Empire vs Federation Engineering t2/t3/t4

Hello everybody , I’m new in this game and I have some doubts , I liked the game style of engineering but I am in doubt About which Follow Path ( OR Empire federation ) knew that the Empire ships have a ludicrous defense but the federation have good hum offset. I wonder qua Most effective in Dar Support TO allies related to t2, t3 and t4 ranks. And what do to build a Better Survival and damage ? 

It is quite straight usually:


  • Empire: Slow moving healing bunker, great for static defence and small maps

  • Fed: Fast moving ambulance, good for combat groups, big maps and speed builds.


For random games, empire usually works best, but in squads, usually fed ones are better, because squads usually rely on fast ships to go for objectives.

In T2 doesn’t matter, but I find Alligator-M better than Hydra 2 due to fighter-like forward and rotation speeds. In T3 Styx vs Anaconda, Styx win for pub play, but its sturdy and cant really defend itself when enemy is too close. In t4 its rather balanced, you have snipy Garm, overtanky and sturdy Minotaur or very fast Grizzly and stronger healing Grizzly-M.

For random games, empire usually works best, but in squads, usually fed ones are better, because squads usually rely on fast ships to go for objectives.


That would be nice if half the squads you see out there weren’t frigballers with Styxes and Blood Tormentors.

Federation have slightly more hull then shields, but they have two shield slots and are faster. If you can make yourself energy stable, (more energy regen than afterburner usage) then you can use two Adaptive shields, that give a big bonus to hull AND shields, making them very tough and able to keep up with the team. The downside is you loose all that toughness when your team are just hiding behind a rock like often in Combat Recon. If you go adaptive shields, then you want Rotation modules in the engine slots so you can turn fast enough.


Grizzly-M is the best in the game for the above tactic.