ecm cooldowns is too fast
its too overpowered
first stun enemy for 8 second so he cant shot
then stun him for 4 second when he try to run away and watch him crash into a rock
then take hes energy if he doesn’t crash, no way to heal or run or anything
usually its multiple ppl shoting you wich is where its overpowered as hell
if you get problems just press F and watch cooldowns go down and ready to use almost instantly
only Aces who cant fight and is scared to die uses this ship.
the cooldowns on each module is to low. it should be higher.
and when you use F, you can heal pretty good if there is healer around. it also stuns everyone around user for 2 seconds meaning the enemy team can attack them even more
its just
the worst ship i’ve ever seen in the entire game when it comes to team games, like 4v4 groups or bigger games, if there is a gunship or long range or anything shoting you, and a ecm comes around stunning you
then you are dead.
its the worst and most overpowered thing inside this game. it might be boring to use cause you wont get tonnes of kills with it. but you will barely Ever die and will most likely win ur matches.
fix the cooldowns, otherwise this game is totally unbalanced.