"Ellydium Outposts"

A simple suggestion - all the original stations have their outposts enough far away from the docking point so that when players undock they don’t get shot at if they have negative karma. Now Theta gate is the only one that has outposts way too close to all entry points (the station gate and others as well) and the turrets have like 7k range atm and in frigates it is impossible to avoid these shots. 


I suggest the outposts themselves are moved a little bit further away from the gates and the turret range is decreased, so it equals the range of the original turrets / missile launchers.

well since this topic has fallen underneath the “recent activity” and “recent topics” I’m going to bump it, so it goes up again.

It’s under review ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

For me the outpost must be CLOSER to the stations. Sorry -karma player: Just die like any space pirate! Q.Q anywhere else.
-1 to this suggestion.

Unless I’m mistaken the outposts near gates mostly serve as giving fuel to the players. Maybe they should change them from being an outpost to a fuel station so it makes more sense and move the outposts further away like what’s being suggested here.

Theres soo much important stuff coming that i cant wait ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

It is just that immediately when you spawn, I already have rockets with rudiclous damage and range on me. If it wasn’t for the invincibility bonus, I would be insta dead.

One thing doesn’t make sense in this,if they are getting shot by the outposts,that are supposed to protect the station,why can they dock in the first place?See,if you would adress to that instead it would be simpler and it would make more sense…

53 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

One thing doesn’t make sense in this,if they are getting shot by the outposts,that are supposed to protect the station,why can they dock in the first place?See,if you would adress to that instead it would be simpler and it would make more sense…

are you being sarcastic or what? either way I don’t see it being funny

It didn’t have to be funny,does every statement that I make must have humorous relevance to you?Would you let a serial murderer enter a kindergarten,even if there are cops outside?Let’s face it,negative karma is pointless,and more of a bother than anything else,why go out of your way and accomplish that?

it stayed like that since the os wasn’t so pirate-proof. I mean, it was dun going outside, killing players that farm, like a real pirate, or killing them and gaining positive karma. Now its like a house with all those stupid baby-proof things…


Still doesn’t explain why a negative karma player should be attacked by turrets for no reason… I get that if you are criminal or sth., but what kind of fairness is it that you get beaten up by the police right when you get out of prison… 


I posted such a thread some time ago too, and I faced it and I didn’t care since, but why should I be automatically targeted by turrets which are op as well in comparison to the regular types when I undock? That is just stupid.

It’s not like they are using lasers,do some sick dodgez while you flying out with your pink cancer-carrier Jaguar.just a prank tho but go to hell still

Just now, xXThunderFlameXx said:

It’s not like they are using lasers,do some sick dodgez while you flying out with your pink cancer-carrier Jaguar.just a prank tho but go to hell still

I don’t own a jaguar


It seems like they are trying to send you a message…looks like it says… Oh - “AccessDenied” !

oh come on now rennie! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


its not like I was so bad at dodging that I would just get killed by them, its just that it bothers my soul. It is like that tormentor ship series battle icon that doesn’t exist and uses crusader series icon instead. It just bothers me, that all…

On 23.12.2016 at 9:38 PM, QACinnamonTroll said:

It is just that immediately when you spawn, I already have rockets with rudiclous damage and range on me. If it wasn’t for the invincibility bonus, I would be insta dead.

Vote to remove invincible bonus for criminals! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Serious saying: Get +karma and the problem solve itself.

So why is there negative karma at all? 


It all started with the crazy nerf that made all players invincible in the os. I know I can just reset the karma, but what is the point of having it then? 

Can we wait for the rework so we can see what happens with the -+karma players then?

Honestly for me I use SP cause I don’t want to be bothered by players in OS. I go out to accomplish a mission which in some cases can be difficult enough as it is. If I want to face off with players then I will do PvP. As far as negative karma I have thought about it myself so I can at least get the achievements which I would then turn off SP ofc. But currently I want full level 5 karma and I’m only at level 4 which is probably double the amount to get to 5.

1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:


500 000 points for something that has yet to be useful ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)