[F]Cannot Buy. The reason is: You need at least 35 free storage spaces to buy this ship.

Tried to buy the Raptor MkII and got this message:



Cannot Buy.  The reason is: You need at least 35 free storage spaces to buy this ship. 



Sold a few spares in my Warehouse and its still saying 35 storage spaces required.  


Is this a vetigial feature thats blocking my purchase?

Look at the bottom of the equipping ship/shop screen (not the warehouse) for buying more storage space. It’s cheap.


I admit, it’s pretty well hidden.

Thanks a heap.  

This error message needs to direct people to the Equipment screen.  

When buying new modules, it popups option to buy increased warehouse slots. Wonder why it doesn’t do it for this as well

Yeah.  Didn’t even switch to the equipment screen…why is it on the equipment screen when it effects the ship screen?

When buying new modules, it popups option to buy increased warehouse slots. Wonder why it doesn’t do it for this as well



Needs to be added in next patches

This will be added soon.