Ellydium Hard mission



Let’s consider being lucky and getting on average 7k eff points in Pirate raid pve which takes ~15min. With those assumptions finishing this mission would take over 7h of gameplay (+ queue time). So if one’s lucky finishing this mission will take 8h.


It’s impossible to make them daily unless you consider SC a job.

welcome to the real world where free to play doesn’t exsist

No log - No bug!  ![:yes_yes_yes:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/yes_yes_yes.gif “:yes_yes_yes:”)

6 hours ago, SuDoKu said:

No log - No bug!  ![:yes_yes_yes:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/yes_yes_yes.gif “:yes_yes_yes:”)

Im just going to start attaching my most recent logs to every post I make just so you and like parties can’t say that.

There is a considerable difference between a bug and a problem. This is a problem.

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Im just going to start attaching my most recent logs to every post I make just so you and like parties can’t say that.

There is a considerable difference between a bug and a problem. This is a problem.

I’m sorry! It was a bad joke. A few days ago I wrote an obvious problem: Low-ranking players were unable to succeed in doing Sokal’s Ice Belt and Pirate Fort Raid missions. Skula1975 closed the post on how to make a bug report.

Of course, this is also an “impossible” mission.

Seems like a hard mission to me…

5 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Seems like a hard mission to me…

Seems like a weekly mission for average player if all such player does is 1h of pirate pve/day…

1 hour ago, Tillowaty said:

Seems like a weekly mission for average player if all such player does is 1h of pirate pve/day…


 seems like SC doesnt want us to get the new ships faster than they can design them to me… max rank 8 for  ??? a few weeks  a month … 2 months  ???

Thx for a fix, I guess.