Energy converter on ECM and Metastable Energy Field Generator issue?

Bug report:


2 issues:


If you equip the Energy Converter module on your ECM, you can abuse it in a way, while under metastable energy field special module.

If you press and activate Energy Coverter one moment before activating the Metastable Energy field special module, it will not get cancelled and you can still aim with the beam for a few seconds, while active.


Steps to replicate this bug:

1.) Take ECM, equip Energy Coverter module.

2.) Go outside in Open Space or in Custom lobby.

3.) Bring a player of the opposing side in a match.

4.) Opposing player should be a Guard, Gunship or a Destroyer

5.) ECM should enable Energy Converter and then immediately go into “bubble” mode.

6.) Aim the Energy Converter beam at the enemy target.

7.) Enemy Destroyer or opposing ship should deal damage to Metastable Energy Field - ECM.


Two issues here.

  • Energy Converter is not immediately disabled, while under Metastable Energy Field effect

  • You can project or mirror all the damage done to the enemy, without any damage on your ECM (check logs)



No bug. As long as you are “alive” and under the energy converter effect you will retaliate using all incoming fire, wether or not it deals damage.

11 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

No bug. As long as you are “alive” and under the energy converter effect you will retaliate using all incoming fire, wether or not it deals damage.

I wrote about two issues here.

Abuse and damage dealing under MEF.

It should be listed as a bug, because under Metastable Energy Field generator you do not receive any damage and you should not deal it as well.

This can only be confirmed or denied by developers themselves!

Your immunized against damage. So there is no incoming damage. So you shouldn’t be able to reflect damage when you receive nothing.

So bug for me.