Effectiveness is a key to victory! (GMs vs Pilots skirmish results)



The Command has issued an order to promote effeciency among pilots in battles! Recently, Command’s representatives have assessed battle performances in 4 skirmishes!

Here is the list of the most efficient pilots:


  1. Ravender, The Wolf Pack, 1694 efficiency points 

  2. MindGhost, The DNO Inc., 1534 efficiency points 

  3. SoulSun, barbarians, 1484 efficiency points

  4. Kipps, The Wolf Pack, 840 efficiency points

As a reward, these pilots will recieve 250 Galactic Standards!

Be efficient - stay alive for the next battle!





How is it fair to take in consideration the efficiency points?


  1. Pick a command.

  2. Active command modules.

  3. Aave 100% of the assits of the game ever if you don’t move a finger.

  4. ???

  5. Profit.


some ships get more efficiency points just because their huge AoE modules, while other ships are designed to take single targets…


Anyway I like this kind of unofficial events to promote nice games with some sweet rewards.

No idea what this is about but grats on getting GS for losing some battles I guess (wtf?). Except Kipps who kept ECM’ing me earlier. :smiley: j/k

:smiley: this is nice

No idea what this is about but grats on getting GS for losing some battles I guess (wtf?). Except Kipps who kept ECM’ing me earlier. :smiley: j/k


Someone told me to ECm you constantly so I did :yes_yes:


GG GM’s - Didnt even realise there was a prize or anything, so thank you very much :lol:  Time to waste it all on 30% chances for purples !

Someone told me to ECm you constantly so I did :yes_yes:


GG GM’s - Didnt even realise there was a prize or anything, so thank you very much :lol:  Time to waste it all on 30% chances for purples !


Paint your ships you cheap bastar d :stuck_out_tongue:

Good Point Sir ! (Although I dont think its enough to do one ship permanently :frowning: )

Good Point Sir ! (Although I dont think its enough to do one ship permanently :frowning: )


make your ships all yellow red and orange so i can aim better at you next time 

Someone told me to ECM you constantly so I did :yes_yes:

Tell semTex to put guns on his Styx next time so he doesn’t need you for it. :lol:

make your ships all yellow red and orange so i can aim better at you next time


Guns!? who need guns?


a sweet digest of my yesterdays combat log:


20:26:38.949 CMBT   | Killed semTex -> Snib ; totalDamage 3899.10; Weapon_Plasmagun_Sniper_T3_Mk3 

20:26:38.949 CMBT   |   Assisted Ravender assisted to semTex -> Snib; totalDamage 0.00;  <buff>

20:26:38.949 CMBT   |   Assisted grigoriu67rus assisted to semTex -> Snib; totalDamage 1308.00; Weapon_Plasmagun_Basic_T3_Epic <debuff>

20:26:38.956 CMBT   | semTex earned medal ‘Ram_0’ (100 experience)

20:26:38.956 CMBT   | semTex earned medal ‘Close_Call_0’ (100 experience)

20:26:38.956 CMBT   |           semTex reward 570 experience for kill Snib

20:26:38.956 CMBT   |           semTex reward 100 effective points for kill Snib


as you see: no need for any ecm!  :kamikadze:

Pretty sure I had ECM on me before that death. :wink: Also I blame lag for that glorious crash, haha. Love you guys. <3

GG GM’s - Didnt even realise there was a prize or anything, so thank you very much  Time to waste it all on 30% chances for purples !

Sooo… Just the one. That you won’t get.

Grats on your 1 free emblem or color for your favorite ships :wink:

How is it fair to take in consideration the efficiency points?


  1. Pick a command.

  2. Active command modules.

  3. Aave 100% of the assits of the game ever if you don’t move a finger.

  4. ???

  5. Profit.


some ships get more efficiency points just because their huge AoE modules, while other ships are designed to take single targets…


Anyway I like this kind of unofficial events to promote nice games with some sweet rewards.


Ravender is an interceptor pilot. And a damned good one.

How is it fair to take in consideration the efficiency points?


  1. Pick a command.

  2. Active command modules.

  3. Aave 100% of the assits of the game ever if you don’t move a finger.

  4. ???

  5. Profit.


some ships get more efficiency points just because their huge AoE modules, while other ships are designed to take single targets…

Ravender is an interceptor pilot. And a damned good one.

Interceptors can get massive efficiency scores too. I, for one, was piloting a Recon for 3 of the 4 matches. :]

Interceptors can get massive efficiency scores too. I, for one, was piloting a Recon for 3 of the 4 matches. :]


But with a ceptor you need to participate a lot to get a lot of score, while with a command you just fly and derp around and that’s it.

But with a ceptor you need to participate a lot to get a lot of score, while with a command you just fly and derp around and that’s it.

What the problem is? As an interceptor I love commands derping around, providing me with tasty buffs. Same as I’ll kill for an engineer derping around, providing me with buffs. These ships are force multipliers, why shouldn’t they get synergy for doing exactly what they were built to do? I don’t get it…