Explanation of how currency/workshop works?

I hope this is the right place to ask. 


So this is one area that I never truly understood before I quit back 2 years ago roughly and I don’t understand it any better now.

I’ve browsed the wikipedia trying to figure it out but I can’t seem to understand it.

Does anyone have any links or a guide on how the different kinds of currency and how the workshop/salvaging/etc works?

It is indeed very complicated. It’s got to the point where I (who have been playing for over two years with few breaks) has no idea how to obtain parts for the styx module. There is a rework coming soon that should simplify the currencies required for upgrading modules. As for crafting etc I don’t think there is one single guide that covers it all because the devs frequently add new layers, making it more complicated.

If no-one has any suggestions for existing guides in this thread I can try to explain some of it to you, but it might be best you just trying it out through trial and error. Just don’t buy any bundles with gold standards until you know what you are doing.

Okay here we start:

Mk1 modules give nothing. You can sell them only for credits back.
Mk2 modules can be sold/salvaged. It depends on the module itself and its rank what and how much resources you get if you salvage it.
You can upgrade Mk1 → Mk2 via credits or an mk2 upgrade kit specified for the module. You can directly salvage/sell the mk 2 upgrade kit too - therefore you don’t need to buy Mk 1 module and then upgrade it via the kit to mk 2 to salvage it for its resources.
Mk 3 can be upgraded via loyalty. Can be sold/salvaged.
Mk 4 can be upgraded via iridium/mk 4 upgrade kits. Can be sold/salvaged. Same apply for mk 4 upgrade kits.
Mk 5 can only be upgraded via workshop.
BP for mk 5 upgrade/mk1 modules can be found in: Spec Ops, OS mysterious container and in the purple dot of PvE of the rank range.
For some modules doesn’t exist upgrade kits(or at least not in the loot pool), so you need to upgrade them by themself.
Ship parts can be produced in the workshop.
Can be found as loot in Spec Ops(T4+) or gained via ranking up in factions after said introduction of these new rank up rewards.
Ship components can be only found in loot of the same rank and only with full synergy level ship used.
Berrylium/Neo can be found as loot in PvE/PvP/OS, but only OS doesn’t have the restriction of needing the same rank+full synergy ship like with ship components. You can even find plates/rods in loot, but it’s very rare.
Special modules need to be activated to give a daily mission. Click on the ship → on the special module → the one you will grind for. There should be something to activate.
GS can be acquired by: Winning in tournaments, fulfilling the surveys the sometimes have, doing achievements and doing special events or via sector conquest holding and playing a GS sector.

9 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Ship components can be only found in loot of the same rank and only with full synergy level ship used.

however, this isn’t true for ship components for modules, only for the ship components to build a ship. I think the modules need you to play specific missions or game modes. At least, you won’t get any sword-s special module parts for using the sword-s in pvp, e.g.

Also once you could only farm for one type of component at a time, I am not sure, if this is still so, but its a caveat.

I don’t mind complex systems, which make you do decisions, but this is just a complicated system, not a complex one.

I personally mind that some of the missions not only require you to play a specific gamemode for a goal, but simply force you to play it like a homework, repeatedly, without the option, to finish challenges in any mode you like. By now, games have learned to respect invested time and effort independently. I hope that changes too.

I’m trying to understand some of this stuff but it raises even more questions.

I’m not going to quote directly, just reference due to the amount of information.


The Mk 1-5 I understand. Learned that before I left (although I believe the highest back then was 4 and that was only obtainable through loot rewards IIRC)
Was going to ask what Spec Ops was but I get it now. A specialized mission for rank 7 and up ships.
What do you mean by Ship Parts? Do you mean parts for the premium ships, like the Palom? I got a mission to get parts for it but haven’t heard anything else after getting 11/40 parts for it.

What do you mean by ship components? What is the difference between parts and components?
What is OS? 

Special Modules? I’ve not seen these. What do they look like?

Where do I find GS sectors?

Thank you though. This answered some questions and brought up more! 


Also, what is this?  Hi2pKjo.jpg

I know it’s a mission but do I get these ships back? Do they have better chances of success if they’re higher rank or more outfitted or higher synergy/level?

43 minutes ago, Maitrify said:

I know it’s a mission but do I get these ships back? Do they have better chances of success if they’re higher rank or more outfitted or higher synergy/level?

the ships are just unavailable to play until you (or they, since you only got to wait) finish the mission. you could always recall them if you need them but that cancels the mission. they will bring back resources on completion and will be available again.

I do not know if equipment makes a difference, I do not think so, I think they can even be empty. Certainly, however, their “fits” do not make a difference.

Yes, Ship Parts are the new style parts which look like sim cards allowing you to build certain ships like the Brokk exclusively, and some of the GS/DLC ships, like the Karud; Ship Special Module Parts look the same, but instead of building ships, they give you a new kind of role module (I think thats what we refer to as special module, the ability you do with F; some ships have alternative role modules you can acquire). I am not sure tho, if everybody means that with special module… ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

OS means open space. so docking out from the hangar into free flight.


@borg: Read what I wrote, because then you didn’t need to comment false about ship components and special module components.

Was going to ask what Spec Ops was but I get it now. A specialized mission for rank 7 and up ships.<<

That’s so not correct.
There are 2: Defiler R10-R15 mission
and Destroyer ‘Andromeda’:
T3: R7-R9 mission.(BP/rare loot)
T4: R10-R12 mission(BP/rare loot/Ship parts)
T5: R13-R15 mission(BP/rare loot/Ship parts)

What do you mean by Ship Parts? Do you mean parts for the premium ships, like the Palom? I got a mission to get parts for it but haven’t heard anything else after getting 11/40 parts for it.<<

No. Ship parts also called secret project parts are those engine/interior structure etc. you craft from workshop or get from other sources. The amount and which part you need is depending on the project you want to build(instead of before the amount of slots you will open and the ship balance factor for the one you want to build). The new introduced destroyer require ship parts too + neo(for R8) or berry(for R11) version.

What do you mean by ship components? What is the difference between parts and components?<<

Ship component relate to the ship assembled by it. Mean Karud ship components for Karud. But this mean also, that you need for each current assemble premium ship need its own unique ship component.

Ship parts are as explained secret project parts and have nothing to do with such premium ship assemblings.

What is OS? << Open Space also called Invasion mode is a free to fly mode with missions, some happenings and farmable nodes(but most times trash). If you wanted ever to see all the PvE/PvP maps in their glamour, you can fly to them there. But due lack of devs attention it’s not very interesting outside of sight-seeing tours.

>>Special Modules? I’ve not seen these. What do they look like?<<

  1. You can’t see them outside of an different animation if they have.
  2. You have to fly specific ships currently(but it’s already said that ALL ships will have 2 special modules while current first premiums will get this rework) to choose between 2 special modules before entering queues.

>>Where do I find GS sectors?<< Look at the OS map at a specific dreadnought button to change view from normal look to corporate one. Then view each sector to see its rewards. Some are GS sectors in payment, the most are iridium.

Also, what is this? Hi2pKjo.jpg

I know it’s a mission but do I get these ships back? Do they have better chances of success if they’re higher rank or more outfitted or higher synergy/level? <<

This is a fleet mission. You give the guy some of your ships for a time period doing task for him(lore wise said). There are 3 parts:
Amount of ships needed.
Synergy level of ships.
Specified role of ships.

The amount of ships and their maximum rank depend on your hightest rank accross all 3 factions with max sending at R12.
You get resources as already said but also vouchers(depending on the max and your achieved %).

What this mean:
You have for example R4 in empire, R6 in fed and R5 in jeri. Now you can max send R6 ships for this mission. The amount is then only 2-3 ships as its very low of rank. R6 is in this case your hightest rank accross all factions therefore the limiter.
If you would have 12+ rank ship available, then the max you can send are R12 ships and the maximium of 6 ships.
This mean 100/6 = (16 +1/6)% for full synergy, requested R12 ship send. Don’t know if fixed, but you can achieve more as the 96% shown(it down show .x% values, but calculate them) if you send total fullfilled mission.
Requested ship roles change.
% from the send ship is depending on:
Requested role or not: +x% if it is.(not really important as explained below)
Rank of the ship(indirect).
Synergy level of ship(most important factor, a full rank non-requested at R12 give ~11% while a requested non-full ship would give less so it’s better as having to use this non-full ship)

→ Requested R12 ship role ship with only syn level of 3 = 6%
Not requested R12 ship full rank = ~11%
Requested R12 ship role ship full rank = ~17%
The automatic button choose the best % available accross all available ships(ships in slots doesn’t count as is shown as for example 91%(93%) meaning in your slot is a ship, that has 2% more for this mission as the ship replacing it).
So be aware to don’t send ships away you will later use(grinding/OS/whatever) or to don’t have the better ships(%-wise) in your slots.
Ships used for this fleet mission don’t have to be equipped. But they block this equipment as long as they are on the mission if send out with them. Meaning if you have your best weapon/modules equipped on such a ship and then want it on another one, you can only do it with canceling the mission first or stripping it off before sending out.

On 9/28/2016 at 10:52 AM, Lord_Xenon said:

@borg: Read what I wrote, because then you didn’t need to comment false about ship components and special module components.

i read yours, and added the caveat, because you did not write any specifics about those two. there is no “false” stuff there.

and if there is, you could have just corrected it.