ellydium ship module ideas

so I was thinking about what the ellydium guard’s default special module would be when I thought of this:

Adrenal crystals

when activated causes your hull to regenerate X points every time an enemy comes into a certain range of the ship for the first time while the ability is active, in passive mode the ship’s hull would regenerate a bit for every enemy in the same range, activating the ability instantly drains a small bit of your hull

If you have any ideas for modules please suggest them

Okay but consider this:

Its a guard.


Where is its shield helping?

Maybe a good change to your idea would be to let it slowly siphon out shield volume and shield resistance per enemy within range, and when activated, it sucks hull too for a period of time.

17 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Okay but consider this:

Its a guard.


Where is its shield helping?

Maybe a good change to your idea would be to let it slowly siphon out shield volume and shield resistance per enemy within range, and when activated, it sucks hull too for a period of time.

good idea