
7k shields

5k armor

1 shot doing 12672 damage,

85.6% Of HP

Dead. You do the math…

Do weapons do to much damage?


Could you add the log files from the session to check it.

the only thing that makes sense is that an interceptor nuked you while using a self destruct module, its about 15k-16k damage

theres realy nothing else that can do that much beside deathray but iv never used it so i wouldnt know if its a single or a channeling damage system

and if you where under the influence of a target painter it would be possible to inflict such damage…so there are some skills which improves the destructive powers of large missiles

the only thing that makes sense is that an interceptor nuked you while using a self destruct module, its about 15k-16k damage

theres realy nothing else that can do that much beside deathray but iv never used it so i wouldnt know if its a single or a channeling damage system

mmmm what about heavy plasmas + that mod that increase plasma dmg by a lot but reduce travel speed+ skills that enhace plasma dmg.

i have started using it on my frigate yersterday and when ever i manage to conect a full charged hit is olmost a K.O for most ships.

Heavy Plasma T3 mk3 (EMP Mode) -> Valkyrie mk3 T3 -> Crit -> fully charged = He’s dead Jim. Actually did a 12k crit with plasma too, but only on the shields of an Elite Frig in Shipjard defence with old heavy plasma on a fighter. But without Screenshot or log file from that game we all dont know what happend.

you cant 1hko that even if you do 12k damage as EMP, thats 7k damage to the shield but what about hull resistence to EMP?

he did say he got 1hkoed.

you cant 1hko that even if you do 12k damage as EMP, thats 7k damage to the shield but what about hull resistence to EMP?

he did say he got 1hkoed.

since we dont know anything about what truly hapend hardto tell butmy guess is he had 0 armor vs the attack in question

the damage came from t2 Mark 3 railguns.

as per in the screenshot.

dont know how to add the files error or i would let me fix the screenie.

Simply post the game.log from that day. Every kill, death or assist is logged in it. What kind of ship did yor killer used? Attacker or Frigate?

btw i dont belive that 1 hit of heavy rail can deal more than 6.5k dmg critical. Even all buffs available on that tech lvl included. I assume a frigate here.

But youre not alone with this “overkill”. I had a while back something similar (ver 0.6). T4 fighter vs my T2-2 from jericho techs. ~3k hull and ~7k shields with 19 units res on hull, 25 units on shields and resistance set to kinetic and got 1 shoted by T4 mk3 rapid rail. Soooo this might be a bug in dmg calculation.

i am using a 1000gs T2 attackship with 9k shields, and i had my multi’s on at the moment, so resistance was around 180 ish. with 150% Regen, it was just bang dead, you can hit for this much, i see it a lot actually.

20:57:11.390 WARNING| frame 3770 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.101787)

20:57:11.703 WARNING| frame 3777 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.125185)

20:57:11.921 WARNING| frame 3782 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.105835)

20:57:14.218 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 5.5 ms

20:57:14.937 WARNING| frame 3862 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.131395)

20:57:17.046 WARNING| frame 3916 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.103575)

20:57:18.171 WARNING| frame 3944 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.136514)

20:57:19.265 WARNING| frame 3970 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.113292)

20:57:19.468 WARNING| frame 3974 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.131981)

20:57:20.359 WARNING| frame 3995 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.132597)

20:57:20.781 | Combat: killed gefi -> Uhmari Weapon_Railgun_Heavy_T2_Mk3 98.8% dmg (1 assists)

20:57:20.781 | Combat: elgar1 assisted gefi -> Uhmari

20:57:20.781 | Combat: assisted with 166 damage (1.2%)

20:57:21.187 WARNING| frame 4014 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.127446)

I think the issue could have a simple reason. It could add the repaired values also.

For example you have 10k Hull and 10k Shield Hitpoints.

The enemy deals 15k damage to you and you fly away and repair yourself.

You enter the fight again and get killed with 20k damage and it stacks with the previous damage ->35k damage.

Could someone try to look if report modules could have any influence on it?