Event "Best squad of the week"

Hello Pilots!

Due to many requests from our players, we will move away from the randomized system this week and allow squads to show their strength!

Date and time of event : June 22, 2013, 18:00 (UTC +4, Moscow).

Registration for the event is open. Please send all applications to [Akaurl](< base_url >/index.php?s=db7b4e930f2f92e62c4932ec318f179b&&app=members&module=messaging&section=send&do=form&preview=1&_from=quickPM&fromMemberID=241018). Application Form - 4 in game nicknames, commander name. If possible link the forum accounts to the nicknames.
Game mode and rules : “Realistic Mode” the team with 2 victories proceeds to the next round and the system will be Single Elimination. Your team needs to consist of 4 players and each player has up to 3 ships. Each team has 36 points for the ship selection(The Tier indicates how many points a ship is worth. T1 - 1 points, T2 - 2 points, T3 - 3 points, T4 - 4 points).

1st place - 4000 GS per team
2nd place - 2000 GS per team
3rd place - 800 GS per team
Good luck to everyone! You can discuss the event [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20184-event-best-squad-of-the-weekdiscussion/).

Event created with the active participation of the CSL (Cosmo Sport League).