Emergency Repair Drone [module]

Name: Emergency Repair Drone

Type: Passive Hull Module for frigates and destroyers.

Tooltip: If hull falls below 50%, a sturdy repair drone is released that loosely follows around the user and repairs its hull and shields.

Healing: 250-500pts/s (both hull and shield)

Healing range: 300m

Drone durability: 8,000pts

Drone deployment recharge: 90 seconds

Due to a sheer volume of destroyers, putting anything not enchanting that is not a good idea, so you either put resists or you put volume backed up by another source of resists.


For frigates it is almost the same story, except that if you look at frigates that more or less have 1 slot to spare for something like this, they don’t really need such effect anyway

2 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Due to a sheer volume of destroyers, putting anything not enchanting that is not a good idea, so you either put resists or you put volume backed up by another source of resists.


For frigates it is almost the same story, except that if you look at frigates that more or less have 1 slot to spare for something like this, they don’t really need such effect anyway

True but it’s super hecking hard for either to find good healing these days. All engis go DPS or are entirely absent. And lots o people don’t want to be bothered to put on dedicated healing like slow af regen coating or wasteful repair drones

Guards have plenty of healing, classic engineers have plenty of healing, wazgot has some, LRFs avoid dmg and restore in bursts when needed, Dessies have drones in missile slot

3 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Guards have plenty of healing, classic engineers have plenty of healing, wazgot has some, LRFs avoid dmg and restore in bursts when needed, Dessies have drones in missile slot

Dessy repair drones are a joke. Yeah let’s sacrifice all possible chance at avoiding damage to -maybe- repair 1-2k damage before they pop. Real useful.

There is a saying “Oh so you want to climb a Christmas tree without pants and not to get your a$s scratched?”, meaning “yeah, i wanna stay way back covered by static shields and heal myself doing that” 

I’ll more likely see this one as a cpu slot

I think lack of regeneration ability is simple as ist is a feature theat destroyers need to be balanced. If you want to be able to regenerate the bigger part of your healthpool, you have to reduce your protection. that’s just reasonable.

I read these posts and complaints and suggestions and I think to myself … they all have one thing in common … WE NEED TEAMS TO PLAY TEAMS !!!… so this has been a theme for years now and its not changing … YES I agree that we need modules and modifiers that remove the need for teamwork on the battle field … sense its not there anyway and wont be there in the future we need the ships we fly to be self sustaining in all aspects …  cloaking , healing , tanking , auto-aiming , jumping , auto-escaping … I heard someone say this game is 80% PVP … maybe it used to be  but I seriously doubt it is now … with the introduction of Ellydium ships PVP became a one time thing for daily iridium … In fact most of the content has been abandon sense the Elly ships decimating PVP and trade system decimating GS rewards …  So what we really need are auto-sufficient ships for PVE which is the only content still played by most of the player base …  So YES I agree with you we need to abolish classes and make individual ships do all 10 class roles … like a minimum hull and shield of 50,000 and minimum hull and shield resistances of 150 and minimum speed and strafe of 300 … these would be base stats subject to modification … removal of diminishing returns … removal of limited firing arc (300RPM in a 360º arc ) just like the AI have

22 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Name: Emergency Repair Drone …

Tooltip: If hull falls below 50%, a sturdy repair drone is released that loosely follows around the user and repairs its hull and shields. …

Mustn’t be a drone, could just be an aura module

5 minutes ago, avarshina said:

Mustn’t be a drone, could just be an aura module

Drone can be shot down by enemy, and also keep healing more than a temporary aura. Say a basic buff was generated that healed this exact amount for 10 seconds once every 60. You’d heal only 5000pts.

Now as a drone, it can keep healing you until you are all fixed up, but if brought in to battle, it will be easily killed.