Explain Synergy Rewards.

Anybody have an idea of how synergy is actually rewarded? It seems like the more money you’ve dumped into the game, the more synergy you’ll be rewarded. There seems to be no set amount for certain AI. After quadrupling the amount of kills on my team, over 80 kills, I still ended a match with just over 1k. Anybody have an explanation? 

A)vs ai battle give you less reward then PvP

B)your synergy you get is affected by what you do and you fleet strength and prem license

C)pve give even less synbthen PvAi

D)The most synergy in PvE is rewarded for winning

R15 implant(2 only) and full leveled ship affect the rewarded synergy as well.

The daily factor is important too.

Your total synergy gain is permanently increased by buying certain DLC packs, by getting the R15 implant, and fleet strength (the more ships you own at max synergy the more synergy you earn).

So, like I stated, the more you pay = the more you earn. What’s the point in playing a game if there is no chance of progression??If they wanted us to pay to actually enjoy the game, just make it a damn b2p. And the attitude towards vets in the whole reward system is ridiculous. The game is dying, and the devs know it. That’s why they are so quick to hand out the elite ships to new players. 

To gain synergy, do PvP. To gain credits do PvE. To fall asleep with boredom do PvAI. This is what I tell all new players I meet. Also increasing your fleet strength by maxing out lower level ships is a very good way to progress faster.

How are you supposed to max out ANY ship when you cant get rewards for kills alone? Rely on your team?? Ever read the chat? half of the comments are about xxxx teams. Nothing but new players making thoughtless suggestions.

Oh that’s you. Maybe stop complaining and raging and start thinking?

And, btw, It is not a problem to get from R1 to R15 in about two weeks to get that implant, without spending a dime. Starting from R10 you will get a nice stream of monocrystals as well, which will solve your butthurt about people buying premium ships.

Can we have the name of your best account then? In chat you said that this is your third one.

The more DMG you do in PVP more synergy you get

How are you supposed to max out ANY ship when you cant get rewards for kills alone? Rely on your team?? Ever read the chat? half of the comments are about xxxx teams. Nothing but new players making thoughtless suggestions.

PvE/PvAI is mainly about winning for synergy. In R3- it’s easy to achieve wins. I have only encountered a hard breakdown with R4-6 as the modules/ship layout is handicapped compared to R7+.

Again. You dont get xxxx for synergy in any match. With over 100 kills, I should have at least 100 synergy a kill. Absolute bullshit otherwise. All the people saying they made r15 in a week are lying xxxx that paid for their ranks.

Again. You dont get xxxx for synergy in any match. With over 100 kills, I should have at least 100 synergy a kill. Absolute bullshit otherwise. All the people saying they made r15 in a week are lying xxxx that paid for their ranks.

buddy, you make more than 100 synergy just by hitting the enemy, if you even manage to kill it you get even more on top

I suspect that the OP is mistaking the end of battle screen score for syngery earnt!

I suspect that i know how to read english, and i’m getting less than 100 syn for almost EVERY kill. Even now, with fleet strength of 13, it doesn’t change. Keep fangirling the russians, and they’ll keep up with the ignorant bullshit. 

I suspect that i know how to read english, and i’m getting less than 100 syn for almost EVERY kill. Even now, with fleet strength of 13, it doesn’t change. Keep fangirling the russians, and they’ll keep up with the ignorant bullshit. 

what am i doing wrong? 


what am i doing wrong? 


nothing, haxor