"Engage" battle = DC

Nearly every battle or every other battle, when I go to Engage, I end up with a DC, unable to connect to server message. About half the time I have to close the game and reboot in order to get back in. About one out of 4 times I try to use a warp gate it does the same thing. I see this is a common problem with some people, doesn’t make it any more fun, just cmore common than it should, I realize the game is in Betta but please, it has become so annoying it is hard to play and so takes a lot away from what is a great game with unlimited potential.

Please try to give as many info as possible:

  • Your system specs + Operating system as DX Diag.
  • Videos + Screenshots (Only if needed, but in most cases they are helpful)
  • Log files + Exceptions
    ( Please only add the Logs and Exceptions of the game session where the bug occured, not all! )
    (Logs can be found here: My Documents\My Games\StarConflict\logs)
    (Exceptions can be found here:   My Documents\My Games\StarConflict\Exceptions
    ( Upload the logs + exceptions as a .zip archive, not .rar! )
    (In case of game freezes or crashes, you should launch the game in window mode to have acess to your system)

PLease use the thread, which you already opened. Don’t open multile threads for the same issue. Here is your other [thread](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23929-enter-battle-client-dc/).

Please provide all the information in that thread.