[F]Boss warning

I know the game is designed by Russians, but…what?


Realized after the first time getting to him, that said, “GET YO xxxx OUTTA HERE”

Are you talking about the warning that pops up on the screen when the Boss in the scenario locks onto you?  Mine displays in Russian so I don’t know what it says…

Are you talking about the warning that pops up on the screen when the Boss in the scenario locks onto you?  Mine displays in Russian so I don’t know what it says…


that’s the one.


not a big deal, i found it amusing, but that’s all part of spit and polish. It’s a lot of work, but language options could handle that/

Yeah, it’s odd. Every single line in the game has been translated into english. Even the voicework is in english. Except for that one line of text.

My first reaction was “I have no idea what it says but it sure looks scary, better gtfo”.

Yeah, it’s odd. Every single line in the game has been translated into english. Even the voicework is in english. Except for that one line of text.


there’s also the matchmaking queue graph



My first reaction was “I have no idea what it say but it sure looks scary, better gtfo”.


Ha, exactly what I thought.  I just heard “Warning Danger.”  Then that appeared and I was being prodded with an energy beam that sometimes glitches through solid objects.

 I was being prodded with an energy beam that sometimes glitches through solid objects.


According to the hit log when you die, it’s an experimental T5 pulsar…


And no, it doesn’t hit you through objects, when T1-T4 pulsar do.

Odd, I could have sworn it hit me through the dreadnought hull.

Odd, I could have sworn it hit me through the dreadnought hull.



it does seem like it goes through the hull…could that be lag? I see this type of thing in MechWarrior Online