
since 2 days ago iv been having no luck launching the game

the launcher loaded did the routine file check and crashed with an error named “Exception”

thers an option to send crash dump files to the devs which i did by pressing Yes and then started the game again

which resulted in the same error without even the launcher starting

so its been 2 days and its still doing it (figured its some kind of maintence) is there any fix or announcment?

it only started 2 days ago but im not exactly playing daily so it could have started earlier

help will be apreciated


forgot to mention that i can access the game client by the main folder, but my version isnt up to date

so i cant play anyways

Try to click on check files at bottom of launcher. then try it.

Could you also try to take a screenshot of the message you are getting?

Try to click on check files at bottom of launcher. then try it.

cant, launcher doesnt load in the first place.

its a simple double click>error

Could you also try to take a screenshot of the message you are getting?




any news?D:

Thanks for the upload. I will tell you when I get some news.

thanks ><

well… solved by redownloading the game with the latest newsletter launcher

all is well beside that glitch somewhere in the 5.1xxx patches

Thank you.