engineer balancing

so engineers are meant to play a pivotal role in combat, being the backbone of a team, I recommend at the very least buffing engineer equipment, if not adding new items to make up for the lack of engineering gear overall, actually though, most engineers got 1 or 2 items, compared to the previous ships that get 3. some recommended things:


Items currently in game:


-Nano Deconstructors:

Please boost the repair range from 500 meters to 1000 meters


Items that should be added:


-Repair Optimization Up-link:

active module that, on activation, creates a field doubling the effectiveness of all healing effects on allies in the area by 150%, the field’s radius is 2000 meters and the field lasts 30 seconds, cooldown is 45 seconds, available to all engineers of ranks 5 and up


-Drone Constructor:

hull mod, allows the engineer to carry one additional special module drone, reduces ship energy regeneration by 25% available to Styx and Naga


-‘Protectorate’ Active Defense:

active module, on activation a locked ally gains 15 points of hull and shield resistance, if the ally’s hull falls below 15% they will be teleported to the engineer and have their hull repaired for 5000 points over 5 seconds, duration, range, cooldown, and other functions operate identically to ‘Patron’ Active Defense (not sure what ship’s this is for, probably federation)


-Emergency Repair System:

Capacitor mod, if an ally’s hull falls below 15% their hull and shield will be repaired for 3000 points each, this module can only activate once every 60 seconds (not sure at all)

Why can’t engineers get balanced:



You get punished for playing a role that should be crucial to any team and are to weak to do anything


You are a broken, almost immortal heal monster, that makes your team win, with a 90% chance and is too tanky to just assasinate…

(looking at you, Waz’got…)

We still need healing missiles. I suggested them ages ago and they turned them in to the shiddy ellydium waz’gud special.


Should be avaliable to all engis R8 and up and be a secondary missile slot ammo that heals in a radius.

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

We still need healing missiles. I suggested them ages ago and they turned them in to the shiddy ellydium waz’gud special.


Should be avaliable to all engis R8 and up and be a secondary missile slot ammo that heals in a radius.

 ‘Torpedo’ Booster.


Yes, they were lazily added. EM dissolvers act exactly the same as eclipse with weaker healing, 25 res bonus is nothing. Also I feel that it doesnt work with iridium heatsink. Multiphase laser heals even weaker than waz’zup laser. Res bonus is nice, but works only for one ally and trying to boost one ally to the max, you need to forget about rest.
Only modules worth noting are probably shield grenade and healing cone. Healing cone is copy-pasta of Brokk’s drones, but its strong heal, capable of healing even destros quite fast. Shield grenade is good tossing into group of enemies to cover mosquitoes doing their jobs. Med evac is situational that can make your healer out of danger, but you waste a slot for buff that could work for everyone. Pendulum module sounds like it should be a command module rather than engi - adds survivability or oompf to your eclipse, but has the same problem as med evac. Twin barrier may save you from covie divers, but it require you to lock on ally. Waz’gud green mist is kinda superior because it covers whole groups, but it wont save ally from Pyro or other DoT. Didn’t test others, Im busy with my recon toys :>

Dual shields is nice tho. I like static regen.

… we got another Ninja-nerf on the Waz’Got : energy regen is significantly lower now, I can’t use afterburner reasonable now. ![:012:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/012.png “:012:”)

5 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

We still need healing missiles. I suggested them ages ago and they turned them in to the shiddy ellydium waz’gud special.


Should be avaliable to all engis R8 and up and be a secondary missile slot ammo that heals in a radius.

Yup – special engi missiles is the way to go for a buff and with more agility for engineers!

Actually, they just need to nerf weapon preventing ship rellying on positionning.

Engineers are ships that need to consider ennemies as well as allies but with the shittons of new weapons/modules and the lack of proper counter mechanics, they can’t deal with them.


You simply can’t take position, watch out for allies in needing and move in time or answer against everything new ingame.


It’s way too easy to burst a standard Engineer compared to a Waz’Got


And by the way, the Energy-Compensating Projectile is a healing missile with a debuff twist for agressive counterplay

1 hour ago, Rakza said:

Actually, they just need to nerf weapon preventing ship rellying on positionning.

Yes and No! Global Fleet Upgrade means new stuff for the future Journey of SC “To boldly go where no man has gone before!”

If we get 8 km lazor farming tools for camping gunship pilots (+ can jump), well ok I am not pro not against it from start, lets see is my position. But we need some counter measures for every role, for engi role I propose auto-adaptating missiles adjusting flight speed and turn rate according to range of looked ship (plus lock of range and coordinates should stay in warhead even if enemy ship has countermeasures : so it must also move if warhead is coming and will explode at its position in some seconds time. Logic behind is, warhead has limited amount of fuel for its engine it can burn it rapidly for speed and changing directions, or be economic with fuel and act like cruise missile for long range. It deploys a mine field at explosion (like we know from [mine field] mssile slot secondary weapon) giving heals to allys and damage to enemies (same mechanics as Mine field secondary weapon).).

Why i am saying this? Because 8km farming gunship can take out 1st the engi from group, then get angry pack against it and take out them one after another and if they come too near just jump away: what a horror scenario : team has no chance against single farming camper, or must have entire team look after one camper -> consequence is each side has more and more 8km camper pilots, bad bad bad.


1 hour ago, Rakza said:

Engineers are ships that need to consider ennemies as well as allies but with the shittons of new weapons/modules and the lack of proper counter mechanics, they can’t deal with them.


You simply can’t take position, watch out for allies in needing and move in time or answer against everything new ingame.

Absolutely Yes, it is challenging for engineer frigates these times. Also for guards. But look what they did: Ninja Nerfing the engineer frigate ships (and their modules) further – its so preposterous – while they buff everything around the engineer role! I have to test the new modules further but with the engi ships so weak I doubt it will be much fun. Engi as is today is not survivable even in open space against NPCs.


1 hour ago, Rakza said:

It’s way too easy to burst a standard Engineer compared to a Waz’Got


And by the way, the Energy-Compensating Projectile is a healing missile with a debuff twist for agressive counterplay

ABSOLUTELY: I tested the one engi that the devs, according to the last patch notes- put their hands on: Federation



[Shrike221](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/247622-shrike221/ “Go to Shrike221’s profile”)****, posted on [Tuesday at 03:30 PM](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/36740-star-conflict-152/#comment-424789):


  • The ship’s energy bonus was replaced by a cooldown bonus for modules
  • Critical damage bonus was replaced by a bonus to strafe and turn speed

Developer comment: We changed the bonuses for Polus to emphasize its features aimed at rapid movement and quick use of modules

Well even in open space against NPCs it is way way behind the Wazgot: lesser DPS, lesser maneuverability, lesser tank in combat situations : and they Ninja nerfed the Waz’Got accordingly it seems, meaning Wazzi has lesser energy balance (more waste or less regen). I fear without some new modules equipped the Engi role is broken and nerfed to the brink of uselessness outside dedicated teams  with engi pilot sacrificing own point/effectiveness gain for the benefit of the most aggressive members of their group.


User comment: A well a balanced form of buffs in exchange for debuffs/nerfs for the Polus, we haven’t we seen this in roles like gunship/ecm/cov ops recently. If the Polus was a fighter the devs had given it just the buffs plus a more powerful weapon as desert …






With this change on the Pollux, they should have removed an Engine Slot and put another Hull Slot.


There is no point to have a Frigate with tons of mobility if it can’t use it because it’s in paper.

The devs don’t like the engis or they fear it going op quickly (in groups and kill squads; ). But for casual engi play: hull slot is excellent for equipping the energy regen helper module for the hull slot - but then there is the new +12% crit chance module for hull slot called [Meteor …]. And Polus with 3 Engine slots was always potentially the most agile ship of all engineers. But they have become so weak… They must stand longer because their main weapons are getting weaker and weaker in comparison with other ship-classes/roles and their extremely raising DPS potential from the last patches.

So buff self heal, or give better weapons for engis.


Have you seen all the _hull_ repair new modules, buffs? But I’d say the entire engi role needs  some slight differentiated buffs:

  • special engineer missiles (as secondary weapon)
  • even more acceleration throughout complete line of engi ships especially in combo with afterburner and backwards reverse speed plus agility: federation engis more roll/pitch and  empire engis more straffe/backwards (but not more than fighter-class base specs) - why because they are not that tanky as guards and not enough tanky and lack speed/role and are bigger targets and have more weapon shadow angles…
  • some equivalent of Waz’Got [Combat shield regenerator] that gives shield regen accelleration on receiving damage and also gives like 20 pts base EM resi (on wazzi I normally put two of them on, so 1 should be ok/balanced)
  • Special module [Attack drones] should on activation go off as agile mini-missile hunting targets in  like Wazgot spec module [Scavenger drones] missiles (for offensive protection)
  • Engineer need an equivalent of CPU modifier  [Engeneering regeneration] but for shield repair when enemy is kille in 2000m perimeter.

How about a Missile thats Damage, Speed, Rotation speed grow, with the travel distance?

4 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

How about a Missile thats Damage, Speed, Rotation speed grow, with the travel distance?

BS - troll post

1 hour ago, avarshina said:

BS - troll post

Why? It would be a perfect sniper missile, as it becomes stronger and more accurate over long ranges… I was completely serious about this.

6 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

How about a Missile thats Damage, Speed, Rotation speed grow, with the travel distance?


57 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

Why? It would be a perfect sniper missile, as it becomes stronger and more accurate over long ranges… I was completely serious about this.

Why? Because you need to compromize! Speed, turn rate and range are options of balace against each other.

You need speed of missile and high turn rate for short time in close distance against interceptors with relative low damge

you need medium turn rate and speed agaisnt frigates, and low speed but long range against destroyers and 8km figher campers.

So basically what you said :“a Missile thats Damage, Speed, Rotation speed grow, with the travel distance” – just the reverse stands : all specs decrease with travel distance

So your posz was a troll - not ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) ?


Cruise Missile is already a “Smart” Long Range Missile.

It can reach 20 Km range and its AI is able to avoid obstacle and counter Radar Camo as “Adaptive Camo”.


Range, by itself, is already a strength. You can’t ask for Long Range Missile of Doom that become better and better the more it’s travelling.

2 hours ago, Rakza said:

Cruise Missile is already a “Smart” Long Range Missile.

It can reach 20 Km range and its AI is able to avoid obstacle and counter Radar Camo as “Adaptive Camo”.


Range, by itself, is already a strength. You can’t ask for Long Range Missile of Doom that become better and better the more it’s travelling.

Yeah and strafing with 2mm per second dodges it… great option…

I think having a missile be completely useless for short ranges, but insanely strong on long ranges would not be too bad… maybe you can also base the cooldown on how far it detonated from launch…