europe based player, looking for active corp on TS

Hi folks. I’m a 25 year old fellow living in Europe (+1 time) who is looking for an active English (or French) speaking corp. I’m on Teamspeak and would not mind squading up with some active pilots, corp invitation or not, on an active Star Conflict TS server to play some matches in the evenings.


I’m T3 mostly, but I’m trying to make the T4 transition and getting obliterated. :smoke:  Hence my lowish DSR and average ship kills currently. In T2 I can typically manage a 1300-1350 DSR, but that’s neither here nor there as I’m a fairly average veteran player interested in team objectives over kill hawking. And my primary weapon aim could use some work so my 1150 DSR is pretty well justified.  :00222:


I’ve been in savage crew [sAVED], Steel Marauders [sM], & Lord Clan [Lord], during my Star Conflict career, but left each of them due to a lack of corp activity during my typical play times.




I play strictly interceptors and guard frigates in T3, but bring command ships into the mix for T2.


For those interested I have three T4 ships in my lineup not shown above, Jericho ECM, Jericho Covert Ops, and Jericho Guard.


Please PM me or respond to this thread if you have some space for me in a Europe/UK based squad. I don’t necessarily require a corp invite, I’m just looking for kind, fun, strategy minded folks to squad with. If you’re in an elite / semi-elite corp and have space on your TS server for a lonely Star Conflict player, drop me a line.



I would suggest checking out WPK.

I would suggest checking out WPK.


I don’t think they’ll take me. I’m not really their caliber, besides it would be hard to play stressed out that if I don’t make certain scores I would be cut from a group of friends. Dats just weird. But thanks for the recommendation, maybe I can give their TS server a shot, I think I still have it bookmarked. The search continues!

Oh my… a meme for us.

We are closed anyway Mister T

I don’t think they’ll take me. I’m not really their caliber, besides it would be hard to play stressed out that if I don’t make certain scores I would be cut from a group of friends. Dats just weird. But thanks for the recommendation, maybe I can give their TS server a shot, I think I still have it bookmarked. The search continues!

You can always come to our ts and ask for a squad tho. Its not like we don’t want new friends or anything.

You can always come to our ts and ask for a squad tho. Its not like we don’t want new friends or anything.


So what you’re saying is:




…friendly wolves?

Well not THAT friendly.

Maybe CrystalJack if he’s in the mood.

Well, in that case I would invite you to take a look at my corp. (shameless self promotion) There are members from all over the world.


WPK for EU, NASA for the America’s, and I’m half guessing Nova for Russian.  Get used to it, get over it.  Otherwise you’re pretty much telling them to join a zerg corp.  I don’t know how many “open” corps there  are that don’t qualify as zerg corps.


This is to WPK, not xKostyan.


Well, in that case I would invite you to take a look at my corp. (shameless self promotion) There are members from all over the world.

No offense, but you guys need out of PvE more, you’ve got good players.  Half the time I see your corp in a squad it’s PvE!  Sadly, I’ve played enough PvE to know.



No offense, but you guys need out of PvE more, you’ve got good players.  Half the time I see your corp in a squad it’s PvE!  Sadly, I’ve played enough PvE to know.


None taken. There is only so much I can do to get them out of PvE. :sad:

WPK for EU, NASA for the America’s, and I’m half guessing Nova for Russian.  Get used to it, get over it.  Otherwise you’re pretty much telling them to join a zerg corp.  I don’t know how many “open” corps there  are that don’t qualify as zerg corps.



Hay we have been quietly moving up the ranks you guys will be seeing more of us in t3 & t4 soon and at 23 members we are in no way a zerg corp.

Hay we have been quietly moving up the ranks you guys will be seeing more of us in t3 & t4 soon and at 23 members we are in no way a zerg corp.


BitesBack, are you folks Star Citizen primary? I already have a Star Citizen org but would be willing to join up with y’all for some Star Conflict PvP. Any other info on Dogs of War would be helpful. Do you play nice with the undomesticated canines? (ie. WPK)  :taunt:

BitesBack, are you folks Star Citizen primary? I already have a Star Citizen org but would be willing to join up with y’all for some Star Conflict PvP. Any other info on Dogs of War would be helpful. Do you play nice with the undomesticated canines? (ie. WPK)  :taunt:

There is a reason dogs are tamed and wolfs are not.


Make your own conclusions :fed010: 


PS: No offence intended


PS2: Nice to see another spanish guy here :012j:  

BitesBack, are you folks Star Citizen primary? I already have a Star Citizen org but would be willing to join up with y’all for some Star Conflict PvP. Any other info on Dogs of War would be helpful. Do you play nice with the undomesticated canines? (ie. WPK)  :taunt:


We are still new to star conflict 2 month or so in game.We joined as way to practice our team work for star citizen. But are now enjoying star con so much we will be staying after the release of star citizen.Also we have recruited players who will not be in star citizen and will be more focused on star conflict.We are most active 7pm -12pm GMT but have players from all over so at any time you may see the DOW tag in game.

As to playing nice with WPK yes we have played with & against WPK players they are one of the best corps in game.Hopefully we can do as well as WPK have when more of us gain higher lvl ships.As a clan we try to show respect to players always give a GG at the end of a fight a vote to the best player. Our long term goals in game is to join the top guys in sector conquest & be competitive.

We are still new to star conflict 2 month or so in game.We joined as way to practice our team work for star citizen. But are now enjoying star con so much we will be staying after the release of star citizen.Also we have recruited players who will not be in star citizen and will be more focused on star conflict.We are most active 7pm -12pm GMT but have players from all over so at any time you may see the DOW tag in game.

As to playing nice with WPK yes we have played with & against WPK players they are one of the best corps in game.Hopefully we can do as well as WPK have when more of us gain higher lvl ships.As a clan we try to show respect to players always give a GG at the end of a fight a vote to the best player. Our long term goals in game is to join the top guys in sector conquest & be competitive.


Amen to that ! Been playing with some of you, it was fun :good: