[F] Attack Drone bug

So recently I’ve noticed that attack drones (launched from frigates) are invulnerable to weapon fire. The only apparent way to destroy them is with missiles or with modules that inflict damage (i.e. Pulsar).


Has anyone else noticed this?

you can destroy them, its just hard to do since their hitbox is weirdly set up. aiming straight at em usually misses, even with lasers.

They can be destroyed.

The Problem is that you cannot lock on them, so you do not know where to aim for them. (Lasers are perfect for that job)

Next problem is that most Shields are big enough to protect the Drone from fire. So the only way to take them out is to use explosives.

Even then there is a high chance that only one drone will be destroyed since their orbit is big enough to stay out of the explosion radius.

The (heavy missile slot) drones are very hard to destroy, you can lock on to them, but even when aiming straight at them with lasers, you still miss, you actually have to aim behind them in a weird angle to get a laser to cross its path to damage it.

Gentaei, he’s referring to the launchable attack drones, not the engie’s defense/repair drones.  The attack drones are the ones that fit into the [large?] missile slot, and will follow a target around and attack it.


I’ve killed plenty of both, but the attack drones are certainly harder to hit.  You have to be within a few hundred meters of it, even with lasers.  It’s just tiny, and the hitbox seems messed up.

Gentaei, he’s referring to the launchable attack drones, not the engie’s defense/repair drones.  The attack drones are the ones that fit into the [large?] missile slot, and will follow a target around and attack it.


I’ve killed plenty of both, but the attack drones are certainly harder to hit.  You have to be within a few hundred meters of it, even with lasers.  It’s just tiny, and the hitbox seems messed up.


Indeend the hitbox of the attack drones (large slot) are a bit bugged. I did some testing and you cant hit them with lasers properly. I even got killed from one while piloting an interceptor with lasers. O_o

/me wonders what woul happen if a team had 5 tacklers all dropping sentry drones on a beacon :o

/me wonders what woul happen if a team had 5 tacklers all dropping sentry drones on a beacon :o

brb, dropping a Minefield & Pulsar.

Hmm, fair enough. Do pulsars hit the sentries/attack drones then? Never really see the drones in combat.

Only Ships will be hit from pulsar.


I dont know if Sentry or attack drone will trigger a minefield. But Sentry should be fine to destroy. I did it a while back with long range lasers on 10km range.

Yeah, sentries are far less of a problem(spread makes it annoying to hit, but that is fine) I was just wondering how good they would protect a beacon from inty ^.^