Efficiency of ship resists



As an Eve player, I love stats-pr0n, so I’m very happy of the new feature that show all stats of ships.


but I can’t figure out something, how resist works ?


Got a ship with 50 EM Resistance, cool story, but in facts, whats does it mean ?

Hello Kee, The Equation is as follows (Modified)

1 / (R+100) * Damage = DR% 


So if you are hit for X Take out the DR% Ie if damage is 1000 and your findings are 800

then 1000-800


R= Resistance

Thanks for your response.


I just try your equation and I found some strange results.


Lets try something


I have a ship with guns dealing 360 dps each, so 360 + 6 (it’s a frigate) so 2160dps


Let’s take a basic target , a Jericho frigate with -5 in EM Resist



So :


 ( 1 / ( -5 + 100 ) ) x  2160 = DR%


 ( 1 / 95   ) x  2160 = DR%


  0,0105 26… x 2160 = DR%


So DR% = 22.74


Ok, This mean (as I understand it) that I’ll will inflict … hum … 2273.68 Dmg ? Or 22% of 2160? or …

Your understanding of the weapons is not correct.


The equation to weapons is


Gun Amount* (Impact * Rate of Fire) /60 / Gun Amount 




6* (150 * 200) / 60 / 6



The damage is the amount of damage reduced, if that weapon fires for that dps rate.

 Then you will take the DPS and Factor that Damage amount


For Example

If your Dps is 360, and you shoot for 60 seconds, you do 21600 damage.

If you reduced it by 2180 damage, then you will factor out how much damage reduction you had from that.

should be around 10% Dr.

So, I try again =)




For a frigate with Heavy Lasers T3Mk3    -  360 per shot - 60 shot / min 


6 x ( 360 x 60 ) / 60 / 6


6 x 21600 / 60 / 6


1 296 000 / 60 / 6


21 600 / 6


I obtain 3600 for Damage, isn’t it ?



I take back the previous equation, with a Jericho frigate with 0 in EM Resist



 ( 1 / ( 0 + 100 ) ) x  3600 = DR%


 ( 1 / 100   ) x  3600 = DR%


  0,01 x 3600 = DR%


So DR% = 36


But again, and I’m sorry to make you repeat, what’s does this number mean ?


Seriously, a % way for resistances would have been much simpler (eve ftw)


Again sorry to insist.

Weapon damage is not based on DPS


Dps is factored by the equation i gave you.


Weapon number *Impact * Rate of fire / 60 (60 seconds into a minute) / weapon number


Frigate = 6 guns, Attackship 4 guns, interceptor 2.8 guns.



6 * 360 (impact) * 60 (rate of fire) / 60 / 6 = 360DPS



360*60=21600 damage



Resistance Equation


1 / (R +100) * 100%


In general resistance is something like this (Guestamate)

(Resistance Amoun) (Damage Reduction)

120 = 20% Dr

140= 30% Dr

160 = 35% Dr

180= 45% Dr

200 = 55% Dr

220= 65% Dr

240 = 75% Dr

I apreciate your help but …


This don’t have any more sens.


In one side, you have a equation that gives us a damage quantity for 1 minute (meh!), in the other side, we have a equation that should give us a % resistance for the said “damage quantity”


Is there not a Wiki or something that just expose and explain all the stuff ?



I’m always asking myself with this should be so complicated.

Hm, i always thought this was totally different Oo

I thought it was like 5 resist (not 5%, just 5 resist) lowers incoming damage by - obviously - 5 points. Not per second/minutes or whatever but per hit.


But hey, why not add me ingame and test for ourselves, unless there´s a dev coming and explaining it in detail, we might be guessing forever.

maybe i’m a moron but how the hell u get form this:

1 / (R +100) * 100%

to this:

120 = 20% Dr
140=  30% Dr


The firs one shows that the more res u have the less your DR% (damage res. %?) because the R is in the denominator.


DPS= damage per sec = base dmg (impact) * how many gun * how many times can shoot in a min / 60 (to get it in sec)

the ingame tooltip may shows the dps for 1 gun so its = base dmg (impact) * RoF in 1/min / 60

basically to start 1 resist is 1 % then after a while it go’s down


like this

resist - DR

1 - 1

1 - 1

1 - 0.9

1 - 0.8

1 - 0.7

1 - 0.6


and so on.

Firstly I need to say that, Im not sure if this is a correct way to calculate your ships damage reduction, but this makes a sense for me :what:


Hello Kee, The Equation is as follows (Modified)

1 / (R+100) * Damage = DR% 


I think that should be like 1 / (R+100) * DMG * 100 = Damage what we will suffer after resisted portion of it.


For dmg u can use what ever u want, let’s say that dmg is 2000 and our resist is 40. So

1 / (40+100) * 2000 * 100 = 1428.57 ← damage what is left after we resisted.


If we wanna calculate DR%, we need to take the dmg what was resisted so 2000 - 1428,57 = 571.43

Then calculate percent for that 571,43 * 100 / 2000 = 28.57%


I hope this is the way how resists works in Star Conflict :smoke:

Frieze, your interpretation seems legit, but a confirmation by a dev (or a modo) would be really apreciated.

i gave the equation many posts ago.


our corp uses a refined version


100 / (R+100) * DPS


However the equation provided by the devs is


1 / (R+100)*Dmg

Hello Kee, The Equation is as follows (Modified)

1 / (R+100) * Damage = DR% 


So if you are hit for X Take out the DR% Ie if damage is 1000 and your findings are 800

then 1000-800


R= Resistance


This equation makes no sense, the higher your resist the less effective it is?


Resistance of 50






(Rounded up) 3%



Resistance of 100





(Rounded up) 2%


And say the equation did go the right way round, these are piss poor percentages and not worth the module slots.

Why then the game dont show your resistence in %? Is more easy for everyone

This equation makes no sense, the higher your resist the less effective it is?

Yes, that is correct other wise you would have the situation of


1 R = 1%

30 (Skill) 9 (skill) 55 (Mod) 45 (mod) 45 (Mod) 20 (Mod) being well over 100% DR.

So hince degrading of 1 resist to 0.02 resist = 1% dr.


Resistance of 50






(Rounded up) 3%



Resistance of 100





(Rounded up) 2%


And say the equation did go the right way round, these are piss poor percentages and not worth the module slots.


Don’t forget the ship has resistance also. But  in general you want around 240-260 resistance to fully tank (that includes skills etc) which i have found is easy for hull, and moderately hard for shielding.

Formular for Damage after Resistances:


R = Resistance in Units

dps = Damage per second of Weapon

dhp = Damage per hit of Weapon

Turrets = amount of Turrets on ship (2//4//6)

XX = other damage modifications (e.g. 5% more damage)


(1/( R +100)\ *dps / dph )\ *Turrets *( XX /100+1)*100 = Damage after resis



Example with 100dps , 200 Units Resistances , 5% modification of damage , Frigate ( 6 Turrets )



(1/( 200 +100)\ *100dps )\ *6 *( 5 /100+1)*100 = 210 Damage per second



0 Units of Resistance:



(1/( 0 +100)\ *100dps )\ *6 *( 5 /100+1)*100 = 630 Damage per second




You can also think this way: 1 Units adds 1% of max health as bonus. 200Units will add 200% of health.


Health +( Resistance /100\ *Health ) = Theoretical HP


From this Theoretical HP every Damagevalue is calculated. But only “Real HP” are displayed. This way we can run displayed dps for survival calculations. You can reduce incomming dps by regeneration.


I’ll take a T2mk3 Shieldgenerator from the Frigate.


128Shield/s +( 200Units /100\ *128Shield/s ) = _ 384Shield/s Theoretical _


630 Damage per second - _ 384Shield/s Theoretical _  = 246 Damage per second remains




This leads to the fact that high resis and high regen/s will make a ship extremly tanky!

just to add, basically 1 point of resistance is equal to 1% more hp


you shouldn’t think of it in damage reduction percent terms because it isn’t easily understood that way.


1% damage reduction is not always equal 


that is to say 


if enemy damage == 100

your hp == 100

then they will kill you in 1 hit with no resistance


if your resistance is 50% then it will take twice as long. they’ll only do 50 damage after resistance so going from 0% to 50% damage reduction

you’ll go from 1 to 2 hits to kill


if your resistance goes not from 0 to 50% but 50 to 99% well 99% damage reduction means each hit does 1 damage and it’ll take 100 hits to kill you

the first 50% added 1 shot to kill you the next 49% added 98 more.



100 resist = 50% damage reduction or 100% more life

200 resist = 66% damage reduction or 200% more life

300 resist = 75% damage reduction or 300% more life

400 resist = 80% damage reduction or 400% more life 


now the important thing about resists is that 10% more shields IS NOT AS GOOD as 10 resistance

thats because of regeneration, both naturally and through tactical skills


if you add 100% to your shields you can now take 100% more points of damage wtih no resist

if you heal for 100 you can take 100 more points of damage


if you add 100 to your resist  you can now take 100% more points of damage because each shot does less so its the same with less value.

if you heal for 100 yu can take 200 MORE POINTS OF DAMAGE because each point you healed for stops more than 1 point of damage due to resistance.