[F]Allowed to purchase, but not allowed to use item on ship

I have 1 skill point into “Falcon” system under the “Electronic” skill talent, and the game shop allowed me to purchase the Rangefinder T4 Mk.1 for 97750 credits.

However, the game does not allow me to install it on my Lynx-M attack ship or any of my other ships Passive Module. Instead, it wants me to buy the Rangefinder T1 Mk.1, a lesser quality item for 8500 credits.

The problem was because I did not use the “Compatible with ships” option, but the game should EXPLAIN why I shouldn’t be allowed to use the T4 Mk.1

Why can’t I use it?

At a guess, the Lynx-M isn’t tier 4? I’m pretty sure you can’t use equipment that is a higher tier than the ship, although I haven’t seen this actually documented anywhere.

These things should get documented in the near future. It is right you can only equip T1 equipment on T1 ships and so on.

Quite annoing if you get the next higher tier of ship and you see, you actually cant equip your lower tier equipment on it. v.v So you need to get the mony to buy the ship and also enough for a basic equipment.

Quite annoing if you get the next higher tier of ship and you see, you actually cant equip your lower tier equipment on it. v.v So you need to get the mony to buy the ship and also enough for a basic equipment.

Oh! I hadn’t even thought about that, not having made it to T2 yet. I’m glad you mentioned it…that would have been quite a letdown.

The documentation and the toold tips/info of what you can and cannot use, plus what the modules do is awful now. I agree: needs more work.

Quite annoing if you get the next higher tier of ship and you see, you actually cant equip your lower tier equipment on it. v.v So you need to get the mony to buy the ship and also enough for a basic equipment.

I may be wrong as I haven’t played since closed beta (Downloading updates now) but when I was I am very certain you could equip lesser tier weapons and tech on a higher tier ship. I made the same of buying a weapon from a higher tier and realized that weapon tiers had to be <= ship tier which is stinks if you liked the look or stats of a lower tier ship but makes sense that you couldn’t put more advanced tech on a ship of lower tech. In addition if you could do that than everyone would keep base ships until they bought all the best weapons

Dunno why it was removed but i was cool to have at least your T1 equip. But since we have mk3 weapons even a bit better (except the range) than t2 standart weapons i guess it is meant to be like it is now.

I played today and the special ability is different with each of the 2 available ships for each of the 3 classes idk why the ability seems to be different if it’s federation or empire but maybe that changes in the higher tiers.