Empire, Federation, Jericho, Alien Destroyer: Which one will you choose?

What Destroyer picks your interest the most?



What is that for a BS thread?
Sorry I have to ask, because we don’t know the details(at least me) about the other 2 or even about your mysterious alien one.

23 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

What is that for a BS thread?
Sorry I have to ask, because we don’t know the details(at least me) about the other 2 or even about your mysterious alien one.

Nah, I don’t know them as well, but some people already have their goal set on certain Destroyers, regardless of statistical views.

Hmm key.
I would say Fed, but with my lack of berry/electrum, none.
I’m not going to pump my resources into one I don’t like from the faction itself(jericho/empire) nor I know anything about the mythical 4th one.
I’m more generally pissed of the attitude for the current manufaction, the amount of resources needed and the lack of choices(fed special module for fed/jericho for jericho/empire for empire one)… That remove for me the fun.

10 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Hmm key.
I would say Fed, but with my lack of berry/electrum, none.
I’m not going to pump my resources into one I don’t like from the faction itself(jericho/empire) nor I know anything about the mythical 4th one.
I’m more generally pissed of the attitude for the current manufaction, the amount of resources needed and the lack of choices(fed special module for fed/jericho for jericho/empire for empire one)… That remove for me the fun.

I get your meaning. I prefer Federation, since I am affiliated with it. Will I get Sirius, when I clearly know, that’s it’s just not as good as the other two? Maybe, or maybe not.


I prefer to have at least one and get the rest for later.

All remaining resources are kept for the one that Developers are preparing (I am pretty certain, that I am right about this).

I always have some backup, just for such cases.


4th one will be different. Rank 15, with 10 slots. Characteristics are unknown. Affiliation is unknown. We can only speculate. 

 I think it may even use Alien crystals. It would make sense, but that would also mean another Destroyer structure blueprint.

We may need 360-720 Live Crystals for 3 such structures.

I am sure, that it might be a bit more expensive, due to one extra slot and one extra implant.

Doomb0t will not disappoint us, I just know it.


Electrum resource is clearly an issue now. Will it be used later, if 4th Destroyer will come? Most likely, it will.

So, if you don’t have enough resources right now for your first 3, you will be at least be able to get the 4th one.

If only the needed resources was not that high :/… 

About choosing the dessy i’m somehow more looking at he’s aspect but i’m more on empire dest than other due to his awesome strength in special ops and pve(where is use dessy mostly). After seeing the new empire dest i’ll go for jerry only because of the current look of it, I want my last destroyer to look realy nice, just hoping that we’ll not be disappointed on release of the jerry dessy

I already have Procyon and Antares, so I thought about getting the Sirius. But it is unlikely that I would get enough resources in time. I don’t like the looks of Sirius and I’m not a big fan of Jericho in general, so I will probably go with the Empire one. Or perhaps I’ll just get the Brave.

I’ve been too much in empire, time to switch to jericho this time, r14s gotta have some jericho style stats.

21 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

I’ve been too much in empire, time to switch to jericho this time, r14s gotta have some jericho style stats.

Same here ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Fed, because live fast and die young ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

15 minutes ago, Mecronmancer said:

Fed, because live fast and die young ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

That’s the spirit! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

I just decided to remind that we’re going to make a stream on Twitch about upcoming Jericho destroyer, for you to check it out before the patch)

5 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

That’s the spirit! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

I just decided to remind that we’re going to make a stream on Twitch about upcoming Jericho destroyer, for you to check it out before the patch)

No stream for Empire, so those who hesitate between Fed and Empire won’t know what to pick? 

Jericho hands down and hands up.

Also,when will the stream take place?

2 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

That’s the spirit! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

I just decided to remind that we’re going to make a stream on Twitch about upcoming Jericho destroyer, for you to check it out before the patch)

How about including the Empire one in the stream as well, so the undecided can choose before the chance to craft the Federation destroyer is gone?

Why are we talking factions if it is an “ALIEN” destroyer?

On 10/17/2016 at 5:59 PM, xKostyan said:

Why are we talking factions if it is an “ALIEN” destroyer?

Speculation at this point, but I personally think, that 4th faction is either affiliated with Aliens, or it’s something old, that’s new again…

3 hours ago, Koromac said:

Speculation at this point, but I personally think, that 4th faction is either affiliated with Aliens, or it’s something old, that’s new again…

Or Erydium, you know, the 4th biggest human faction and is super advertised by the new alien bases items event/destroyers. 

Especially when they are known for having higher technology (so a faction of SP ships I guess). 

48 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Or Erydium, you know, the 4th biggest human faction and is super advertised by the new alien bases items event/destroyers. 

Especially when they are known for having higher technology (so a faction of SP ships I guess). 

I am speculating, that Iridum may become the most precious resource and you will need it to construct such ships.