Engineer and drones.

I enjoy playing the engineers but with the last 2 patches I’ve been getting extremely pissed off with the attack/combat drones running off leaving me completely unguarded (when not in a squad). My issue with them is they often tend to auto engage whatever the healy love suicide drones attack then chase after the target more often than not I have no idea where they are or even if they are still alive. You’ll tend find them bouncing around some object scratching their heads trying to plot a course.


So a couple of suggestions:


  1. A Drone counter to tell you how many you have in space

  2. A directional indicator (like the captain one) to give you a rough idea of which direction they’ve run to

  3. A better satnav the tomtom they have is appalling

  4. Special ability replaced with something else like the warp gate, the healing drones in space should be automatically healing allied craft in range like the charging/repair stations anyway.

I thought they would float near you as long as you don’t have an active target?

  • I know they zoom off the moment you acquire one.

Aye, they use to now when someone gets close to me and my drones are idle as soon as they get within 1.9k the healing drones shoot sending the combat drones off in a frenzy

I thought they would float near you as long as you don’t have an active target?

  • I know they zoom off the moment you acquire one.

They will engage a target even after you dropped your lock. Which is the awesome part - they’ll kill an LRF even after it went into hiding. So OP.

To call them back you need to target something outside of their range. That’s how it always was.

And yes, while not chasing anything they’ll auto-attack anything near them like a sentry drone. Which is why they’d one-shot any ceptor coming close when you still had infinite spawns.

They usually run off to chase anyone using a Coil Mortar, which cannot hit a drone unless the drone is against an asteroid