Enemy ships taking few to no damage (and hitting like hammers)

Dear Devs, Fellow Pilots,


I’d like to bring to your attention something that has been happening to me in some battles in the last 10 days. Enemy ships simply take too few to no damage and punch like on a mix of steroids and crack.

I thought on every detail before posting this here as it might arise some serious discussion. I could understand this if my enemy has tank for (i.e.) thermal and my main are Ions, and I’m tanked for thermal and he is hitting me with EM or Kinetic. This happens and that’s what modules are there for,

BUT! When 90% of enemy ships in game have this very same strenght, being attacked by all 3 types of damage things start to smell… In one game, me and 2 corpmates were focusing fire on a lone Jericho T3 guard frigate at a beacon with all 3 types of damage and the best we had before being left at 15% hull was less than 50% shield… we moved away and attacked a Fed Engineer Anaconda crossing the map to beacon… Same result. There were other engagements with other enemy ships with same result too in the same battle and on other random battles the days before.

We had railguns, Ion and blasters. They were able to take a full octopus MKIII load each and never got to hull… I was on Anaconda-m tanked a mix Thermal and EM for shields and kinetic for hull, one of my other mates on Katana and the other with Ricasso… all on MKIII modules and weapons. My guard had also target tracking coprocessor, etc.

This is not regular (thank God). Had 4 or 5 of those games in the last 10 days, mostly on low numbers per side and tanky pilots were part of same corporation (not the very same) on every game it happened.

All situations were isolated fights, on the same Tier and  I’m not talking of frigballs with repair stations, etc. 

I will start recording battles with fraps for further study and eventually to show what I’m talking about.


I would like some possible explanation (not guessing) on the situation.


Thank you very much for your time.



Phase shield?



I have never seen this happen.

My first thought is: Perhaps the problem is between the chair the the keyboard?(Read: You)

Second would be lag, but that is very unlikely.

Diffusion shield?

I think you mean phase shield, but emergency shield booster also.  I had my Crus S set to high resists and a purple emergency shield booster.  It’ll heal over 13k shields in 8 seconds, and the base shields are only about 22k.

I have never seen this happen.

My first thought is: Perhaps the problem is between the chair the the keyboard?(Read: You)

Second would be lag, but that is very unlikely.


Your first thought is wrong. I know how to play. Infact we have played and won together more than once. I’m WidowMaker in game. Furthermore it was not only me involved. If you read my post we were 3 guys focusing fire, so it might be your second thought. Like I said it is random but very noticeable when it happens. Thanks to the other posters for possible reasons.





We had railguns, Ion and blasters.


I was on Anaconda-m […], one of my other mates on Katana and the other with Ricasso.

So two fighter weapons but only one fighter? Does not add up.


They were able to take a full octopus MKIII load each and never got to hull…

Octopus T3 Mk.III deals 8327 kinetic damage if all 5 hit. A Crus S without any mods (but implants) will have 65 kinetic base shield resist, so even in the best of cases that volley will deal only 5046 damage. Hardly something that brings a guard to hull. Nor is it anything you would shoot on shields, get EM torps for that.

And again, that’s the best of cases against an unfitted solo guard. Typically the guard would have an Aegis buff and at least mass shields incoming (I know you said no station but good guards don’t overextend that much that they get out of their team’s buff range), dropped at least your Ricasso’s main weapon damage by 25% via signature masking, possibly had a multiphase shield adapter, certainly an emergency shield booster and of course a phase shield and a proper shield tank. In other words it will hardly feel your Octopus.


My guard had also target tracking coprocessor, etc.

Which is one of the most useless modules in game, if not the most useless one. You are wasting a CPU slot for a module that gives you 13% more damage (Mk.III, slightly more with crit damage implant) on 5% of your shots, i.e. little more than a 1.2% increase in overall DPS. If you want more crit damage, fit an infrared scanner. Whether it makes sense to fit one on a guard over the other available options is another question, but at least it would be the right module for the job.

Because of all three points above so far I do share FunkyBacon’s first reaction. However:


I will start recording battles with fraps for further study and eventually to show what I’m talking about.

Get a screenshot of the enemy’s full ship info screen and run full combat logs so we’ll know exactly how much damage everyone was dealing and it will be much easier to comment.

Sounds like you were trying to kill a guard frig and got surprised because it didn’t die that easily… 

Guards have this weapon suppressor field thingy also. Might be that as well.

Since you start play in T3, the ships become more powerfull and everything is about the modules you use in your ship and the other modules the people use as well. That’s why i love much more the gameplay in t2 battles. Long time ago was so easyget loyality ranks and that’s why some old players have lvl 9 or more in all factions, that way they can use all mk3 modules in all ships. 

cixux,you say it yourself. a LONG TIME AGO.

Since 7.9(I joined ~7.8) where the contracts were introduced for real, I have gone from all <5 loyalty to all >12 loyalty.

I do not agree with how it was done, but since then it is possible to have gotten atleast a few to 15 already. 

I have a fairly well equipped T3 Cruis S, which should be the ship in question.  As of the latest patch I have 26k shields, and shield resists at 127/5/90 for KE/EM/TH.  Assuming I have phase shield set to EM, and with the Weapon inhibitor active, you are doing at best 42% dps with your thermal, and it goes down from there to KE at 35%.  So assault rails on a Katana do around 700 dps.  Alone, it would take your katana over half a minute to burn through my shields. Add in the DPS from the interceptor and that drops to about 17 seconds.  I can stretch that out with an Emergency Shield boost module for another 13 k over 8 seconds, which I have the time to get the full benefit.  If i’m getting healed by a nearby engineer that will also add time.  If you put the phase shield on thermal, and just take the em from the interceptor, you will actually last a little longer since the interceptor cannot hang around with the pulsar up.  


It is entirely possible that you simply didn’t have enough time to burn him down, especially if he had healing and two shield restore modules.  

Can you record such situation next time? I have no problems with ion lazoring his shields and then finishing the job with kinetic missiles. Yes, I sometimes meet strange situations like unbreakable empire fighters or inties hull, but guards pops if not surrounded by engi. 6500 metres green ion lazor ftw.

Get a screenshot of the enemy’s full ship info screen and run full combat logs so we’ll know exactly how much damage everyone was dealing and it will be much easier to comment.

Seconded. I too would like to see more information please.

Hi guys. Thank you all for your opinions on the matter. Where do I look for combat logs? I’ve seen it in chat tab but wouldn’t know where to look for a txt file to extract and post.


On the subject: I know that there are ships tanked to resist ridiculous amounts of a given damage type, I’ve seen it, I’ve fought them, I understand why is that. I have a friend who has an Emp engineer frigate that will laugh at all lasers as he can take ridiculous amounts of thermal damage without loosing half shield. To achieve this, he stacks thermal resists and allways has an experimental automated repair station nearby,… BUT! as soon as he gets attacked with kinetic damage or EM damage he blows out as made of paper… This is not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about T3 ships receiving ridiculous amounts of all of all 3 damage types  in focused fire and go away with half shield still intact while we try to escape with 15% hull left…


On my ships: I got lvl 9 loyalty with all factions except Wardens where I have 8 + 30k points (of 129k) so I can use most of available MKIII modules on my ships, and have lvl 9 implants in Jericho and Federation and up to lvl 6 on Empire.  I am now using lasers (for versatility) even if I cannot have MKIII Ion emitters yet until I get to lvl 9 with wardens. Nor Ions or heavy blaster on my frigates either. But I use damage and crit damage modules where available and in general I get good (not optimal) results in therms of DPS. I was using MKIII Railguns and Gauss on fighters and Positron for my frigates but those weapons are rather useless: a) vs interceptors because of tracking and directionality of the target and b) vs frigates because overheat is too short (I run out of puff right when I’m about to get the kill). I’ve switched also from Fed ships (I had Anaconda, Anaconda-M, Kite) to Jericho ships (now have Crusader, Katana-S, Ricasso) and my survivality got slightly better.


As a side note, I’m able to equip T3 Experimental Emergency Shield Booster and T3 Experimental Pulsar on my Guard Frigates and the rest all MKIII modules but in no way if I’m attacked by 3 enemies at once Adaptive Shields (the one coming with Guards) and Booster + Pulsar (while shooting my attackers) will prevent my ship from exploding in 6 seconds and at max I will take 1 kill with me and assist on another.



Hi guys. Thank you all for your opinions on the matter. Where do I look for combat logs? I’ve seen it in chat tab but wouldn’t know where to look for a txt file to extract and post.


On the subject: I know that there are ships tanked to resist ridiculous amounts of a given damage type, I’ve seen it, I’ve fought them, I understand why is that. I have a friend who has an Emp engineer frigate that will laugh at all lasers as he can take ridiculous amounts of thermal damage without loosing half shield. To achieve this, he stacks thermal resists and allways has an experimental automated repair station nearby,… BUT! as soon as he gets attacked with kinetic damage or EM damage he blows out as made of paper… This is not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about T3 ships receiving ridiculous amounts of all of all 3 damage types  in focused fire and go away with half shield still intact while we try to escape with 15% hull left…


On my ships: I got lvl 9 loyalty with all factions except Wardens where I have 8 + 30k points (of 129k) so I can use most of available MKIII modules on my ships, and have lvl 9 implants in Jericho and Federation and up to lvl 6 on Empire.  I am now using lasers (for versatility) even if I cannot have MKIII Ion emitters yet until I get to lvl 9 with wardens. Nor Ions or heavy blaster on my frigates either. But I use damage and crit damage modules where available and in general I get good (not optimal) results in therms of DPS. I was using MKIII Railguns and Gauss on fighters and Positron for my frigates but those weapons are rather useless: a) vs interceptors because of tracking and directionality of the target and b) vs frigates because overheat is too short (I run out of puff right when I’m about to get the kill). I’ve switched also from Fed ships (I had Anaconda, Anaconda-M, Kite) to Jericho ships (now have Crusader, Katana-S, Ricasso) and my survivality got slightly better.


As a side note, I’m able to equip T3 Experimental Emergency Shield Booster and T3 Experimental Pulsar on my Guard Frigates and the rest all MKIII modules but in no way if I’m attacked by 3 enemies at once Adaptive Shields (the one coming with Guards) and Booster + Pulsar (while shooting my attackers) will prevent my ship from exploding in 6 seconds and at max I will take 1 kill with me and assist on another.



you have to remember that there are active modules that provides up to 70 resistances to shield or hull for 8 seconds, if the ship already tanked into resistances to all types of dmg activating these in combination with restoration modules (shield regen/hull regen)+ Engineer healing nearby on top of that can produce very noticeable dmg reduction. There are Command ship with diffusion shield, there are Guards that can be resistances tanked to ALL 3 types of dmg simultaneously)

there are Command auras providing extra 30 resistances to shield/hull to 3 types of dmg, tehre are Signature masking de buff from Guard that will reduce main weapon dmgs (all 3 sources) there are plenty of ways to reduce dmg taken. All of these can be stacked producing very tanky ships for some period of times.

C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\StarConflict\logs


There are just so many possible factors, logs can reveal a lot, especially if it’s a regular occurrence.  You must set cl_combatLog to 3 or 4 to get the information you need.

Thanks guys! will look into logs. It’s not regular it’s random and rare and very noticeable when it happens. But then again xKostyan (and his sing cannon Wolf-M of doom XD) has a strong point as there are so many factors involved. Odd thing is that when it happened to me it was  3v3 or 4 vs 4 games.





This is, like, the history of my Guard all over again.

Im guessing diffusion shields, or a buttload of survival/resitance modules… res builds…

Guards have Shield boosters that rep like 13 k shield slowly + an engi…yeah id say good luck killing one with just 3 ships