Excellent Weekend

A week ago, i thought i have lost the interest in the game.


I mainly was a bit meeeh, cause too often there was people playing in game modes, cause of the DSR race, that did not care for the objectives.


Dunno if cause of this or something else, but somehow i started think the game is boring.


But then this weekend came, and everybody enemy and own team started play on “win”.


the LRFs tried to move to the beacons, to control at least one, the people risked to win, means went into the beacon etc etc etc



What i can tell you so far, this weekend should have a lessons learned and conclusion for the game.



Play for DSR is crap, if the win incentive is high enough. Without GS for wins, there needs another incentive to win, because it seems the actual incentive to win, compared to DSR pride is not strong enough to make the people play the game as intendet.


this weekend fixed it, shame that it will be back on DSR war on Monday…


At least …it is a blast!

Imo credits and sinergy, and just competitivity should be enough reason to search wins. DSR is nothing, and everyone knows it, good players have higher average dsr, bad players have lower average dsr, and dsr whores are bad but have high dsr. And good (but kamikaze) players have low dsr but are still dangerous.

Imo credits and sinergy, and just competitivity should be enough reason to search wins. DSR is nothing, and everyone knows it, good players have higher average dsr, bad players have lower average dsr, and dsr whores are bad but have high dsr. And good (but kamikaze) players have low dsr but are still dangerous.


I hear you, but the current game shows a complete different picture…

Imo credits and sinergy, and just competitivity should be enough reason to search wins.

You earn the same credits whether you win or lose (most efficient credit earning is if your entire team sits back and just lets the enemy win as quickly as possible). Synergy comes easy and the synergy bonus for winning is small (in particular in the lower tiers). Loyalty is the big one and if it’s about winning a game or completing a contract the decision will be easy - the contract.



And good (but kamikaze) players

 I really don’t know about who you’re thinking while saying this xD

what i seem clearly to understand:


Current game has too less incentive on winning


or in other words


You gain too much if you loose…

Pretty much. Besides, at least in T4 I don’t see anybody playing for the win more than they usually do. The usual suspects are just hunting for rating the same as always. Ended synergizing my Nibelung today with 86% solo win ratio, often being the only one with beacon captures.