Endless PvE

There should be an endless option under the PvE launch tab that uses just a handfull of servers that constantly add and drop players in to a never-ending PvE match. Mode unlocks at Rank 6. Every 5 “waves”, there will be a boss with a small escort caravan that spawns.

The longer you stay in the match, the greater your rewards. You can actively participate in combat, or heal allies, or do side missions, or salvage enemy loot. Every ship will have cargo slots like in Open Space, and very occasionally an enemy will drop an interactible wreck that will yield some item. Generally secondary crafting materials, but rarely blueprints or ship parts. Once you grab some items, to send them home you need to fly through a cargo warp ring located somewhere around the map.

If you die, you are immediately sent back to the hangar to review your earnings. You can jump back in to battle right after if you want, but your earnings multiplier for time will reset.

Max players per endless server should be around 25 if possible. Maybe lower. Enemy spawns should scale with the number of players. Maybe 10 to start with, and +3 per player in the match. Enemies should spawn at least a certain distance from any player, and boss enemies should spawn as far away as possible or behind and object. Just for effect.

Boss enemies will drop several interactible items, but each player can only pick up two. (so one player can’t hog drops with fast ship) Boss drops are always from the rare or higher loot category. Boss kills grant lots of credits.

Random side missions will appear like “destroy station” or “pick up items” or “kill elite target” or things like in Ariadne’s Thread. Aliens should occasionally warp in and should always drop Iridium items. Standard enemies will have a great variety so that players never encounter the same thing twice. Maybe use all the stock enemies from all other modes, and also add randomized enemies that just have random builds. Also destroyers should spawn occasionally, and maybe even pirate cruisers.

One could think we have that, it’s called open space (with or with out station protection). But I see your point, maybe not easily to implement?

This is what I wanted Aridans Thread to be. This needs to implemented. 

12 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

There should be an endless option under the PvE launch tab that uses just a handfull of servers that constantly add and drop players in to a never-ending PvE match. Mode unlocks at Rank 6. Every 5 “waves”, there will be a boss with a small escort caravan that spawns.

The longer you stay in the match, the greater your rewards. You can actively participate in combat, or heal allies, or do side missions, or salvage enemy loot. Every ship will have cargo slots like in Open Space, and very occasionally an enemy will drop an interactible wreck that will yield some item. Generally secondary crafting materials, but rarely blueprints or ship parts. Once you grab some items, to send them home you need to fly through a cargo warp ring located somewhere around the map.

If you die, you are immediately sent back to the hangar to review your earnings. You can jump back in to battle right after if you want, but your earnings multiplier for time will reset.

Max players per endless server should be around 25 if possible. Maybe lower. Enemy spawns should scale with the number of players. Maybe 10 to start with, and +3 per player in the match. Enemies should spawn at least a certain distance from any player, and boss enemies should spawn as far away as possible or behind and object. Just for effect.

Boss enemies will drop several interactible items, but each player can only pick up two. (so one player can’t hog drops with fast ship) Boss drops are always from the rare or higher loot category. Boss kills grant lots of credits.

Random side missions will appear like “destroy station” or “pick up items” or “kill elite target” or things like in Ariadne’s Thread. Aliens should occasionally warp in and should always drop Iridium items. Standard enemies will have a great variety so that players never encounter the same thing twice. Maybe use all the stock enemies from all other modes, and also add randomized enemies that just have random builds. Also destroyers should spawn occasionally, and maybe even pirate cruisers.



 Like in Warframe?


You have waves on mission and after each fifth wave you can chose will you leave mission or continue.

Waves get harder and rewards get bigger.


Only that you propose that we get hot joining here but in my opinion it would be better without hot joining since this would rise some other questions.


14 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

There should be an endless option under the PvE launch tab that uses just a handfull of servers that constantly add and drop players in to a never-ending PvE match. Mode unlocks at Rank 6. Every 5 “waves”, there will be a boss with a small escort caravan that spawns.

The longer you stay in the match, the greater your rewards. You can actively participate in combat, or heal allies, or do side missions, or salvage enemy loot. Every ship will have cargo slots like in Open Space, and very occasionally an enemy will drop an interactible wreck that will yield some item. Generally secondary crafting materials, but rarely blueprints or ship parts. Once you grab some items, to send them home you need to fly through a cargo warp ring located somewhere around the map.

If you die, you are immediately sent back to the hangar to review your earnings. You can jump back in to battle right after if you want, but your earnings multiplier for time will reset.

Max players per endless server should be around 25 if possible. Maybe lower. Enemy spawns should scale with the number of players. Maybe 10 to start with, and +3 per player in the match. Enemies should spawn at least a certain distance from any player, and boss enemies should spawn as far away as possible or behind and object. Just for effect.

Boss enemies will drop several interactible items, but each player can only pick up two. (so one player can’t hog drops with fast ship) Boss drops are always from the rare or higher loot category. Boss kills grant lots of credits.

Random side missions will appear like “destroy station” or “pick up items” or “kill elite target” or things like in Ariadne’s Thread. Aliens should occasionally warp in and should always drop Iridium items. Standard enemies will have a great variety so that players never encounter the same thing twice. Maybe use all the stock enemies from all other modes, and also add randomized enemies that just have random builds. Also destroyers should spawn occasionally, and maybe even pirate cruisers.

Perhaps a revamp of OS would be easier and far more practic, we do have VAST options with OS although as is might not be as it should and/or to its true potential. We do have a wide variety of pve and that includes sp. ops. Perhaps some single missions in pve would interest some but at this point the Dev. Team really needs to focus on other burning issues.

On 20.2.2018 at 10:01 AM, ComWittman said:

Perhaps a revamp of OS would be easier and far more practic, we do have VAST options with OS although as is might not be as it should and/or to its true potential. We do have a wide variety of pve and that includes sp. ops. Perhaps some single missions in pve would interest some but at this point the Dev. Team really needs to focus on other burning issues.

If you can read between the lines – [link here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/36030-%E2%80%98scrapyard%E2%80%99-location-panorama/#comment-419886)and [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/36008-%E2%80%98captured-dreadnought%E2%80%99-panorama/) – you will notice that soke thing is coming up! Something with new factions, pirates and new galaxy sectors … My rough estimate is that the open space upgrade will come out mid to the end of March after fleet upgrade is complete … We will see ![:secret:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/secret.gif “:secret:”)

8 hours ago, ComWittman said:

Perhaps a revamp of OS would be easier and far more practic, we do have VAST options with OS although as is might not be as it should and/or to its true potential. We do have a wide variety of pve and that includes sp. ops. Perhaps some single missions in pve would interest some but at this point the Dev. Team really needs to focus on other burning issues.

Actually just based on what we have ingame now and what has been hinted at,the Dev’s already have ~90-95% of the things needed for this mode.  Defense Contract, Fire support, Ariadnes thread and OS have the spawning and loot mechanics down. All the new stuff to code is the launch stuff (which is not hard) and returning  to the hanger, increasing the max size of a wing to like 20 (which should be a thing already I mean come on). So this mode would not take that long to make.

It would certainly make credit grind a bit less dull. 

4-6man groups against endless hordes of AI with constant credit and synergy gain (or increasing gains as the levels increase)

yesterday I got a new icon for Iridium in loot after battle – it was not a green leaf any more, rather it resembled a kind of bronze ore nugget … the game is transforming, indeed …