[ECONOMY] Salvaging

T3 mk2 upgrade kits:



Energy recuperation system: 2x metal blank

EM diffuser: 2x pure silicon

Auxilliery shield projector: 2x pure silicon

Asynchronous shield projector: 2x pure silicon

Shield projection splitter: 2x pure silicon



Thermal insulator: 2x metal blank

EM insulation: 2x pure silicon

Improved missile pylons: 2x metal blank

Reinforced beams: 2x metal blank

Regenerative coating: 2x pure silicon

Galvanized armor: 2x pure silicon



Iridium heatsink: 2x pure silicon

Emergency barrier: 2x pure silicon

Acceleration coils: 2x metal blank

Pulse discharger: 2x metal blank

Power unit conduit: 2x pure silicon



Horizon module: 2x metal blank

Proton wall system: 2x metal blank

Enhanced scanner: 2x metal blank

Infrared scanner: 2x metal blank



Vernier engines: 2x pure silicon

Time to waste a lot of credits in the name of metal blanks. :012j:

T3 mk2 upgrade kits:

T3 mk2 upgrade kits:


I’m surprised that everything in T3 are Metal blanksand Pure silicon  :008j:

But thanks a lot for that long list, it helps  :rudolf:

Hi guys, not knowing that there is already a thread, I have started to assemble a table on this.


It is located here and is fully open for editing. Maybe someone would like to add the results in there, so one can easily sort and search




happy hunting, brainzzzzz

Hi guys, not knowing that there is already a thread, I have started to assemble a table on this.


It is located here and is fully open for editing. Maybe someone would like to add the results in there, so one can easily sort and search




happy hunting, brainzzzzz

Neato! I rearranged (and nearly messed up the filters by doing so) the columns so that tier is first, deleted the redundant rows 2-5 and expanded row 1 to make room for the picture, recoloured the artifacts column to reflect that they only come from mk4. stuff and the tier column to make it easier to spot what everything is by tier rather than just mark, changed all zeros to -'s, rearranged a few things so that there is consistently more “item 1” than “item 2”,  renamed all “computer chips” to “computing chips”, and added all the T1 mk.2 things in the OP.


I gather from some of the sheet names that you speak German natively, which is entirely unrelated to the rest of this post, but neat. If I were a certain German forum moderator, I’d totally try to induct you into my corporation, but naaaaaah.

Why is that when you salvage one of these weapons you get ALOT less then when you create\manufactor  a weapon as you have to have alot more components  ( specifically Alien Crystals)


I can understand getting somewhat less… but there is a VAST difference .

Rev up those shield mods, we’re scrounging for graphite plates!

Salvaged a whole lot of kits and duplicates of higher tier ones.


CC = Computing Chip, Si = Silicon, MB = Metal Blank, Os = Osmium


T1 and T2 purple kits give 2x [MB or Si] and 1x [MB or Si].  (With petty artifacts)

T1 and T2 green kits give 1 or 2 of MB or Si.


T3 green kits 2 of MB or Si.


T3 purple kits: (with minor artifacts 11, 15, 22)


Nano Cloud:       CC[3] + Si[4]

IR Pulsar:           CC[3] + Si[4]

EM Ins Hull:       CC[3] + Si[4]

Vernier Engines:CC[3] + Si[4]


T4 Purple Kits: (Receive 15 or 21 or 30 artifacts depending on Passive Mod, Active Mod or Weapon)


RF Blaster                                  CC[5] + Si[6]

Nanodrone CLoud                     Processing Block [3]

Missile Shield                            Processing Block [3]

Repair Kit M                              Screened Battery [2] 

Coating Polariser                      Processing Block [3]

Auto Charging Station              MB [6] + Os [5]

Emergency Shield Boost          CC[5] + Si[6]

Liquid Metal                              MB [6] + Os [5]

Aiming Overcharge                   CC[5] + Si[6]

Engine Overcharge                   MB [6] + Os [5]

Tachyon Charge                       MB [6] + Os [5]

Vernier Engines                        MB [6] + Os [5]

Asynchronous SHield               Screened Battery [2] 

Lightweight Hull                        Screened Battery [2] 

Target Tracking Coprocessor   CC[5] + Si[6]

Armour Plated Hull                   CC[5] + Si[6]


T5 purple Kits: (With 18, 27 or 36 artifacts)


Submatter shield                       Screened Battery [3] + Os [6]


If I knew about the kits and salvaged them before I could have saved a few (lots) on the self destruct modules but oh well :slight_smile: Now I need osmium and graphite and the monocrystals.

Added, thank you Rennie!

T5 Mk2 Passive Armour is now giving  x5 Computing Chip, x5 Metal Blank


I’m wondering what else has changed now in the last patch, and I need to find myself a new cheap source of Graphite Plates. Any ideas what is the cheapest after this change? Cos it’s gonna start getting expensive paying 1 million credits for two Plates…

A lot of stuff has changed, my list is pretty much ruined. I don’t know why they did this.

Because it’s clear the Devs do not like us figuring out what works best to get the craftable ships.

T5 Mk2 Passive Armour is now giving  x5 Computing Chip, x5 Metal Blank


I’m wondering what else has changed now in the last patch, and I need to find myself a new cheap source of Graphite Plates. Any ideas what is the cheapest after this change? Cos it’s gonna start getting expensive paying 1 million credits for two Plates…


Self destruct T5 Mk2  now gives 3 pure silicon and 2 graphite lates.

Not so bad…

Self destruct T5 Mk2  now gives 3 pure silicon and 2 graphite lates.

Not so bad…

Awesome thanks! So it seems they just switched the loot dropped by Self Destruct and Passive Armour or something

Just added those 2 kits to the google doc list


IV mk4 Kit for Plasma Gun, 30 artifacts, 5 Computing chips, 6 Pure silicon

V mk4 Kit for Heavy Blaster, 36 artifacts, 3 Screened battery, 6 Osmium crystals



Edit: I added 3 columns to the google doc list, the MkI price, the MkII upgrade price and the Total price. Might be useful to find the cheapest options… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We need prices on these. I’m looking for the cheapest graphite plate salvage.

*and computing chips

I just tried self destruct and it gives 5 Comp Chips and 5 Metal Blanks like before…

EM insulation (hull) is still ok…


EDiT: Inertial Stabiliser gives 2 Graphite, 3 Metal Blanks and it is the same price and the Enhanced Scanner. Only difference is metal blanks instead of silicon, but I have loads of silicon :slight_smile:

So basically, none of the information in the original post is correct anymore?

So basically, none of the information in the original post is correct anymore?


I don’t think so because it has been changing a couple of times since I decided to make the thread.