[F]Call me when it's fixed

I know Error keeps saying that Tech 2 ships have little advantage over Tech 1, but when you play the game, that is shown to simply not be the case. I can defeat the majority of Tech 1 pilots in combat, but going against a tech 2 ship is like hitting a steel wall. Add in that quite often, you can find yourself on a team with no tech 2 pilots while the other team has 2 or 3 and it makes the grind up frustrating and not fun at all. Even worse, While I’m losing the majority of battles to these pilots, that means they are winning and advancing even faster than me, widening the technology gap even farther.

I like the game concept, but I’m finding myself having no fun while playing due to poor match making mechanics. I understand you say have few options when the player-base is so small, but it is going to grow slowly at best until you fix this. The fact is that there are almost always Tech 1 pilots on, and it would not be hard to match them together at all. I’ve personally been playing with a group of friends who were all in Tech 1 and when we try to count into matches together, we have been consistently split up and matched against Tech 2 opponents.

Until things are fixed, I won’t be playing the game.

Good luck.

There will be some rebalances in the next patch, which should be out today or next days so please keep watching the forum.

Tier 1 and Tier 2 shouldn’t play in the same matches, that’s all.

Either you do a lot more tiers that have some light advantages each steps, so you - may - be able to match some range of tiers together, either you don’t make them compete in the same matches.

I really love most of the game, but to be honnest, I’m getting overfurstrated by beeing 2 shot by tier 2 players that even have a 4th ship sometimes; while I’m trying my best to avoid their shot, they just stop, point, click and win without any sweat.

You’ve got a serious game design issue there. Since the first wipe, each time I’m trying to get back in the game, the tier mecanism simply makes me play other games. See you in a few monthes.

I’ve mentioned this before in pretty much the exact same fashion but due to limited player base it is difficult to achieve the desired results, however, I must ask the OP…

Are you creating a squad to play with your friends?

biggest problem seems to be the tech tree, the tech tree offers lots of pasive bonus this means that a t1 of a starter is not even close to be like a t1 ship from someone that has half the skilltree resarched

lets have some hope ERROR said the tech tree was going to be reworked so time will say.

biggest problem seems to be the tech tree, the tech tree offers lots of pasive bonus this means that a t1 of a starter is not even close to be like a t1 ship from someone that has half the skilltree resarched

lets have some hope ERROR said the tech tree was going to be reworked so time will say.

I think tech three is working great :wink:

When you upgrade ypup can chose to immediatley change your ships or wait upgrading other 2 lvl to get a tech III, just the way i’m doing now, i could already purchese T3 ordinary ships but i’m still flyng t2 mkIII and i’ll change only whan i get lvl 9 so i can directlyy purchese T3 mkIII. You just got to choose what you prefer to do :wink:

I started lvling raid. Didnt play long. Have around 200 wins. Reputation now goes much faster than then. I played vs t2-1 in t1-1 and had highest score in team.