elite ships

Was not Elite Ships supposed to give off 10 precent free synergy?


didn’t it do that earlier? and normal ones did 5 precent. now its all 5 precent and premium ships 20. hmm? did i miss something in some patch? 


edit : since ppl say its 10 precent and cant listen to what i say.




and the match stright after. here u see my inquisitor AE is fully lvled upp.


and here. you see i gain 5 precent after battle.





im supposed to get 3737 synergy from that match. if it was 10 precent.


but its 5 precent. 




i now have 223 017 free synergy. = +2010 synergy.  not 1868 and im supposed to get 3737. 

Elite ships earn double synergy. Since you’re such a math buff you’ll figure it out. :wink:

5+5=  55?   ;)wt

it says 5

uhm, its taken away where its described it gives another +5 precent


come with the damn screenshots where on the entire ships and or what so ever it says 10 precent now.


it says 5 precent nomatter if its maxed out or not. i got 15 million “syrplus synergy” so i think i know.

uhm, its taken away where its described it gives another +5 precent


come with the damn screenshots where on the entire ships and or what so ever it says 10 precent now.


it says 5 precent nomatter if its maxed out or not. i got 15 million “syrplus synergy” so i think i know.

it has been proven many times that what you think is rarely what it is.

if you read on first post. i said i currently had 223 017 synergy. here.





and after 1 match…




Thats 5 precent, NOT 10. clearly it gave 1539 free synergy out from 30 789. i should had 3078 free synergy.

I can’t see anywhere that Elite ships give 10% synergy.

Well, im not sure i can make it more simple for him, but ill try:


Normal ships (ships that are NOT premiums) get 5% free synergy. Calm down, breathe, follow my reasoning.


Now, when you make it ELITE, it gets double synergy (my english sux i know, but try to follow up).


So, lets use an illustration here to make things easy:



Lets say that BEFORE you elite the ship, it earned 100 synergy points, and an extra 5 points of free syn.


But when it is elited, instead of earning only the 100 syn points, you get 200, then, you get 10 points of free syn.


Now, lets compare:


5(the amount you gained before) x 2 = 10


Which means that you get now 10% of free syn from it when compared to when it wasnt elite, not that you will earn 10% of the double syn you get from the elite ship.




I can’t see anywhere that Elite ships give 10% synergy.


Well, i noticed first on my phobos when i was leveling it. On matches that i did like 10 kills and some assists and objectives i got 15k syn, and after the ship was elited i started to get huge amounts, about twice as much, always thought it was some bug or something made to increase the build up of locked syn on the ships so ppl would spend more GS to transform to free syn, but i guess it is working as intended.

yea okay. makes sence.


but i believe it actually said before under ship spec. Elite Ship : Generates 10 precent free synergy.


why was this removed. 

I also heard that they generated 10% but never read it in game so…

I also heard that they generated 10% but never read it in game so…


They dont generate 10% when elite, they increase to 10% gain by trolling and doubling its syn gain, and ppl suddenly starts to think that because he got elite ship they got better at the battles, since they get a TON of syn. kkkkkkkkkkk

I can’t see anywhere that Elite ships give 10% synergy.

It was a stealth nerf that the devs have yet to admit to.  For a while, elite ships did earn 10% free synergy.  I forget which patch, but it wasn’t explained on the Russian forums or the English forums and I asked specifically about it.
