYER 7 (dognuttz, 000406E2) status 4
22:55:21.221        | client: ADD_PLAYER 8 (Ireek, 00040B28) status 4
22:55:21.221        | client: ADD_PLAYER 9 (gogobat, 00040AAA) status 2
22:55:21.221        | client: ADD_PLAYER 10 (Skumfyst, 0005AD02) status 4
22:55:21.221        | client: ADD_PLAYER 11 (Vorna, 0005DE02) status 2
22:55:21.222        | client: ADD_PLAYER 12 (WhiteWolf10, 00014577) status 2
22:55:21.222        | client: ADD_PLAYER 13 (LodeStone, 0003692C) status 4
22:55:21.222        | client: ADD_PLAYER 14 (GoldFox1, 0004B1C8) status 4
22:55:21.222        | client: ADD_PLAYER 15 (tragidy, 0006049F) status 4
22:55:21.223        | client: ADD_PLAYER 16 (jordabomb, 000554D7) status 4
22:55:21.223        | client: ADD_PLAYER 17 (Hhidra, 0005F3E3) status 4
22:55:21.223        | client: ADD_PLAYER 18 (Disly, 00004246) status 4
22:55:21.223        | client: ADD_PLAYER 19 (BudTime2, 00008155) status 4
22:55:21.223        | client: ADD_PLAYER 20 (Deviner, 0001E3B7) status 2
22:55:21.223        | client: ADD_PLAYER 21 (Wombat9, 00038125) status 4
22:55:21.224        | client: ADD_PLAYER 11 (Vorna, 0005DE02) status 4
22:55:21.250        | client: got init message (and 1st snapshot). ping 90
22:55:21.295        | ====== level started:  ‘levels\area2\s8256_thar_threshold’ success ======
22:55:21.781 WARNING| frame 3237 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.143277)
22:55:21.805 WARNING| frame 3238 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.410960)
22:55:22.012 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 7.2 ms
22:55:22.389        | client: ADD_PLAYER 9 (gogobat, 00040AAA) status 4
22:55:22.901        | client: ADD_PLAYER 12 (WhiteWolf10, 00014577) status 4
22:55:23.612        | client: ADD_PLAYER 5 (JJade, 0005C094) status 4
22:55:29.778        | client: ADD_PLAYER 20 (Deviner, 0001E3B7) status 4
22:55:40.140        | Spawn SpaceShip for player0 (Thisigia, #000271CE). ‘Ship_Race1_L_T2_Faction1’
22:55:40.144        | Spawn SpaceShip for player1 (MrTwiddlez, #0001D8A4). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T2’
22:55:40.148        | Spawn SpaceShip for player2 (Gnome3, #000453E9). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1’
22:55:40.151        | Spawn SpaceShip for player3 (BoostHungry, #00062A2B). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T2_Premium’
22:55:40.154        | Spawn SpaceShip for player4 (izzman, #00044BE0). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction2’
22:55:40.157        | Spawn SpaceShip for player5 (JJade, #0005C094). ‘Ship_Race1_S_T1_Faction2’
22:55:40.160        | Spawn SpaceShip for player6 (hammerforge, #0001FF0F). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T2’
22:55:40.163        | Spawn SpaceShip for player7 (dognuttz, #000406E2). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1’
22:55:40.166        | Spawn SpaceShip for player8 (Ireek, #00040B28). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T2’
22:55:40.168        | Spawn SpaceShip for player9 (gogobat, #00040AAA). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T2’
22:55:40.171        | Spawn SpaceShip for player10 (Skumfyst, #0005AD02). ‘Ship_Race2_S_T1_Faction1’
22:55:40.173        | Spawn SpaceShip for player11 (Vorna, #0005DE02). ‘Ship_Race2_L_T2’
22:55:40.177        | Spawn SpaceShip for player12 (WhiteWolf10, #00014577). ‘Ship_Race2_L_T1_Faction2’
22:55:40.180        | Spawn SpaceShip for player13 (LodeStone, #0003692C). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction1’
22:55:40.183        | Spawn SpaceShip for player14 (GoldFox1, #0004B1C8). ‘Ship_Race3_M_T2’
22:55:40.185        | Spawn SpaceShip for player15 (tragidy, #0006049F). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T2_Premium’
22:55:40.187        | Spawn SpaceShip for player16 (jordabomb, #000554D7). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction2’
22:55:40.190        | Spawn SpaceShip for player17 (Hhidra, #0005F3E3). ‘Ship_Race1_L_T1_Faction2’
22:55:40.193        | Spawn SpaceShip for player18 (Disly, #00004246). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1’
22:55:40.196        | Spawn SpaceShip for player19 (BudTime2, #00008155). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T2_Faction1’
22:55:40.198        | Spawn SpaceShip for player21 (Wombat9, #00038125). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1’
22:55:40.734 WARNING| frame 3712 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.100732)
22:55:41.850 WARNING| frame 3736 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.107374)
22:55:44.798        | Spawn SpaceShip for player20 (Deviner, #0001E3B7). ‘Ship_Race1_M_T2_Faction1’
22:55:47.355        | Combat: killed n/a → Thisigia (crash)
22:55:49.500 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 7.1 ms
22:55:53.611        | Combat: killed n/a → Gnome3 (crash)
22:55:58.201        | Combat: killed n/a → dognuttz (crash)
22:55:58.506        | Combat: ‘VitalPoint_Beacon1_RC_King’(team 0) captured. Attackers: MrTwiddlez Disly
22:56:04.499        | Spawn SpaceShip for player0 (Thisigia, #000271CE). ‘Ship_Race1_L_T2_Faction1’
22:56:06.555 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 453, but entity doesn’t exist(def ‘SpellAuraEntity’)
22:56:08.949        | Combat: killed hammerforge → LodeStone Weapon_Railgun_Sniper_T2_Rare 11.0% dmg (3 assists)
22:56:08.949        | Combat: izzman assisted hammerforge → LodeStone
22:56:08.949        | Combat:     assisted with 1149 damage (26.2%)
22:56:08.949        | Combat:     assisted with 1 debuffs:PlasmaWeb_T2_Base
22:56:08.949        | Combat: WhiteWolf10 assisted hammerforge → LodeStone
22:56:08.949        | Combat:     assisted with 14 damage (0.3%)
22:56:08.949        | Combat: Disly assisted hammerforge → LodeStone
22:56:08.949        | Combat:     assisted with 2738 damage (62.5%)
22:56:08.949        | Combat:     assisted with 2 buffs: RemoteRepairDrones_T2_Mk3 ShieldEmitter_T2_Epic
22:56:09.326        | Combat: killed BudTime2 → Disly SpaceMissile_Fireworks_T2_Mk1 17.0% dmg (4 assists)
22:56:09.326        | Combat: BoostHungry assisted BudTime2 → Disly
22:56:09.326        | Combat:     assisted with 5186 damage (33.4%)
22:56:09.326        | Combat: gogobat assisted BudTime2 → Disly
22:56:09.326        | Combat:     assisted with 1371 damage (8.8%)
22:56:09.326        | Combat: LodeStone assisted BudTime2 → Disly
22:56:09.326        | Combat:     assisted with 1217 damage (7.8%)
22:56:09.326        | Combat: Hhidra assisted BudTime2 → Disly
22:56:09.326        | Combat:     assisted with 5127 damage (33.0%)
22:56:10.736        | Spawn SpaceShip for player2 (Gnome3, #000453E9). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1’
22:56:14.427        | Combat: killed jordabomb → BoostHungry Weapon_Laser_Economic_T2_Mk2 63.5% dmg (3 assists)
22:56:14.427        | Combat: izzman assisted jordabomb → BoostHungry
22:56:14.427        | Combat:     assisted with 558 damage (9.8%)
22:56:14.427        | Combat: hammerforge assisted jordabomb → BoostHungry
22:56:14.427        | Combat:     assisted with 252 damage (4.4%)
22:56:14.427        | Combat: GoldFox1 assisted jordabomb → BoostHungry
22:56:14.427        | Combat:     assisted with 1264 damage (22.2%)
22:56:15.330        | Spawn SpaceShip for player7 (dognuttz, #000406E2). ‘Ship_Race1_L_T1_Faction2’
22:56:18.532 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 6.8 ms
22:56:20.821        | Combat: killed GoldFox1 → BudTime2 SpaceMissile_Kinetic_T2_Mk1 31.9% dmg (3 assists)
22:56:20.821        | Combat: izzman assisted GoldFox1 → BudTime2
22:56:20.821        | Combat:     assisted with 801 damage (4.9%)
22:56:20.821        | Combat: Skumfyst assisted GoldFox1 → BudTime2
22:56:20.821        | Combat:     assisted with 7897 damage (48.4%)
22:56:20.821        | Combat: jordabomb assisted GoldFox1 → BudTime2
22:56:20.821        | Combat:     assisted with 2410 damage (14.8%)
22:56:22.050        | Spawn SpaceShip for player13 (LodeStone, #0003692C). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T1_Faction1’
22:56:27.566        | Spawn SpaceShip for player3 (BoostHungry, #00062A2B). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T2_Premium’
22:56:32.382        | Combat: killed Disly → gogobat SpaceMissile_MineField_T2_Mk3 86.0% dmg (4 assists)
22:56:32.382        | Combat: Skumfyst assisted Disly → gogobat
22:56:32.382        | Combat:     assisted with 953 damage (7.9%)
22:56:32.382        | Combat: WhiteWolf10 assisted Disly → gogobat
22:56:32.382        | Combat:     assisted with 522 damage (4.3%)
22:56:32.382        | Combat: jordabomb assisted Disly → gogobat
22:56:32.382        | Combat:     assisted with 81 damage (0.7%)
22:56:35.924        | Spawn SpaceShip for player19 (BudTime2, #00008155). ‘Ship_Race2_S_T2’
22:56:47.457        | Spawn SpaceShip for player9 (gogobat, #00040AAA). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T2’
22:56:48.537 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 7.4 ms
22:56:52.442        | Combat: killed dognuttz → Ireek Module_Disintegrator_T2_Base 56.2% dmg (1 assists)
22:56:52.442        | Combat: Thisigia assisted dognuttz → Ireek
22:56:52.442        | Combat:     assisted with 4626 damage (43.8%)
22:56:52.442        | Combat:     assisted with 1 buffs: RemoteRepairDrones_T2_Rare
22:56:57.977        | Combat: killed WhiteWolf10 → LodeStone Weapon_Laser_Basic_T2_Mk1 41.8% dmg (4 assists)
22:56:57.977        | Combat: Gnome3 assisted WhiteWolf10 → LodeStone
22:56:57.977        | Combat:     assisted with 1741 damage (38.2%)
22:56:57.977        | Combat:     assisted with 2 buffs: RemoteRepairDrones_T2_Mk3 ShieldEmitter_T2_Mk3
22:56:57.977        | Combat: Skumfyst assisted WhiteWolf10 → LodeStone
22:56:57.977        | Combat:     assisted with 141 damage (3.1%)
22:56:59.548        | Combat: killed tragidy → Deviner Weapon_Railgun_Autofire_T2_Prem 18.7% dmg (3 assists)
22:56:59.548        | Combat: Thisigia assisted tragidy → Deviner
22:56:59.548        | Combat:     assisted with 3693 damage (28.3%)
22:56:59.548        | Combat:     assisted with 2 buffs: RemoteRepairDrones_T2_Rare ShieldEmitter_T2_Mk1
22:56:59.548        | Combat: Vorna assisted tragidy → Deviner
22:56:59.548        | Combat:     assisted with 3827 damage (29.3%)
22:56:59.548        | Combat: Hhidra assisted tragidy → Deviner
22:56:59.548        | Combat:     assisted with 3091 damage (23.7%)
22:56:59.548        | Combat:            Vorna reward 132 experience for damage assist to kill Deviner
22:56:59.548        | Combat:            Vorna reward 80 effective points for damage assist to kill Deviner
22:57:06.609 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 1382, but entity doesn’t exist(def ‘SpellAuraEntity’)
22:57:08.553        | Combat: ‘VitalPoint_Beacon2_RC_King’(team 0) captured. Attackers: izzman hammerforge
22:57:08.554        | Combat: killed izzman → BudTime2 Module_EnergyLance_T2_Mk3 99.1% dmg (2 assists)
22:57:08.554        | Combat: Gnome3 assisted izzman → BudTime2
22:57:08.554        | Combat:     assisted with 2 buffs: RemoteRepairDrones_T2_Mk3 ShieldEmitter_T2_Mk3
22:57:11.070        | Spawn SpaceShip for player13 (LodeStone, #0003692C). ‘Ship_Race3_M_T1_Faction2’
22:57:11.606        | Combat: ‘VitalPoint_Beacon2_RC_King’(team 0) captured. Attackers: izzman
22:57:13.100        | Spawn SpaceShip for player8 (Ireek, #00040B28). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T2’
22:57:15.115        | Spawn SpaceShip for player20 (Deviner, #0001E3B7). ‘Ship_Race1_M_T2_Faction1’
22:57:17.101        | Spawn SpaceShip for player18 (Disly, #00004246). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T2_Faction1’
22:57:18.185        | Combat: killed hammerforge → Wombat9 SpaceMissile_MineField_T2_Mk3 54.5% dmg (6 assists)
22:57:18.186        | Combat: MrTwiddlez assisted hammerforge → Wombat9
22:57:18.186        | Combat:     assisted with 531 damage (7.0%)
22:57:18.186        | Combat: Gnome3 assisted hammerforge → Wombat9
22:57:18.186        | Combat:     assisted with 2 buffs: RemoteRepairDrones_T2_Mk3 ShieldEmitter_T2_Mk3
22:57:18.186        | Combat: izzman assisted hammerforge → Wombat9
22:57:18.186        | Combat:     assisted with 2229 damage (29.5%)
22:57:18.186        | Combat: Skumfyst assisted hammerforge → Wombat9
22:57:18.186        | Combat:     assisted with 354 damage (4.7%)
22:57:18.186        | Combat: WhiteWolf10 assisted hammerforge → Wombat9
22:57:18.186        | Combat:     assisted with 190 damage (2.5%)
22:57:18.673 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 6.7 ms
22:57:20.902 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 1529, but entity doesn’t exist(def ‘SpellAuraEntity’)
22:57:21.682        | Spawn SpaceShip for player19 (BudTime2, #00008155). ‘Ship_Race2_S_T2’
22:57:25.090        | Combat: killed Vorna → WhiteWolf10 Module_GuidedMissile_T2_Base 31.5% dmg (4 assists)
22:57:25.090        | Combat: Thisigia assisted Vorna → WhiteWolf10
22:57:25.090        | Combat:     assisted with 1 buffs: RemoteRepairDrones_T2_Rare
22:57:25.090        | Combat: gogobat assisted Vorna → WhiteWolf10
22:57:25.090        | Combat:     assisted with 8089 damage (21.7%)
22:57:25.090        | Combat:     assisted with 1 debuffs:TargetPainter_T2_Rare
22:57:25.090        | Combat: tragidy assisted Vorna → WhiteWolf10
22:57:25.090        | Combat:     assisted with 10467 damage (28.1%)
22:57:25.090        | Combat: Hhidra assisted Vorna → WhiteWolf10
22:57:25.090        | Combat:     assisted with 6980 damage (18.7%)
22:57:25.090        | Combat:            Vorna reward 133 experience for kill WhiteWolf10
22:57:25.090        | Combat:            Vorna reward 100 effective points for kill WhiteWolf10
22:57:26.964        | Combat: killed GoldFox1 → Thisigia Weapon_Railgun_Sniper_T2_Mk1 20.2% dmg (4 assists)
22:57:26.964        | Combat: MrTwiddlez assisted GoldFox1 → Thisigia
22:57:26.964        | Combat:     assisted with 1723 damage (7.1%)
22:57:26.964        | Combat: Gnome3 assisted GoldFox1 → Thisigia
22:57:26.964        | Combat:     assisted with 15372 damage (63.7%)
22:57:26.964        | Combat:     assisted with 2 buffs: RemoteRepairDrones_T2_Mk3 ShieldEmitter_T2_Mk3
22:57:26.965        | Combat: izzman assisted GoldFox1 → Thisigia
22:57:26.965        | Combat:     assisted with 1915 damage (7.9%)
22:57:26.965        | Combat: Skumfyst assisted GoldFox1 → Thisigia
22:57:26.965        | Combat:     assisted with 248 damage (1.0%)
22:57:31.285        | Spawn SpaceShip for player21 (Wombat9, #00038125). ‘Ship_Race3_L_T1_Faction1’
22:57:38.451        | Combat: killed gogobat → Ireek SpaceMissile_MineField_T2_Mk2
22:57:44.084        | Spawn SpaceShip for player0 (Thisigia, #000271CE). ‘Ship_Race1_L_T2_Faction1’
22:57:44.914        | Combat: killed Gnome3 → tragidy Weapon_Laser_Basic_T2_Epic 68.9% dmg (3 assists)
22:57:44.914        | Combat: izzman assisted Gnome3 → tragidy
22:57:44.914        | Combat:     assisted with 1070 damage (22.1%)
22:57:44.914        | Combat: Skumfyst assisted Gnome3 → tragidy
22:57:44.914        | Combat:     assisted with 145 damage (3.0%)
22:57:46.613        | Combat: killed jordabomb → BoostHungry Weapon_Laser_Economic_T2_Mk2 100.0% dmg (1 assists)
22:57:46.613        | Combat: Gnome3 assisted jordabomb → BoostHungry
22:57:46.613        | Combat:     assisted with 2 buffs: RemoteRepairDrones_T2_Mk3 ShieldEmitter_T2_Mk3
22:57:48.719 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 7.1 ms
22:57:55.263        | Combat: killed MrTwiddlez → Vorna Weapon_Plasmagun_Autofire_T2_Mk2 46.6% dmg (3 assists)
22:57:55.263        | Combat: Gnome3 assisted MrTwiddlez → Vorna
22:57:55.263        | Combat:     assisted with 2 buffs: RemoteRepairDrones_T2_Mk3 ShieldEmitter_T2_Mk3
22:57:55.263        | Combat: izzman assisted MrTwiddlez → Vorna
22:57:55.263        | Combat:     assisted with 3241 damage (35.8%)
22:57:55.263        | Combat: GoldFox1 assisted MrTwiddlez → Vorna
22:57:55.263        | Combat:     assisted with 1598 damage (17.6%)
22:57:55.657        | Combat: killed hammerforge → gogobat Weapon_Railgun_Sniper_T2_Rare 25.2% dmg (2 assists)
22:57:55.657        | Combat: Gnome3 assisted hammerforge → gogobat
22:57:55.657        | Combat:     assisted with 2656 damage (69.2%)
22:57:55.657        | Combat:     assisted with 2 buffs: RemoteRepairDrones_T2_Mk3 ShieldEmitter_T2_Mk3
22:57:55.946 WARNING| frame 6841 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.117650)
22:57:57.930        | Spawn SpaceShip for player15 (tragidy, #0006049F). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T2_Premium’
22:57:59.741        | Spawn SpaceShip for player3 (BoostHungry, #00062A2B). ‘Ship_Race3_S_T2_Premium’
22:58:04.681 WARNING| Client: received Entity sync notification #0 for entity with netId 2057, but entity doesn’t exist(def ‘SpellAuraEntity’)
22:58:10.013        | Combat: killed jordabomb → LodeStone SpaceMissile_AAMKin_T2_Mk2 74.8% dmg (3 assists)
22:58:10.013        | Combat: MrTwiddlez assisted jordabomb → LodeStone
22:58:10.013        | Combat:     assisted with 136 damage (1.4%)
22:58:10.013        | Combat:     assisted with 1 debuffs:SpyDrone_T2_Mk2
22:58:10.013        | Combat: Gnome3 assisted jordabomb → LodeStone
22:58:10.013        | Combat:     assisted with 164 damage (1.7%)
22:58:10.013        | Combat:     assisted with 2 buffs: RemoteRepairDrones_T2_Mk3 ShieldEmitter_T2_Mk3
22:58:10.013        | Combat: izzman assisted jordabomb → LodeStone
22:58:10.013        | Combat:     assisted with 2086 damage (22.0%)
22:58:10.013        | Combat:     assisted with 1 debuffs:PlasmaWeb_T2_Base
22:58:10.776        | Spawn SpaceShip for player9 (gogobat, #00040AAA). ‘Ship_Race2_M_T2’
22:58:12.365        | Spawn SpaceShip for player11 (Vorna, #0005DE02). ‘Ship_Race2_L_T2’
22:58:13.149        | client: connection closed
22:58:13.149        | Network stats (bytes per second): avg pushed 422, max pushed 694, avg sent 1265, max sent 1770, avg received 4670, max received 7436
22:58:15.828        | ====== starting level: ‘levels\mainmenu\mainmenu’ KingOfTheHill ======
22:58:17.459        | ====== level started:  ‘levels\mainmenu\mainmenu’ success ======
22:58:17.723 WARNING| frame 7324 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.210379)
22:58:18.207 WARNING| frame 7331 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.121317)
22:58:18.932 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 6.9 ms
22:58:47.812        | GameApp shutdown
22:58:47.814        | Closed connection with masterServer addr, reason 41
22:58:47.816        | MasterServer_RequestServerStatus
22:58:47.817        | MasterServer_RequestServerVersion
22:58:47.817        | MasterServer_RequestNewsFeed
22:58:47.817        | MasterServer_RequestServerAddresess

Issue has been reported.

After the new patch my target cross is fixed at the center of the screen. I doesn´t move the way before. Now my whole screen is shaking and thats no joke: I can´t play anymore because I got headaches from this. :frowning:

So my next thought was playing a Torpedo-Frigate. I don´t have to fly araound and getting headaches - just fire the torpedo. But heck - it flies only on a straight line.

Thats really frustrating! But part one is worser to me!!

Fix it please :smoke:

I’m having a similar issue, Guided torp’s are uncontrollable, my cross hairs are stuck in the center of my screen (not just the X axis) i originally thought this was a settings issue (after alot of checking and rechecking I’m reasonably certain it’s not) it persists through restarts and reinstalls. I’ve included several log files, and a dxdiag file. Feel free to contact me and ask for anything else you need to help resolve this issue (hopefully with some haste)

[2013_05_24_19_13_06__5040.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6024)

[2013_05_25_19_58_25__4124.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6025)

[2013_05_26_10_01_01__2460.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6026)

[2013_05_26_19_32_10__2068.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6027)

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6028)

this is a general problem with mouse input. devs are working on it.


Thank you for putting up your files. DX Diag Files are still required to find this issue.