Engineer upgrade : heavy repair module for missile bay

I’d like to suggest the following for an upgrade of the Engineer :


    Frigatte heavy repair module for missile bay
Name:                                 Patrion repair
Type:                                  Heavy repair module
Ship type:                          Engineer frigate
Rank:                                  2-6; 7-10, 11-17
Repair range:                   2000 m

Energy consumption:           50 pps

Energy on activation:         200 pts
Missile shield range:       2000 m
Active time:                           10 s
Recharge:                             35 s
Description:                     Converses the hole Engineer frigate into a very heavy repair ship. The missile bay module passively repairs the most damaged ally in 2500 m radius for 165 hull pps and the most damaged ally for 235 shield pps. On activation creates a slowing field with a radius of 2500 m around the ship, affecting enemies. Takes down an enemy missile in 2500 m range once every 1 second.


In this way the Engineer ship will trade one offensive damaging option, that is the missile bay ammunition, against turning the hole ship in some thing like the heavy repair done of the destroyer class.

What do you say?



1 hour ago, avarshina said:

I’d like to suggest the following for an upgrade of the Engineer :


    Frigatte heavy repair module for missile bay
Name:                                 Patrion repair
Type:                                  Heavy repair module
Ship type:                          Engineer frigate
Rank:                                  2-6; 7-10, 11-17
Repair range:                   2000 m

Energy consumption:           50 pps

Energy on activation:         200 pts
Missile shield range:       2000 m
Active time:                           10 s
Recharge:                             35 s
Description:                     Converses the hole Engineer frigate into a very heavy repair ship. The missile bay module passively repairs the most damaged ally in 2500 m radius for 165 hull pps and the most damaged ally for 235 shield pps. On activation creates a slowing field with a radius of 2500 m around the ship, affecting enemies. Takes down an enemy missile in 2500 m range once every 1 second.


In this way the Engineer ship will trade one offensive damaging option, that is the missile bay ammunition, against turning the hole ship in some thing like the heavy repair done of the destroyer class.

What do you say?




2 hours ago, avarshina said:

I’d like to suggest the following for an upgrade of the Engineer :


    Frigatte heavy repair module for missile bay
Name:                                 Patrion repair
Type:                                  Heavy repair module
Ship type:                          Engineer frigate
Rank:                                  2-6; 7-10, 11-17
Repair range:                   2000 m

Energy consumption:           50 pps

Energy on activation:         200 pts
Missile shield range:       2000 m
Active time:                           10 s
Recharge:                             35 s
Description:                     Converses the hole Engineer frigate into a very heavy repair ship. The missile bay module passively repairs the most damaged ally in 2500 m radius for 165 hull pps and the most damaged ally for 235 shield pps. On activation creates a slowing field with a radius of 2500 m around the ship, affecting enemies. Takes down an enemy missile in 2500 m range once every 1 second.


In this way the Engineer ship will trade one offensive damaging option, that is the missile bay ammunition, against turning the hole ship in some thing like the heavy repair done of the destroyer class.

What do you say?




I think that you really like to play with engineer frgate and that you would like to get all op weapons and modules for it + some fancy drones.


So this PATRION REPAIR is nice thing. 

You can play alone. As your PATRION can slow enemy ships so no need for tacklers, it can take missiles down as guard module missle shield does so no need for guards as well.

I wonder whom do you plan to heal when you don’t need any team since you can do everythong alone?


Why? Because Engineer:frigate class seems to be last in fleet upgrade, that’s why.

Situation in all ship classes is nearly the same: every body can choose to equip his ship in a way it would be good for lone play, in PvE, PvP - regardless -or more specialized for team play or special roles, like camping 5-6km away farming kills (above, behind frontlines) or suppressing (like that’s what destroyers should do-not?).

Auto-aim or assited-aim op weapons like standard, semi-auto aim, multi jump and slow, energy steal (auto aim off cause) for inties.

Fighters: auto-aim energy sucking and slowing down, hull/shield crippling with main weapon, did I mention auto-aim auras, healing modules and buff auras.

For frigates only same standards, please.

9 minutes ago, avarshina said:

Why? Because Engineer:frigate class seems to be last in fleet upgrade, that’s why.


That is how devs decided.


9 minutes ago, avarshina said:

Situation in all ship classes is nearly the same: every body can choose to equip his ship in a way it would be good for lone play


Of course.

And why is so?

MM does not give same number of same role ships on both teams.

So we get an engineer in team like every third game. And every fifth time of every third game we get engineer in team that actually heal the team.



9 minutes ago, avarshina said:

Auto-aim or assited-aim op weapons like standard, semi-auto aim, multi jump and slow, energy steal (auto aim off cause) for inties.


You already have auto aim weapon for engineers.

(And for record I’m against any auto aim weapon for any class of ships this just support bad players.)


You can jump with Waz’got. 


Only recons can jump.

Only ecm can take your energy.



Point is you need different class of ship to do different things and you would like to do all with one ship.


9 minutes ago, avarshina said:

Fighters: auto-aim energy sucking and slowing down, hull/shield crippling with main weapon, did I mention auto-aim auras, healing modules and buff auras.

For frigates only same standards, please.


Frigates, just few things that can do:


Lrf-can jump, be invisible and shot+use modules at same time as only ship class


Guard-energy sucking+slowing aura+reduce enemy demage+spectre field…


Engineer-auto aim weapons + healing auras+warp gates+auto aim station+healling drones+++…


So I guess this is not enough?




1 hour ago, GatoGrande said:

My experience is that most Engineer builds have some kind of heal feature – not full, not dedicated, you right there. But who to blame? The Engi drivers?


Jump per Engine modifier module from Thar’Ga (aka [Teleportation sphere] is not working because most reasonable is building high strafe , then you just jump every so and so accidentally - not optimal module (never use it). Yes you can jump per old Warp gate, leaving you with one active module slot  minus for healing modules… And more ship roles have jump abilitynow.

However, its good to have the choice cross-role, for strategy builds, and experimenting what play style fits oneself.


1 hour ago, GatoGrande said:

Point is you need different class of ship to do different things and you would like to do all with one ship. …

No! - This is not the point.  Since SC v 1.5.0 Journey (Fleet upgrade) everybody and her grandma is beyond standard roles - as formerly defined per special modules and ship accessible modules(actives & passives).

 As I said above, same rule for every ship sub-class (role) please.  And think: we will get new pilot ranking system, too! And new open space! And new factions like pirates ! ![:yes_yes_yes:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/yes_yes_yes.gif “:yes_yes_yes:”)


I am very curious, what the upgrades for Interceptor:ECM and Interceptor:recon will bring, I have the gut feeling it will not be in old standard role barriers ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)


It is fantastic to have so much choice: it makes harder to have that one meta-build to dominate, because some idiosyncratic ship build will spoil all your dreams and beat your "meta". I find this ok!

Journey-environment got harder - so some further upgrades are very well appreciated!


P.S.: I think that Special Project ships will not get unique modules now, is because of their high flexibility it could bring unforeseen unnecessary op - ness back …