experienced player looking for corp

Got 2 accounts together with more than 2000 battles


win ratio 1.28


dsr 1200


playing tiers 2, 3 4


ts available, dont speak much but can listen

Hey there,


you can try applying to NASA:



I rejected nasa once before under difrent name and jphack… well he didnt take it very well.

Feel free to message me in-game or here in the forums. If there is a time in which both of us can be online, we can discuss the possibility of you joining The United Front.

I rejected nasa once before under difrent name and jphack… well he didnt take it very well.


Okay now you need to refresh my memory. Cause I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. I dont add people to the corp only look for raw talent to look out for. If I did something dumb or offended you in any way, I apologize now. 

If I did something dumb




Must. Not. Make. Obvious. Joke.


Edit: On a serious note, if you are in the NA time zone, I would highly recommend looking at NASA first.



Must. Not. Make. Obvious. Joke.


Edit: On a serious note, if you are in the NA time zone, I would highly recommend looking at NASA first.


hush you. or your corporation will get a embargo on those sweet roll supplies. 

Okay now you need to refresh my memory. Cause I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. I dont add people to the corp only look for raw talent to look out for. If I did something dumb or offended you in any way, I apologize now. 


These are your words:

You are now on the KILL LIST that NASA puts up on their private fourms. Those that complete the kill list get special promotions. 


I have elevated you to priority target 23. 


You shall regret not joining us. For then, that means your only against us. 


Of course, im completely joking. There is no kill list, only a corporate wide search and destroy for you…



Of course i know you were joking, but some nasa members have targeted only me in combat.

Players probably simply prefer to target other players that they somewhat know instead of RandomDude95157.

The hell! If I would see JPHack on enemy team I would not think twice to waste module cooldowns and rockets on him.  :lol:

Players probably simply prefer to target other players that they somewhat know instead of RandomDude95157.

The hell! If I would see JPHack on enemy team I would not think twice to waste module cooldowns and rockets on him.  :lol:


I have noticed that I am a priority target now. Hell that GM tag guarantees me at least 5 targets at any given time. but I have noticed the ones that over extend there reach to kill me are usually targeted by my squad. hence why you will NEVER see me alone. 


These are your words:

You are now on the KILL LIST that NASA puts up on their private fourms. Those that complete the kill list get special promotions. 


I have elevated you to priority target 23. 


You shall regret not joining us. For then, that means your only against us. 


Of course, im completely joking. There is no kill list, only a corporate wide search and destroy for you…



Of course i know you were joking, but some nasa members have targeted only me in combat.


See that was a complete joke, but apparently the other members of NASA didnt get the idea of this joke…ugh. I will deal with them later, imbeciles… 

Of course i know you were joking, but some nasa members have targeted only me in combat.


also if you a have a nice and juicy DSR - you’ll get targeted anyways NASA or not. It’s just how the game is played. Good thing I’m a nub with crap stats, allows me to post my thoughts uninhibited on this forum without consequences.

I have noticed that I am a priority target now. Hell that GM tag guarantees me at least 5 targets at any given time. but I have noticed the ones that over extend there reach to kill me are usually targeted by my squad. hence why you will NEVER see me alone. 



See that was a complete joke, but apparently the other members of NASA didnt get the idea of this joke…ugh. I will deal with them later, imbeciles… 


Already know some nasa members are not very smart so this was no suprise for me.