Effectiveness in PvP - How does it work?

I honestly don’t know what I’m doing wrong, I’m fighting my behind off, don’t die, have many kills and end up among the last places. Just now we had a 8vs8 Team Battle in T4, had the 2nd highest kill score with 8, highest was 9 while most had 1-4 kills and I died only once in the whole battle. I distributed a lot of Spy Drones and got 10 assists - but ended up 2nd last. Can someone explain to me what I’m doing wrong, what do I have todo to get a higher place in the rating at the end of the battle? I would think that not dying and killing alot should be the main goal in team battle, but appearently it isn’t. The feeling of having worked hard for nothing according to the game kinda sucks.

Efficiency granted for certain actions and it has priorities, meaning if you perform multiple actions to the target for certain amount it does not mean it will adds up, but it will be overwrite by value of higher priority. For example:

You spy drone some one, do no dmg to that target, it is dead by other means - you get “Debuff Assist”, I think it is value of 40 Eff.

Now if you spy drone some one, and just scratch it for 1 % of hp, you will be granted “DMG assist”, since that property higher priority, but it does not necessary mean you will get more efficiency form that, cause 1% of dmg would be equal to something like 5 Eff points.


  • There are Buff assists, Debuff assists and DMG assists

  • There are “Last hit” - the one who did last dmg to kill the target is granted the kill

  • There are objectives caps - caping beacons, killing captain, surviving as captain, pick up bomb, plant bomb (in your case team battle, so none of these applies)

  • Dying does NOT directly affect efficiency score (indirect effect is that you stay out of the battle longer, meaning your participation is lower)


All of these can be done to targets and targets in proximity of an objective, later give more, like killing some one capping a beacon or holding a bomb.


Regarding your situation:

Each kill has certain value of efficiency, that is distributed between all participants, and each portion is heavily dependant on amount of dmg every one did to make this kill happen. Plus there is extra value for getting a kill.


So for example there are 2 of you killing some one, you did 1% of dmg but got the kill count, some one else did 99% of dmg, but did not get the last dmg in, so he got DMG assist, you will get about 40-50 Eff points, while the other pilot will get 120~130 points.


I do not remember exact numbers though, but amount of dmg done to make a kill is a big part of your score (considering that was a team battle that is is pretty much the major eff mod). 

Most likely other did much more dmg to those targets that got killed, so they got more score.

Thank you xKostyan for the comprehensiv explaination, this sums it up pretty much. After I wrote the post I’ve read in a tooltip of a loganalyzer that the points for a kill are shared among the ones who dealt damage to the target. I was thinking that it’s simpler, something along the line of “assist gives 50 points, kill gives 100” which apperently is not the case.


In other words I should focus on a single target that is mine alone instead of meddling in the affairs of others so to speak. I will keep that in mind :wink:

Quick reminder: By default it will tell you how many points you get when you kill someone. Example: “Damage Assist 100” would give you 100 points.

In the match, focus on how to win the game and not on how to much as much efficiency as possible, because if you win you still get more rewards even if you are mid eff score, than if you lose as a top scorer. And at some point when you learn how to be the major contributor to the win of your match, you will notice that efficiency is almost always there for you too.

I always focus on the main goal (except for Cosmonerd achievement :D) and thought I was doing this in Team Battle too. Many kills were like: Teammember is hunting an Interceptor around and around and can not kill him, I come in with my ECM, stun the target and fire a missle into it’s rear, enemy is dead. I get the kill and the score for our team but the other Teammember gets the points. 


It goes the other way around too, especially when I’m in my Recon I often bring down the target to 20-40% Hull but do not get the kill only an assist. But if I remember correctly my rating was better in those instances, which would follow what you explained. What I don’t get is why people (again, only in TB) who have less killes AND assists have a higher eff. rating than I, like in the match yesterday. This makes little sense to me.


But yes this problem is only in TB, on beacon modes I am often among the top three pilots simply because I focus on capturing, defending and re-capturing beacons first, kills second.

hull + shield = 100%/100pts

when you kill target it’s x1,5

so let’s say someone dealt 98% dmg and you got kill after dealing 2% dmg >> other guy will get 98pts eff, you’ll get 3pts

hull + shield = 100%/100pts

when you kill target it’s x1,5

so let’s say someone dealt 98% dmg and you got kill after dealing 2% dmg >> other guy will get 98pts eff, you’ll get 3pts

no, there is extra effisiency for getting a kill, if you kill a target 100 to 0 alone you get 150 points

no, there is extra effisiency for getting a kill, if you kill a target 100 to 0 alone you get 150 points

that’s why pplz call me John Snow!

I have no idea who that is, but ok  :005j:

I have no idea who that is, but ok  :005j:


:005j:  :005j: